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Jeanette D. Green, Chief Public Defender
Lynn Richardson, Assist. Chief
Thomas R. Grett
ph # (214) 653-3559 or 653-3550
Fax #: (214) 653-3539

1)  Why haven't Jeanette D. Green and Lynn Richardson upheld the Constitutional Rights of ALL their poor and working class clients; specifically their clients' 6th and 14th Amendment Rights under the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Constitution: Article I Bill of Rights Sections 10 & 11?

2)  Why is Thomas R. Grett being allowed to continue representing indigent citizens when he has apparently proven himself to be racially biased, disinterested, slipshod, unethical, unprofessional and ineffective?

3)  Why hasn't Mr. Grett been removed from Case Number F02-73127-s based on the reports and complaints of racism, legal treason, ineffectiveness and incompetence made by Sharif against Mr. Grett to Ms. Richardson, Ms. Green, and 282nd District Court Coordinator Marcia Waters?

4)  Why hasn't Mr. Grett asked the court to remove himself from Sharif's case based on Sharif's complaint to State Bar of Texas and the Motion to Dismiss Counsel filed on May 02, 2005 detailing serious and irreconcilable differences that exist between the two? (See: Motion to Dismiss Counsel and Texas Bar Complaint No. D0050526750)

5)  Why hasn't the court on its own motion removed Mr. Grett from Sharif's case based on the complaints made by Sharif?

6)  Why, since Feb. 15th, 2005, when first, assigned to represent Sharif on a technical probation violation (unintentionally missing an office visit for the first time in the two (2) years of a three (3) year probation) has Mr. Grett neglected to file any of the most common motions expected of all competent and effective lawyers/attorneys?

7)  Why, since February 15th, 2005, has Mr. Grett neglected to perform any of the most basic duties expected of all competent and effective attorneys/lawyers in a case like Sharif's?

8)  Why, on February 15th, 2005, didn't Mr. Grett first obtain a copy of the State's motion to revoke Sharif's probation and review it for sufficency before speaking with Sharif?

9)  Why, on Feb. 15th, 2005, before trying to coerce Sharif into accepting a 45 day jail sentence, didn't Mr. Grett file a motion to quash as expected of all competent and effective attorneys in a case such as Sharif's?

10) Why, on Feb. 15th, 2005, did Mr. Grett become angry and hostile, telling Sharif, "I got something for you" when Sharif refused to plead guilty and accept the 45 day jail sentence the state's attorney offered?

11) Why has Mr. Grett prevented Sharif's 'Motion To Quash' from being reviewed and ruled on by the court?

12) Why, since Feb. 15th, 2005, has Mr. Grett neglected to assert Sharif's Statutory Right to a prompt revocation hearing as mandated by Article 42.12 § 21(b) of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (C.C.P.)?

13) Why has Mr. Grett prevented both of Sharif's Motions to Compel Prompt Revocation Hearing from being reviewed and ruled on by the court?

14) Why, since Feb. 15th, 2005, has Mr. Grett refused to assert Sharif's Right to Bail for the alleged violation of a "deferred adjucation" probation pursuant to Texas Constitution Art. 1 § 11?

15) Why, on Feb. 15th, 2005, did Mr. Grett knowingly try to deceive and mislead Sharif by telling Sharif that he was not eligible for bail?

16) Why has Mr. Grett failed to perform any factual investigation concerning Sharif's alleged probation violation?

17)  Why hasn't Mr. Grett conducted an interview with Sharif so he could begin gathering information to prepare a defense on behalf of Sharif?

18) Why hasn't Mr. Grett taken time to verify anything Sharif told him during their brief discussion on Feb. 15th, 2005?

20) Why hasn't Mr. Grett taken time to meet with any of Sharif's witnesses as expected of all competent and effective attorneys?

21) Why didn't Mr. Grett review recorded messages/voice mails made by the State's witness when Sharif told him they existed?

22) Why has Mr. Grett failed to return any of the calls made to him by witnesses with evidence and information beneficial to Sharif in both his probation and civil court matter?

23) Why did Mr. Grett accept as true specious allegations made by a state's witness against Sharif without first verifying the witness's allegations (See #29)

24) What facts, as mandated by Article 46(b), Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (C.C.P.), did Mr. Grett present to the 282nd District Court on Feb. 15th, 2005, to create a bonafide doubt in the court's mind as to Sharif's Competency?

25) What are the contents of the motion Mr. Grett was required to file to the court in accordance with Article 46B C.C.P. to be included in the court files?

26) Why isn't Mr. Grett's motion, which is required per Article 46B C.C.P., included in the court files?

