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Resident Evil stories

Thursday, 1 December 2005

Home sweet home (Ch.2)
Topic: Family stories
Claire and Sherry walked towards the front door. They were completely ornate double doors. Plant-like patterns moved around the rims, and the middle of each door had what was probably the family crest. the doors were thankfully unlocked. The front hall looked more like a lobby. There was a large office inset to the right of the doors but had no wall to separate it from the hall so it looked like a reception desk. Further back and to the right there was a GIGANTIC family room! It was deeper into the ground and had a few steps in various places to get down from. There was a railing around the outside so that if they had a baby or a small animal it wouldn't fall down. They walked down the steps and saw that there was a huge 60" TV set into the wall! The people that had it made must have had kids too, because in front of the TV all of the latest game systems and games were piled up as if they were organizing a library of books. They weren't even open! About 5 ft. in front of the TV were two black leather loungers with built in food tables and the floor had a carpet on it that looked like they were movie stars!(Which they would have had to of been to get all of this stuff.) Claire can we stop and rest for a moment? Why? We haven't been running for a while. Well, I want't to test the couches comfortability. They look really comfy. Claire chuckled a little bit. Let's just look at the rest of the house to make sure the old inhabitants aren't still here. But Claire, this house is HUGE! We'll be 3o years older by the time we fish looking ath this house. Claire started to think about what Sherry'd just said. She was right. It was a huge house. So how could they be sure there weren't a huge amount of zombies waiting for them upstairs? She hadn't seen any blood, but somebody might have gotten bitten outside and then ran upstairs with everyone else and eaten them. I'll tell ya what. How about we just search for ten more minutes, then we can come down here and have a game-a-thon. Sherry beamed. Okay! Claire almost laughed at how happy Sherry was. She hadn't seen her this happy since... well, ever. Okay, Claire said back to her. Let's look for the kitchen, I'm starving. Me too. They walked up the steps to get out of the living room and then continued walking towards the back of the house. They must have their own private generator here. There's no way they could still have power when all the small houses had none. Claire saw the kitchen and gasped. These people must have found the secret to life and gotten paid huge sums for it. Because there's no way anybody except the president could have this much money. The kitchen was combined with the dining room and it was almost as big as the family room. There was a long counter that extended around the edge of the kitchen that had stools in front of it ever 3 ft. or so and all of those places had silverware and napkins. The opening into the kitchen was made by two saloon-style doors. In the kitchen there were what looked like butcher shop's's freezer a big refrigerator, more counters to prepare food on, cabinets and cabinets of ever style of silverware basters and all other kind of kitchenware. The oven looked like you could cook a elephant in it it was so big. There was also a bookcase that had books on making every single meal created by mankind. What really made her jaw drop though was the dining table. It was wider than the TV, and longer than the loungers times 5! It was carved in rich oak and was adorned with a obviously custom made table cloth.(Most tablecloths didn't extend to 40 feet+) These people must have really liked plants because the tablecloth looked like flower petals of all kinds had been sewn together on cloth and sprayed with some kind of fragrance that smelled better than anything she had ever dreamed of smelling. Oh, man. Uh, Claire? What? Your mouth is watering. Oh! Claire wiped her mouth and then led Sherry into the kitchen. What do you want? Sherry's face was a mix of confusion and bewilderment. What? Um Claire we don't know if all the stuff is still good. And what can you cook? Well I'm pretty sure tthis stuff is all new, and anything you want. I can cook just fine, it's Chris that lives on diners. Um' what're you going to have? Me? I think I'll have a hamburger, or 4. Me too. I'm so hungry I could eat all of whats in there. Sherry, honey I don't think a wormhole could swallow that much food. Well I could. yeah I could too. Okay, 10 hamburgers comin' up!

Posted by crazy4/yesterdayshero at 6:58 AM EST
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Saturday, 26 November 2005

Family (Ch.1
Topic: Family stories
Note: Although this is in the family category it isn't really a completely family friendly story. So if you expected so read a story with unicorns and stuff. YOU DON'T KNOW RESIDENT EVIL!!!!!!!!

