Welcome to the .::Shamrock Grove Stables::. virtual horse ranch! It's under construction, but we'll be finished soon.

To adopt a horse, neomail either me (__shadowfax135) or xbreyer_modelx, and include if you want to change the horse's name or specialties. All horses are free, but monthly checkups are 5 team points (teams are also under construction.) So have fun, and choose wisely!

To go to the horse show page, click here. People RP characters are here.

Name: Sandy
Show Name: Santiago
Breed: Friesian
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5
Owner: oliver9490
Show Points: 200
Specialties and Personality: Dressage, showmanship, English pleasure. Sandy is a very nice horse once you get to know him, but he's jumpy at times, and hates dogs. He's good for the farrier and vet, but trailer loading is not his thing.

Name: Willy
Show Name: Willy-Nilly
Breed: Irish Thoroughbred
Gender: Stallion
Age: 11
Owner: __shadowfax135
Show Points: 350
Specialties and Personality: Showjumping, English pleasure. Though his specialties are limited, his talent, eagerness, and wisdom make him excel in both. Willy's talent will take him places, and he's already on the road to the big time. He loads fine into a trailer, having been to so many shows (he loves shows, be sure to take him to lots), stands for a farrier and a vet well, too. Perfect for an enthusiastic, talented equestrian!

Name: Chica
Show Name: Bonita de Oro
Breed: Paso Fino
Gender: Mare
Age: 4
Owner: neo_4ever92
Show Points: 120
Specialties and Personality: Western pleasure, trail riding, showmanship, parades. Chica is a very sweet young mare, a little naîve and silly at times, but practically bombproof when in the showmanship ring or in the middle of a parade. She's a little scared of trailers, syringes, and big, hammerlike tools.

Name: Domino
Show Name: Flip of a Domino
Breed: Andalusian
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5
Owner: wagger50
Show Points: 200
Specialties and Personality: English pleasure, Dressage, Hunter
Domino is not a gentle soul - he's large, and quite the rogue. Of course, this does not bother his owner too much, as it tends to make him a tad peppier during competition. He generally needs several hours outdoors each day, or he risks 'cabin fever' - and then he'll just go off like a rocket later on. Despite his excitable personality, he handles loading onto trailers well - and the farrier and veterinarian do not seem to bother him much.

Name: Drummer
Show Name: Guinness Stout
Breed: Gypsy Vanner
Gender: Gelding
Age: 10
Owner: None
Show Points: 200
Specialties and Personality: English pleasure, trail riding, jumping. Drummer is like SGS's gentle giant: he's one of the most popular lesson horses, would never bite or kick, has an unbelievably smooth stride, and still surprises us every day. He's deathly afraid of vet visits, but stands perfectly for the farrier and seems almost eager to get into a trailer.

Name: Shayla
Show Name: Sweetreat
Breed: Appaloosa
Gender: Mare
Age: 13
Owner: fantasiagrl96
Show Points: 220
Specialties and Personality: English pleasure, Western pleasure, trail riding, jumping. Shayla can do it all! She's a great lesson horse, pokey at times, unless you have a crop in your hand. She is the sweetest mare you'll ever meet! She needs a determined beginning rider with patience and willpower. Stands well for vet, farrier, and loads well into trailers.

Name: Danté
Show Name: Danté on Fire
Breed: Arabian
Gender: Stallion
Age: 4
Owner: neo_4ever92
Show Points: 300
Specialties and Personality: Showmanship, stud, English pleasure. This stallion is the fieriest in the stable - only for the most advanced riders. He produces lovely foals (most of them thankfully take after their mothers in temperament), but he's the spookiest, angriest, craziest horse this side of England. Hates trailers, farriers, and vets.

Name: Mister
Show Name: Monsieur Gríse
Breed: Andalusian
Gender: Gelding
Age: 7
Owner: show_jumper_121
Show Points: 400
Specialties and Personality: Dressage, English pleasure. Mister is a great horse with great potential. He's on the Prix St. George level in dressage and provides lessons to experienced adults. He's a dressage legend in his state and the states surrounding, and hopefully he'll go Grand Prix. Loads into trailers well, stands for farrier and vet.

Name: Bitsie
Show Name: Bite-Size
Breed: Miniature Horse
Gender: Filly
Age: 6 months
Owner: None
Show Points: 0
Specialties and Personality: No specialties yet. One of the cutest fillies on the planet! Bitsie is sure to charm you, the way she blinks her big brown eyes and kicks up her tiny, tiny heels. She shows great potential for a kids' pony, a halter pony, or a carriage-puller. She's a hit at SGS!

Name: Pixxie
Show Name: Sugar High
Breed: Russian Orlov
Gender: Filly
Age: 2
Owner: None
Show Points: 100
Specialties and Personality: Showmanship, shows potential for endurance, dressage, and racing.
Pixxie is, indeed, a versatile filly, though immature and very much like an adolescent. She needs a firm, strong rider or trainer that'll teach her who's who and what to do. Very skittish at the farrier's, vets, and hates trailers.

Name: Dax
Show Name: Dax-in-Black
Breed: Icelandic Pony
Gender: Stallion
Age: 8
Owner: None
Show Points: 300
Specialties and Personality: Showmanship, trotting, English pleasure, hunter-jumping. Dax is a very headstrong pony. Though small, he packs a powerful punch. He's very bold in terms of jumping, and needs a very, very firm advanced rider to keep him in check. Loads well in trailers, and behaves fine for vet and farrier.

Name: Deacon
Show Name: Deacon's Beacon
Breed: Haflinger
Gender: Stallion
Age: 9
Owner: __shadowfax135 (RP: Mirabel)
Show Points: 300
Specialties and Personality: Hunter-jumper, English pleasure. Deacon belongs to Mirabel McMullen, a 14-year-old girl with red curls and blue eyes. He's unpredictable in a way that makes you wonder how you'll be challenged when you ride him today. He rarely bucks, never bites, and only kicks when threatened. He loves to jump, sometimes too much, which challenges you even more. He's not a pokey pony.

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Name: Monty
Show Name: Major Monty
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Age: 13
Owner: __shadowfax135
Show Points: 250
Specialties and Personality: Hunter-jumping, English pleasure, trail riding. Monty is the horse that I ride at home. He's sorrel and loves to jump, although sometimes he overdoes it. He's awfully skittish, but if you know how to ride him, he's great. Hates trailers, stands well for the vet and farrier.

Name: Sorrow
Show Name: Moon Sorrow
Breed: Arabian
Gender: Stallion
Age: ?
Owner: poliuy6789012
Show Points: 250
Specialties and Personality: Coming Later

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