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LBJ English II Pre-AP


Here are the questions for your Final Exam Review. Refer to your Glencoe book and your supplemental reading packets in order to answer them.





The following questions are about “Pizza in Warsaw, Torte in Prague”

To Drakulic, what symbolizes the difference between rich and poor nations?


This piece suggests that what is largely to blame for the difficulties of life in Eastern Europe is what?


What message does Drakulic convey in the anecdote about the old man eating a whole banana?


What is the main theme of the essay?


Why does a gift of food mean so much in Poland, Yugoslavia, or Romania?


The following questions are about “A Child’s Christmas in Wales”

“A Child’s Christmas in Wales” is what type of nonfiction?


References such as “We were so still, Eskimo-footed arctic marksmen in the muffling silence…” and “Now we were snow-blind travelers lost on the north hills…” suggest that as children, Thomas and his friends were what?


Thomas describes how he recalls past Christmases by saying, “I plunge my hands into the snow and bring out whatever I can find.” What does this suggest?


It is clear from this selection that Thomas’ memories are what?


“Snow grew overnight on the roofs of the houses like a pure and grandfather moss, minutely white-ivied the walls and settled on the postman, opening the gate, like a dumb, numb thunderstorm of white, torn Christmas cards.” To which sense(s) does the imagery of this passage appeal?


The following questions are about “By The Waters of Babylon”

The food in the Dead Places that “brings death” is probably dangerous to eat because it is what?


Why does John believe that the dead god was, in some sense, “unconquered”?


At the end of the story, what has changed about John?


The story suggests that John’s attitude toward the Forest People is one of what?


Which of the following best describes John’s attitude toward his people’s religion?


The most likely explanation for the Great Burning is that it resulted from…?


At the end of the story, John’s attitude toward his people’s future is…?


What is John’s main goal in this story?


What consequences does John’s achievement of his main goal have for him and his people?


The following questions are about “Contents of a Dead Man’s Pocket”

When Tom first goes out on the ledge, how does he view his actions?


When Tom imagines the report of the “contents of the dead man’s pockets,” what does he realize?


What does the yellow paper mean to Tom as he considers going after?


As Tom replaces the yellow paper on the desk, it means what?


A climax in this story is…?


An internal conflict occurs between…?


An external conflict occurs when…?


Why does Tom laugh at the irony of the situation at the end of the story?


The following questions are about “Sound of Thunder”

Who is the protagonist in “Sound of Thunder?”


Is time is altered because of a crushed butterfly.


What is the main reason why the safari participants should never step off the path?


At the very end of the story, what does the sound of thunder imply?


The final sound of thunder that Eckels hears is from the sound of


At the beginning of the story, the man behind the desk makes comments that are meant to persuade Eckels


Eckel’s main character flaw in this story is that is…?


When does Eckels take full responsibility for the effects of his actions?


“The Machine howled. Time was a film run backward. Suns fled and ten million moons fled after them.” What do the metaphors in this quote emphasize?


The following questions are about “Masque of the Red Death”

The clock is a symbol of what? Explain your answer.


Which of the following best describes what the characters in this story are trying to do?


The guests seem to feel that the masked figure’s costume is…?


The main change that takes place in Prince Prospero over the course of this story is what?


The following questions are about “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

What is the main/basic reason MLK Jr. is in Birmingham?


MLK Jr. stated that there are four basic steps to follow in any nonviolent campaign. What are the steps, and what is the correct order in which to take these steps?


Nonviolent direct action seeks to create __________ in order to force a community to __________.


An unjust law could best be described as one that …


MLK Jr. says that there are, “…opposing forces in the Negro community…” What are they?


What is the theme of “Letter from Birmingham Jail”?


The following questions are about Sure Thing.

Who wrote this piece of literature?


The young man is doing what?


The theme(s) of this piece of literature is/are what?


This piece of literature can best be described as what genre, specifically?


In the text, what was used to signal a change, or “redo”?


*The following are about “Where the Girl Rescued Her Brother.”

What quality must a Cheyenne woman have in order to belong to the Society of Quilters?


What does the story suggest is Buffalo Calf Woman’s motivation for her actions during the battle?


According the story, for an activity to qualify as a “counting coup,” it must involve what?


*The following are about “The Tale of Sir Lancelot du Lake,” from Le Morte d’Arthur.

How does Sir Kay respond when he has been left alone & asleep and awakes to find Sir Lancelot has swapped armor with him?


