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Rp TitleBest Laid Plans
Superstars Mentioned'The Black Zodiac'Jay Tessier,Deicide and Suicidal Youth
Current TitlesN/A
AchievementsNone As Of Yet!
Date:Tuesday July 6, 2004

Time:8:30 am

Location:Adrian Carlise's theatre room


'Darkness,flickering lights,loud booing mixed with a few cheers are what greets us at the door,a few rows down in the third row sits Adrian Carlise in his silk bath robe and itialian made slippers pouring very old,well aged redwine into his wine glass as his eyes remain focused on the large movie theatre style projection screen...Monday Night Mayhem is playing on the screen...a little TiVo emblem rests in the top left hand corner,as he turns directly into the camera,a large blood stained bandage can be seen in the middle of his forehead...a reminder of the previous night...he turns back towards the movie screen,reclines his leather theatre chair and takes a sip from his wine glass,a few seconds later he clears his throat and presses the mute button on the arm of his chair and the room suddenly gets creepingly quiet,his match plays on the screen as he begins to talk to nobody in particular'

'Adrian Carlise' What a night it was for the Ladies Man last night,first I take out the 'Black Zodiac' to advance to the second round of the KOX tourney then out of nowhere that poor loser Deicide bashes me in the head with a singapore cane.Eigth stitches it took to close the gaping gash that allowed my blood to flow like a waterfall.Poor little Deicide,creature of the night,he doesn't take losing very well.He thinks he got one up on me but in reality all he did was wake me up.I've been cruising through the ranks here in the DMX ever since I signed my name on the bottom line.I may have been getting a little to big for my britches so to speak.So when You busted me open with that stick you made me realize that if I ever want to get somewhere in this sport I'm going to have to get banged up,cut open and embarrassed.Being the real 'man' that I am I can dig what you did to me and I can even appreciate it.See Deicide it's like this...the first shot was yours,blood was shed and ,my ego was temporarily dampened but marl my words you crazy sob...the second shot will belong to me,the blood that will be shed will be yours and their will be a big hole in your ego,one that will never heal.Every time you here the name Adrian Carlise your body will cringe and goosebumps will cover every piece of skin that you have.Your life is about to turn into a living nitemare.You my friend,to borrow a line from you 'have just awakened the beast' and trust me,you won't be happy with any of the results.

'A noise is heard coming from in back of the room,Adrian turns around and sees the shadow of a man sitting in the last row of the theatre where the light doesn't shine...with a smile on his face he stands up and grabs the bottle of wine out of the ice bucket and pours himself another glass...he walks into the last row and takes a seat in the shadows...a few seconds later laughter breaks the silence'

'Adrian Carlise' What the hell are you laughing at?He blindsided me.If it was face to face I would of taken him out just like I did when we were in the ring together.Just like I'm going to do when we meet again.And we will meet again...real soon as a matter of fact.I'm going to Reaper's office tomorrow to demand a rematch!Nobody makes a fool out of Adrian Carlise and lives to tell about it.

'Man in the Shadows' Calm down,don't go getting your panties in a bunch I was just trying to motivate you.I have all of the confidence in the world that your going to end Deicide's career.That's why I have decided to take you up on your offer.Congradulations Adrian you just found yourself a running mate!Once again we are going to take over and wipe everyone out.

'Adrian Carlise' Remember what I said bro...'Shock Value' alot of heads are going to roll and in the end you and I will share a few imported beers and laugh our asses off at the stupidity and ignorance of everyone in the world as we get massages by the pool from Candy Sandy and Mandy.As a matter of fact where are those three?They were supposed to be here by now!

'On cue,the three lovely ladies enter the theatre and walk over to Adrian,Candy hands him something as they all walk back down to the front of the theatre where the light from the movie screen his hand is a video case...he opens it up and smiles as he hands it to Mandy who walks down to the very front of the room and enters a door...a few seconds later the room goes pitch black as the screen turns off...all of a sudden the screen comes to life and the words 'Suicidal Youth' flashes followed by the man himself doing a shoot interview with a reporter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated...Adrian hits the mute button feeling the room with the sound of Suicadal Youth's voice...all four of them watch the screen intently and with purpose'

Scene Fades to Darkness

45 minutes later

'Laughter,clapping,whistling...the scene reopens to Adrian Carlise sitting in his reclined theatre chair watching the end of the Suicidal Youth Shoot interview,the girls are in a frenzy for some reason...Adrian begins to speak,trying to calm the ladies down'

'Adrian Carlise' Calm down girls,your all going to pop a gasket.I know that was quite the interview but you really need to stop.Suicidal Youth is going to watch this promo later and he's going to be very upset and hurt.From what I watched,he really thinks he's capable of being someone in the DMX.He talked alot about himself,not that I don't appreciate that myself but most of it was outlandish bullshit.If I wasn't such a good looking,rich man with alot to lose I'd probably kill myself before I had to watch that tape again.Don't get me wrong,he has the talent but his head isn't in the game.He's too worried about staying out of reality to be a threat to my run at the KOX.He was lucky enough to squeek into the second round unfortuneately for him he drew the ladies man...your next DMX King of X-Treme!He likes to play head games,he likes to use satanic philosophy to intimidate most men.It's a good thing for me that I'm not most men.When god made me he broke the mold because he didn't think their should be more than one 'perfect' person in the world.What the 'Forgotten' has seemed to have forgotten,no pun intended, is that I have it all,the looks,the money,the skills and the ladies...I'm only in this thing to kick some ass without johnny law riding my ass.I don't have anything to lose,I'm coming into monday night mayhem with one thing and one thing only on my mind.Kicking the living daylights out of you!Moving into the finals is just one of life's little gifts for being so perfect.

'The girls burst into laughter one more time then suddenly stop as Adrian whistles loudly,he stands up and makes for the exit with the girls following closely behind him...directly on the other side of the door is the bright sunlight of the backyard area...he walks over to the lounging area of the cement patio that surrounds the very large inground pool where the girls disrobe him right before he sits down...once he's reclined and comfortable the girls take his slippers Adrian relaxes with a chilled glass of redwine in his hand the three lovely ladies all hop into the pool at the same time...the scene fades to darkness'