Sherry get in here! Coming. She sighed and opened the door to the hall. She had probably been blamed for doing something horrible again. Alisa was waiting for and when she saw her Alisa yelled, what did I tell you about leaving the door open to the mudroom?! You said not to. And I didn't. Then why did all the other kids say that you did?!! Because they don't like me. Well maybe they would if you would come out of that room. Honestly I don't want them for friends. Well stay in your room like you always do then. Fine. Sherry turned around and headed back to her room. The other kids were all looking at her from the living room. They were smiling fiendishly. Sherry didn't bother saying anything to them. But she would certainly like to. When she got to her room she opened the door stepped inside and closed it. She hopped on her bed and laid down on it staring at the ceiling. She'd been in foster care for a couple years now. And the whole time she had hated it. She wanted to be with Claire. And Claire wanted to be with her. But Claire didn't have enough money to buy a house(she was living in a dorm.) and still have enough to support both of them. On top of that, she hadn't graduated from college yet. So she had to wait until Claire finished school and had some money. She still got to visit Claire though. Once a month she could spend the night with Claire in her dorm. It was nice. Actually, nice was a serious understatement . It was great! But the months dragged on and she wanted to live with Claire. Not visit her. In addition to not being able to be with Claire. The kids were like the devil incarnate. The girl's bugged and made fun of her all the time. And the boys kept saying sick stuff to her. She rolled over towards the wall. Claire, please come get me.

Posted by crazy4/yesterdayshero at 12:19 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 December 2005 10:56 PM EST
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Thursday, 24 November 2005

Ashley's interrogation
Topic: Explicit stories
Leon and Ashley were walking down the hall when they were attacked. Two cultists appeared at the opposite end and started towards them. Ashley get back! She walked backwards until she felt someone grab her and pull her through a door. The person threw her into a wall, then shut and locked the door behind them. She stared at the person and saw that it was a beutiaful woman dressed in red. You're pretty sexy. Ashley backed up against the wall. What do you mean? I'm supposed to interrogate you. And I plan on taki-ng it along with a few other things out of you. The woman walked towards her and kissed her hard. Then she gripped Ashley's breasts and squeezed them hard! Aaah!! The woman stuck her right hand up Ashley's skirt and fingered her pussy through her panties. Oh, yeah! The woman continued to finger fuck her, but moved her head down to Ashley's breasts. Her left hand pulled Ashley's shirt down then she nibbled on Ashley's breasts. Uh! The woman was fingering her faster and harder until she released her cum all over the woman's fingers, her panties and her skirt. Her panties were especially wet and sticky. Then she had to pee. The urine ran down her legs and onto the floor. She fell down into the puddle of pee on the ground and was unable to move. I'll ask you the questions next time. The woman turned to walk out the back door but suddenly stopped. She turned back towards Ashley. I almost forgot something. The woman kneeled down in front of her. She reached under Ashley's skirt with both hands. Then she pulled Ashley's panties off! I don't have a pair so I'll have to borrow yours. The woman pulled Ashley's panties up her own legs until they were beneath her dress and at her waist line. Damn, I miss the feeling of having pee and cum soaked panties on. Thanks hun. She leaned down and kissed Ashley's pussy. See ya.

Posted by crazy4/yesterdayshero at 1:07 AM EST
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Wednesday, 23 November 2005

