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A planet with the three suns

American astronomers observed for the first time an enlightened exoplanète not by one, but well by three suns. The planet is a gas giantess slightly bulkier than Jupiter. She turns around principal star of a known system tristellaire under the name of HD 188753, in the constellation of the swan. The star trio (and the planet) are located at approximately 149 light-years of the Earth and with a mutual proximity equivalent to approximately the distance which separates our Sun from Saturne.La larger of two other stars would be orange and smallest, red.

This observation upsets current knowledge which wants that the planets are usually the result of the aggregation of gas and dust surrounding a single star. That could lead the astronomers to seek planets in areas before unsuspected. Inspired of Wars Star the astronomer Maciej Konacki, of the Californian institute of technology, called its discovery "Tatooine planets". It took as a starting point the the similarity which they offer with planet of the same name to the multiple suns, cradle of the character of Luke Skywalker. via

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