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               When You've Said It All .....







         Sometimes growing up is hard                                                                                                                                                     




when money's tight, your friends have moved on

 You are almost alone, but not enough to enjoy yourself. 

That's where I am right now stuck in the miasma that is my adult life. I write poetry (unorgainized rants), draw, modge podge, read, watch foreign movies alone. I sometimes think hey Matt would think this is funny, or wow Brandon would get a kick outta this, hey it's that actor Sarah really digs. I think these things and continue on the desolate highway that is my life. I'm a pretty happy person and any social interaction lasts me a while, but I really miss my friends. They're not dead but prolly won't be around.  


Here's a rant about me and a friend of mine....   

P.S. it sounds way better when I read it aloud...


When you've said it all what is left to say. I've been a talking head you've been an air tight sieve, contradictions don't live here anymore because they make sense and well nothing does in this state. I thought I knew you but really I knew what I thought of you. You through me is not a lovely thing, person, place, time; is not my friend I shot him in the foot once and it was all down hill from there, here is where you where unhappy, there is where you are; How are you feeling I don't know myself. Double entendres can manifest themselves in people too. Friend .  How can one miss someone they never knew. Am I crazy yes it is a question a statement maybe.  If I only knew what you thought or didn't; do think of me?  I can write, read, recite, but can't speak.  I want you to know me but mountains, rivers, physics, geology, language, math, science, and arts are in the way.  They say money is the great leveler So I guess life will be rocky for a while more. Give me time and I could create; I could create and illustrated book of every look, gift, and mannerism you have given me; I could submit a thesis of hair style and attire multiplied by geographical location and physical appearance equals opportunity, love, money, job, happiness; maybe your hair was long, and your pants short equaled discordant domicile.  If you find the weather nice and the people nicer stay I hope you find what you are looking for; whether here or there you always have a place to go... inside, people are what makes a city not geographical locations or glorious, galleries. You made Everett, I'm going to make Seattle you can come, You can call, I will be here, in a loud silence.     



P.S. (redux) I'm on hot or not hahahaa I just wanted to see what folks thought of my look.... doing ok for now though I did get a 2 but I also got an 8 so there cruel world.  Here's the link please be kind or don't whatever





