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Hello, I updated the movie page, it's still a work in progress. New DVDs and a trailer for the new Pirates of the Caribbean is now on there. My DVD collection page is also up to date I guess the only reason that is on here is bragging rights, maybe I should add a music, and comic book database. Today I downloaded the demo for the new Command & Conquer game, and it is great all I have to say is Mammoth Tank .

                                     I thought you'd be taller


I know two entries in one day, well the last one was done last night after mid-night, so deal with it. Spring is almost here and I've started prepping the garden, that's right I garden.  I have nothing much to say right now so I'll do this again later.

                                   We are eternal all this pain is an illusion



So I still haven't done much on here maybe I'm lazy, I did get the new Type O Negative cd, and so far I like it, it's different you still have to be a fan to like them though. I haven't seen any good movies lately, The Departed was great, it's got to be in my top five. Do you remember the 8 films to die for? Well they were these horror movies that they said were "To Scary for Theaters", ooh; well I watched one of them recently The Gravedancers and this thing could have been on the Sci-Fi channel, not scary at all. 300 is still on my list to go see, and so is Transformers even though I don't know what all they are going to change, I hope it's not a lot.

                               Its the one that says "BAD MOTHER FUCKER"



Well I'm back, maybe, I don't know what I am going to do with this site. Check back for updates.

               If you see Buddha on the street, kill him, Buddha is in all of us.



On a quantum level we are all the same the only thing that separates us is how our string vibrates, if we can figure out how to change the vibration of our strings, than we can become what ever or whom ever we want.

***"It is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. In fact, some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it is that it is unquestionably correct."


Ok, it's been a while since I posted anything on here, well now I'm back and there is nothing new to report except I updated the Pics and Art page, added some more movie info on the movie page, and then this update that I am typing now. So I did have one new idea, since fall is here and the leaves are changing if anyone wants to e-mail me some pics they have taken of some fall foliage I will post it on here. Until next time.

                           If you don't have anything in your life worth dying for, you have no reason to live.


How can the government investigate itself, can we trust what they say, I mean shit I wouldn't be able to investigate a murder that I was accused of committing, there should be an independent group assigned to the investigation like the one that investigated 9/11. but I'm sure the government will just get away with it, they will push the blame on to some one else (probably God), and Bush will continue to go down south for photo ops, and political gain. I believe the big question for Bush is what's more important rebuilding Iraq or America?

                                                    Word of the day: Abet- 2. (as in law) to contribute, as an assistant or instigator, to the commission of an offense


I am having a hard time trying to think of content to put on this site to make it unique and interesting so that more people will come and keep coming, if you have any ideas of what you would like to see on here than please e-mail me and let me know. I know this is coming a little late but here is a picture that I took at the local regatta of Brett Michaels, his solo band and Lover Boy played this year, and the opening band was a great band from Connecticut The Limit, I recommend them, here is a link to their site. The Limit . and here is the pic.

                                            **"Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents' shortcomings."


Here is an interesting quote that Bush made back in 2001.

  "The person who runs FEMA is someone who must have the trust of the president. Because the person who runs FEMA is the first voice, often times, of someone whose life has been turned upside down hears from." —George W. Bush, Austin, Texas, Jan. 4, 2001


Well first things first,  the new site, I wanted to clean it up, and with Angel Fire I can use FrontPage. As of today I have a new job I am working at a local gas station it should be interesting, I'm still editing pics for AAA Entertainment you can checkout the ones I've done here . I've been writing some new songs I hope to have some up on here soon till then have a good one.

                   *"An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone Ranger."



Why do people expect so much from you when all you can do is your best, this should be good enough. The stress of make someone else happy is enough to make you want to cut your self off from the whole world so that the only person you have to make happy is you. When it comes to life I don't ask for much I don't need to be rich I just want to live comfortable. Oh well just had to get that out there even if no one is reading it.

