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  About Me


About Me



Birth name:Taggart William Douglas Romkey

Name I go by:William Romkey

current age:17.i say i'm 18 at times.But i'm not.

current relationship status: single again. The person i was dating dumped me once again. I thought they changed but they didn't.

current friends: your guess is as good as mine. people have a funny way of one minute being my friend and the next my enemy. They also have a funny way of saying they'll be there when something happens. Then when it does they're never there. I usually end up handling things alone.

My personality: I'm easy going unless you do something like pretend to be my friend when none of yours are around then act like a bitch when they are around. I'm tired of people thinking that i choose to act like an asshole because i don't. Maybe i'm like that because people are like that to me.

I do what i have to do. Nothing more nothing less.



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This site was last updated 04/10/04