Why are Morgan le Fay and the other queens impressed with Sir Lancelot?


What does Sir Tarquine do to his prisoners?


What oath(s) has Sir Tarquine sworn?


What does Sir Lancelot’s response to the maiden’s comments about him finding a wife reveal about his character?


What traits of the code of chivalry does Lancelot display? Give examples for each from the text.


*The following are about “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

What mystery is left unanswered at the end of the story?


What are some themes of the story?


With what matters is Ichabod normally concerned?


Write a character description of Ichabod Crane & Brom Bones.



*The following are about “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day.”

What does the speaker find unsatisfactory about summer?


List one example of personification and explain it.


What does the author say will make the woman he addresses immortal?


*The following are about “The Road Not Taken.”

What is the difference, physically and otherwise, between the two roads in the woods?


What is the author’s tone in the poem? Give textual examples for support.


*The following are about “A Cat’s Garden of Verse.”

What is the “whole duty” of a cat?


Which poem uses verbal irony? Explain the irony.


*The following are about “What Is And Ain’t Grammatical.”

What does Barry say is the most important thing in the world- more important than grammar?


What is funny about Barry’s quotation of a person interviewing for a job as a pilot?


What is funny about the nine “parts of speech” that Barry lists?


What is Barry’s Grammar Rule 1?


What does Barry think is the secret to sounding smart?


*The following are about “An American Childhood.”

What does the sentence “Terwilliger bunts one” really mean?


Does the author’s mother seem to like the sound of certain words? How do you know?


How does Mother react when the eye surgeon refuses to go along wither joke?


Do people appreciate Mother’s sense of humor? Give an example.


The author says of her mother, “She was Samson in chains.” What does this mean?


*The following are about “The Marriage Proposal.”

How does Lomov surprise his neighbor Chubokov at the beginning of the play?


How does Chubokov feel about Lomov’s plans?


What mistake does Lomov make when he begins talking to Natalia?


What does Natalia not know when she begins arguing with Lomov?


What is the one thing all three characters seem to agree on?


(* = second semester readings)





Be able to draw & correctly label all elements of the hero cycle.





Know the following literary terms/elements:

  1. Act
  2. Alliteration
  3. Antagonist
  4. Assonance
  5. Audience
  6. Author’s purpose
  7. Autobiography
  8. Biography
  9. Chronological order
  10. Climax
  11. Consonance
  12. Conflict (external & internal)
  13. Comedy
  14. Connotation
  15. Couplet
  16. Denotation
  17. Dialogue
  18. Enjambment
  19. Epic
  20. Exposition
  21. Expository essay
  22. Fable
  23. Farce
  24. Free verse
  25. Flashback
  26. Folklore
  27. Falling action
  28. Haiku
  29. Hyperbole
  30. Irony
  31. Legend
  32. Limerick
  33. Metaphor
  1. Memoir
  2. Meter
  3. Mood
  4. Myth
  5. Narrative essay
  6. Onomatopoeia
  7. Parody
  8. Personification
  9. Persuasive essay
  10. Plot
  11. Point of view (each type)
  12. Protagonist
  13. Pun
  14. Resolution
  15. Rhyme scheme
  16. Rising action
  17. Sarcasm
  18. Satire
  19. Simile
  20. Soliloquy
  21. Sonnet
  22. Speaker
  23. Stanza
  24. Symbol
  25. Tall tale
  26. Tanka
  27. Thesis statement
  28. Theme
  29. Tone
  30. Tragedy
  31. Understatement
  32. Wit





Possible Essays


Semester 1:


Be able to quote specific passages from the texts in order to support your essay!


Find and state at least three instances of imagery in “A Child’s Christmas in Wales.” Thoroughly explain how and to which sense(s) the imagery appeals, and what feelings and ideas the imagery communicates. 


Thoroughly explain the main theme of “Pizza in Warsaw, Torte in Prague,” explaining how the anecdotes the author used support the theme, and make clear connections to explain similar effects/instances still existing in today’s world.


Thoroughly explain the writer’s attitude toward the law, justice, a citizen’s duty, and the majority in society in “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Explain under what circumstances King advocates breaking the law, and explain how practical the policy(ies) is(are) that he suggests.



Semester 2:


Be able to identify various forms of humor within a piece of literature or film, thoroughly explain the humor, and use examples to support your essay.


Analyze a poem’s theme, explaining in detail how elements such as figurative language and sound devices add to the meaning of the poem.