                 (Insert your own quote here)


How do you know when you've wasted your life? When I think about where my life is now and where it is heading I'm not happy. To sit and think about all of the things that I want to do and haven't done or will never have the chance to ever do makes me think what am I doing wrong? You see all these people living these happy lives and you wonder why do they have it all and some have nothing, now before you start thinking "Oh god he is going to start telling us why he thinks he shouldn't just kill himself." I have a new theory about those people who are always preaching that they are worthless and want to die, these people are just looking for attention, the ones that really want to die don't tell people that they do, they just kill them eves and then let you know about their problems in a letter. So, my problem is I'm just not doing the things that I want to be doing career, and free time. You know I have never been any where tropical hell I've never left this country, I've never sky dived
or went scuba diving, and my biggest dream of making a movie, all of these things have gone unfulfilled, so if I die before doing these and other dreams and life goals does that mean that my whole life was a waste. Just something to ponder the next time you have that moment of free time, oh and forgive any grammar errors the batteries in my wireless keyboard are dying.

                             Don't have an idol, be an idol


Well I haven't been on here in a while, nothing has been going on, and there are not enough people coming here to justify me updating everyday. Yesterday I was in a car accident, I'm fine just a little cosmetic damage to the car. So as you may have heard Girls Gone Wild came to Banana Joes in Charleston, and some people weren't happy about the whole thing, I say screw these people, now I'm not defending GGW personally I hate those things, but the fact that something comes to town that will bring some people and most importantly money, and you have a bunch of idiots that want to stop them from coming back. Question How much money has that fucking ballpark brought to town, and how many people are going to travel from out of state, or even from another city just to see a fucking gold coated dome?

                       "Come on ya cheap bastard cough up a buck"


Just updating so my site isn't deleted. There are new pics in the gallery.

             Hoochie Mama


It has not been a good week, my house was hit by a small twister, that ripped half of my roof off, so I'm not in the best mood. We have some polls on Einstein's Pajamas the link is right up there, you can't miss it.

                                          Yada Yada Yada


I'm still alive, it's just been a boring couple of days. I am going to be have a contest coming up, the winner will receive a 1313 Inc. t-shirt so keep coming back, and tell some friends about this site I need the traffic.

                                 "You're acting like a first year thief, I'm acting like a fucking professional"


As you probably noticed, the link for the radio show is gone, I will not be doing a show as of right now but maybe in the near future. There are a lot of ideas being told to me by the hamsters that live under my kitchen sink, ideas for this site, I will be adding them in the weeks to come, I hope you enjoy them. Was thinking of putting my mailing address on here, and have people send me random stuff, what ever you want to send...maybe people will send money. A comic strip is in the works, should be up soon. That's all for now.

                                        If you don't fear death, you can't die


I've been gone for a couple of days, but I'm back now. My mood has been weird lately, I haven't felt like doing much of anything, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my life, I have to do something If I could only make money from this site. I might go back to school, maybe right now I'm just thinking about it. thinking about a lot of things. Well I'm not looking for pity so this will be it for today.

                                      "Fly fat ass fly"

Added a wallpaper that I made, you can find it under My Pics and Art, I made three sizes.



Here is a pic from the news of me at the midnight showing of Star Wars EP III.

                                 Fame is over rated


The force is strong with this one, Star Wars EP III is now one of my favorite Star Wars movies right behind The Empire Strikes Back. This movie had everything that a Star Wars finally should have, from the light saber fights, to the grim storyline. Everything from EP IV, V, and VI, was explained, the circle is now complete I can only hope that the rumors of a television show are true. If you have seen EP I, or and II you must see this movie, and if you've been a fan since the beginning than I don't have to tell you to see it, I give this movie a 10+ stars.

                                                       "Search your feelings"


Tonight is the night I see EPIII and I can't wait, I will have a review on here as soon as I get home, and I'm sure it will be a positive one. It's sad that this is the most exciting thing I have going on in my life, but who cares it's fucking Star Wars. Was thinking about some other stuff I could add to this site, and if the two people to come here have any ideas then let me know you can e-mail me anytime.

                              "I thought the police always said freeze?"


I added a tribute page to one of my former bands follow the Stone Garden Link beside my pic or click here. 1 more day till EP III, and I cant wait. Well that's all for today.

                                        "We want our mother fuckin movie check."


In 4 days I will seeing Star Wars Ep III, and I can't wait. Just in case you heard the news that Peter Steele of Type O Negative was dead, it was just a joke, HA HA HA. They are currently working on new material for their album with new label SPV Records. Well that's all I have for today.

                                                                           Use the Force Luke

*Dan Rather **Laurence J. Peter***Michio Kaku