Home sweet home (Ch.1)
Topic: Family stories
Claire and Sherry ran down the alley as fast as the could. Well, as fast as they could go together. You see Claire was 19 and Sherry was only 12. So about halfway down the alley Claire picked Sherry up and carried her the rest of the way. The zombies behind them were slow. But they measured in the dozens. And Claire didn't have any weapons left. She was just hoping to God that the alley wasn't a dead end. She turned the corner and gasped. The alley stopped only a few yards away from them. And there wasn't a weapon, archway or stairs to be found. What she saw instead almost made her cry. In the very center of the middle wall there was a door. But the door was about 8 feet wide and 12 feet tall. The door was also made out of reinforced steel. To top it all off, it was open. For a second she thought her mind was playing tricks on her. But then she remembered this is Raccoon city, and there were things that you would see that you couldn't even dream of. Or have a nightmare of. She ran towards it as fast as she could with Sherry in her arms. When they made it through, she put Sherry down and pushed the right door. It didn't move. She pushed harder. It still didn't move. Then she saw that the door was equipped with a sort of dead bolt in the ground. She stopped pushing a looked around the door. The zombies were almost at the door. I hope this works. She pulled on the hand of the ground dead bolt. It came up. Then she pushed the door closed. She repeated the process with the other door and the zombies were stuck outside. It also appeared to be soundproof. Man, were'd they make this door? Perfect doors are us? In addition to having a ground dead bolt, the doors also had a dea bolt to connect the two of the them together. Claire re-deadbolted the doors both to the ground and to eachother. Claire. She whizzed around to protect Sherry, thinking that she was trying to ask for help. But that was the complete opposite. There was a water fountain, a great big yard, and a HUGE house!!! More like a small mansion really. Claire was willing to bet that there would be zombie or two in there. But she didn't see any bodies or blood around anywhere, so if there were any there's probably only a few. Sherry. Yeah Claire? We're home sweet home.

Posted by crazy4/yesterdayshero at 7:43 AM EST
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Thursday, 29 September 2005

The lost lab (Ch.1)
Topic: Action stories
We're going down! Chris yelled from the pilot seat of the chopper. Leon was still slashing with his knife at the arms. Oh, how did it come to this? Just three hours ago, they were sitting on a couch playing video games and eating pizza at our celebration of Umbrella's demise. Then we got a call from Trent that there was one last lab to take care of. He said it was only supposed to have T-virus creatures too. So we geared up with just handguns and flew there. We touched down and opened the doors. We immediatly saw corpses all over the place. And I thought I had finished smelling dead people everyday. Chris said. I hear that. We kept on walking down the long hall. We kept on seeing tons of corpses. But there weren't any zombies. They finlly made it to the end of the hall. When we heard a sound behind the door at the very end. There had actually been alot of doors on the way down the hall. But they were all electric pocket doors. Wen we got to the door we opened it up. But what we saw inside that room wasn't a T-virus creature. It wasn't even a G-virus creature! It looked like a person. A girl. And she was naked! But. There was something weird about her. Her skn tone wasn't the usuall peach, brown or any other regular skin color. It was gray. She heard us and turned around to look at us. Chris gasped. It's Alexia! What the hell?!? But Chris. You said you blew her to bits! I did! She smiled. All the corpses that had been outside the door came alive. And tentacles came out of the floor where they last one was. But they weren't zombies. Yeah. And she wasn't supposed to be alive! But she was. And now they were in a room with Alexia and 30 or so zomibes with them. And they were trapped.

Posted by crazy4/yesterdayshero at 8:52 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 September 2005 8:57 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 27 September 2005

Wesker and Krauser 1
Now all we need to get UMBRELLA up and running is a sample of the T-Veronica virus. Krauser- Yes sir? Nothing prepare to leave. Yes sir. Krauser headed for the armory. Wesker looked in the mirror to make sure that his hair was okay. It was perfect. He turned towards the door to the heliport. The pilot was already in the copter prepping it. The time had finally come. After all of their hard work they were so close he could taste it. If all went according to plan, they wouldn't have to go on another mission for a long time.

Krauser opened the door to the armory. He looked around until he found what he was looking for. A TMG was on one of the shelves. Along with ammo. He took it and the ammo. He also took several grenades. Including flash and white phospherant grenades. Then he grabbed a glock and several knives. He grabbed a few more things then headed for the heliport.

Posted by crazy4/yesterdayshero at 11:26 PM EDT
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