A Blue Echo







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About A Sublime Detour

Excerpt from Chapter One

Excerpt from Chapter Eight

A Blue Echo


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The voices in my head were all my friends, except for the few that were filthy. I found my voices to be quite entertaining. Most people think that hearing voices is the worst part about having schizophrenia or a related disorder, but the depression, apathy, and general 'flat' feeling that precede and follow each period of psychosis is much worse than the actual voices. I wrote this poem about a period, when 'I lived a life with naught but a feeling of emptiness lingering inside of me.'



Every note of passion in my soul,
Died in a melancholy refrain.
This heart of mine, once pumped up, inspired to inflate,
And trumpeted by the breath of fate,
A blue echo resounds throughout the hole
Inside; it is the lone remain.

















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