You Frickin' Loser Monkey!

Stuff to click dude!!

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
it's a journal doodadder...
quizzy thingies!! they rock!!
my e-mail, it kicks goat.

Reasons you're a whore:

You people seriously suck. i really don't like you. i don't know why, but i don't. if you are not from neptune, a monkey, or one of my uberly cool friends, you suck. if you are a goat, here is my message to you:

Go suck a pinecone!

oh, what now, goats, what now?!?!?! you never know when i'm gonna come and tree you, so you better watch out! you better not cry, you better pout i'm telling you why.... SANTA CLAUSE IS COMING TO TOWN!! sorry, i had to really. you know i did. i seriously shouldnt drink anything with caffeine in it at ten something at night if i think i might ever want to get to sleep. i have been working on this crap for four and a half hours. and i'm not even tired. i actually kinda feel like running around the neighborhood in my boxers and this tank top. i am a freakin' moron. i seriously need to lay off the caffeine before bedtime. i am so awake right now it's almost sad. i really wanna show somebody how far i have gotten (is that a word?) in the past few hours. nobody is awake. well, i'm going to try to get some sleep soon. e-mail me!!

Come back soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!

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