27) What has been Mr. Grett, Ms. Green, and Ms. Richardson's motive for removing Sharif's motions from the court's files after Sharif submitted them?

28) Why, from Feb 15th, 2005 to date, have Mr. Grett, Ms. Green and Ms. Richarson colluded to deny Sharif's repeated request to be taken before the court so Sharif could personally speak to the Honorable Judge Karen Greene?

29) Why, from Feb. 15th, 2005 to date, did Mr. Grett fail to inform Sharif beforehand of scheduled court dates so that Sharif's family and supporters could be present on his behalf?

30) Why has Mr. Grett repeatedly violated Sharif's Right of Privileged Communication by discussing with the State's Attorney details Sharif had revealed about his personal relationship with the State's Witness?

 31) Aren't the actions of Mr. Grett, Ms. Green, and Ms. Richardson tantamount to impeding, obstructing and depriving Sharif of access to the court?

32) Is it not a conflict of interest, unethical and/or a violation of the Texas Bar rules per it's 'Lawyers Creed -A Mandate for Professionalism' for Mr. Grett to assist the state's attorney's office in a civil matter against Sharif while Mr. Grett is assigned to represent Sharif for the alleged probation violation?

33) Is it not improper, unethical and/or a violation of the Texas Bar Rules or its 'Lawyer Creed' for Mr. Grett to try to coerce and intimidate Sharif into waiving his rights in a civil court in exchange for Sharif being released from jail?

34) What did Mr. Grett mean on March 29th and April 7th & 12th, 2005, when he told Sharif to "play the game and cooperate if you want to go home."?

35) Wasn't it improper for Mr. Grett, to interfere with and arbitrarily terminate a conference call made for Sharif to court clerk Susan Sam to inquire about the status of Sharif's Motion To Dismiss Counsel and motion for Sharif to represent himself on June 15th, 2005?

36) What was Mr. Grett's purpose for interfering with the conference call made by Sharif directly to court clerk Susan Sam on Jun 15th, 2005?

37) Who gave Mr. Grett the authority to get on the county clerk's phone, tell Sharif, whose cousin was on the third line, "Don't you ever call this court's phone number again", and then disconnect the call?

38) How many other defendants like Sharif are Mr. Grett, Ms. Richardson, Ms. Green, and/or Dr. Lisa K. Clayton responsible for committing to a State Hospital under the false guise of the defendant's incompetency?

39) Why weren't any inquiries made by Mr. Grett to the Dallas Jail Medical Director Steven Bowers and/or Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez to determine why Sharif was not receiving any mental health medication before raising the issue of Sharif's competence to the court?

40) Why did Mr. Grett fail to motion the court to seek the opinion of a third psychiatrist based on the conflicting opinions of Dr. Clayton and Dr. Michael Pittman concerning Sharif's competency?

41) Why did Mr. Grett fail to, as expected of a competent and effective attorney, contest Dr. Clayton's final report to the court, which contradicted the final report of Dr. Pittman concerning Sharif's competency?

42) Why did Mr. Grett fail to inform Sharif about the contradicting reports of Dr. Clayton and Dr. Pittman concerning Sharif's competency?

43) Why did Mr. Grett fail to inform Sharif of his rights under Article 46B.051, C.C.P., to have a hearing before Judge Greene or a jury concerning Sharif's competency?

44) Why, on Apr. 17th, 2005, during Sharif's 2nd competency exam, did Dr. Clayton knowlingly try to deceive Sharif by telling him that Dr. Pittman had determined Sharif was incompetent?

45) What benefits are Mr. Grett, Ms. RIchardson, Ms. Green and/or Dr. Clayton receiving by causing defendants to be committed to State Hospital's pursuant to Article 46B, C.C.P.?

46) At $551.00 per day for room and board, how many thousands of dollars in state funds have been misused due to the dubious acts and omissions of Mr. Grett, Ms. Richardson, Ms. Green and Dr. Clayton which, in this case, resulted in Sharif's commitment on May 25, 2005 to Big Springs State Hospital?

47) How many thousands in taxpayers' dollars will be misused dueto Sharif's 120=day court ordered committment to the State Hospital?

48) How much of Dallas County's taxpayer dollars have and will be misused dueto the dubious acts and omissions of Mr. Grett, Ms. Richardson, Ms. Green and Dr. Clayton in the case of Sharif?

49) How much has and/or will Dallas County benefit from Sharif's four (4) months in jail and 120=day commitment to the State Hospital?

50) Will any of the egregious acts and omissions of Mr. Grett be subject to disciplinary actions by the State Bar of Texas?


Dallas County