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:~Lilone's Punishment For Master Losin' His Trust In Her~:

Take off your clothes Lilone, he said as he closed their
bedroom door.
Mira, was seldom fully dressed, just as her Master perfered her.
But, today he wanted her completly naked, for her punishment.

Master Hunter, found his Lilone talking to another Master,
which is forbidden and she did it without permission and behind
his back.
So, he planned to punish her this time for doing
the thing her Master most importantly told her
never to do without his approval.

As Mira took off her bra and bent down to take off her panties,
she felt the whip on her ass.
It stung Lilone, but also sent pleasures to places Master was
only aloud to touch. Lilone could touch, But only with her
Master's approval.

Lilone stood quickly after the whip hit her a second time, just
slighly grazing her pussy which was moist from the first hit of
the whip. She moaned softly. Did i tell you to stand?, asked her Master.
With a mumble, she cried, no Master. The whip went accross her firm
ass again, but harder, bring tears to her eyes this time.

Bend over hold your ankles till i tell you to move, her Master said.
As she did so, she felt something firm being forced into her tight,
firm ass. She tighten her anel, and her Master hit her harder with
the whip. LOSEN IT NOW, yelled her Master.
Tears streaming down her face, her ass cheeks redder
than her Master has ever made them when it came to punishing
his Lilone.

Lilone, You know how i feel about you talking to another Master,
don't you? he asked..She answers, with a fear in her voice.
Yes Master, I am sorry.
HUSH he yells, you will be punished, until you can tell me you
know what you did was very wrong and Why you disobeyed your Master.

Her Master brings her to a standing postion. Lookin' into his eyes,
her body tremblems with fear, and excitement. Before she knew it
her Master had blind folded her. The Unknown for his Lilone
had just begun.

Lilone he says, put your arms in the air. With A whimper, she
says yes Master and does as he says. He bonded her hands, with
cold heavy steel cuffs.. He pushed her to the wall, attaching the
chain to the wall, just high enough, so the tips of her toes just
graze the floor beneith her.

Her Master walked away , turned around placing a spreader bar
between her legs, and wrappin the leather cuffs tight around her
ankles, being sure their placement kept her legs Far and Firmly apart.

He stepped back, looking at his Lilone. He was pleased, but
he wasn't finished with her just yet. Laffin' just enough for his
Lilone to hear, he put a clamp on and placed them on her firm
erect nipples. Droppin the chain so it falls between he firm breasts.
Pullin' the weight, opening and connecting it to the clamps, smiling
as her nipples are being pulled downward.

Grabbin another item, he slowly, but softly spreads her lips apart,
revealing her firm hot clit, soaking with her womanly jucies. He slides
his finger down her clit, and lixxx his finger tastin' her jucies.
Watchin' her as he does so, seeing her bite her lip, longin for him to
stop with the punishment and make love to his Lilone. Not knowing
if she was feeling pain or pleasure, he attaches another clamp to
her hard throbing clit, pulling the chain tighter.
She moans loudly, want to orgasm, Her Master says No..
You May not get pleasure out of this punishment, my Lilone
You may not Cum, unless i let you, pullin' chain harder

Remember, he tells his Lilone. Master loves you, but You will
not disobey me. You have talked to another Master, and you
know how i feel. So my Lilone, just becareful how you move, this
is just a reminder of what you will receive and worse next time,
if i catch you talking to another Master, with out my permission.

Beggin' to be freed, she tells her Master, she was wrong and begs
for her master's forgiveness and begs for his trust back. He yells,

He leaves her, Knowing she is Truely sorry and longs to be with her
Master instead of being punished.

By: Mira 6/9/05

Have You Ever Needed Someone

Room Built By
On 06/10/2005
Master Hunter

Copyright © Mira
All Rights Reserved-2004-2005
