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TruLife_Im Amish&Gay
Wednesday, 6 October 2004
Mood:  smelly
I almost forgot and I should be punished for this sin but I beheaded my Ferdi today for his assitance in the Jebi Massacre. Oh ferdi made a lovely stew but he was a great friend, my only true friend Ah, and Jebi my lover of course. Oh I twill remember thee always, you had the biggest "hoochie-cha-cha" i know, Ferdi.

Posted by creep/amishgaysunite at 6:27 PM EDT
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Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Nothing you Goose
Ah I am horribly upset because my dearest Jebi has passed on to the greater power. It has been a sad day and I will tell you all about it. It was early morning and I was in the chicken coop scraping the poop when Jebi boy came in and surprised me. Oh I was overjoyed and the sight of his boyish yet hairy face. He then proceeded to "churn my butter" if you catch my subtle hint. But during our time together we startled the chicken quite very much and they attacked for Jebi, yes indeed indeed. They ripped out his eyes first quite a unsettling sight. Then they nibble off "Samuel" (my pet name for his hoochie-cha-cha)and then they just ripped him apart. Me on the other hand stood outside and threw pebbles inside and the chickens those devils on earth but I think it only made them madder. Please help me out and give me some advice and help me find a new Jebi lad.
your for forever and a day, Ezekial

Posted by creep/amishgaysunite at 6:24 PM EDT
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Monday, 23 August 2004
My Entry the Second.
Mood:  flirty
Topic: A New Boy?
Today I am such the happiest of moods! A new lad came to town selling large melons. As we welcomed him into our home I began to have "impure" thoughts about his "massive" "caboose". Is this wrong of me? I should be stripped and whipped for this crime as my mother would say, or does she just like being a dominatrix? Confusing ideas for the day. Thank you. Please respond and help me out.

Posted by creep/amishgaysunite at 1:44 PM EDT
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Sunday, 22 August 2004
My First Entry.
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: I do not own music playing devices
Hello there my fellow male lovers! I am Ezekial Plow. I was born and raised in an "Amish Paradise" we sold quilts at a discount price. I am secretly in love my lover named Jebidiah, my pet name for him is "Jebi lad". We have many happy moments together. I raise chickens, my most favorite tis be Ferdi or his more proper name, Ferdinand. Mama and Grandfather ( my mother married my grandfather , grandmother wasn't too happy about that but she got used to it, when my real father was involved in the Great Plowing Incident of 1985 "may he rest in pieces forever". You are probably most definatly wondering how I am using a e-lectronical device and how I am wearing new "g het to" Nike' shoes, so I must spin my yarn, if the elders of the village were to learn of my secret they would surely disown me for eternity, tell of this to no one. My lover boy Jebbie has connection with the black market. He secretly smuggled in a pair of Nike' Air Force Ones aling with a mini laptop which I Conceal under the Holy Book. I only wear my Air Force Ones when Jebbie and I go out clubbin then come home and make rapid fire love in the soft warm hay. We don't need candle light to find out where everything is (if you catch my suttle hint). For now this is Ezekial saying "I have a unibrow".

Posted by creep/amishgaysunite at 8:20 PM EDT
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