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R.I.P Noah " Jamahl" Jones 1987-2004

Comments (2) | Add a Comment

I miss you terribly my son! God is Truth, and truth will always prevail.
Robin | | April 26, 2006

OMG i mean its just like yesterday u was walkin out the movies an said "shaunta' you dont kno who i am" and the look on my face i was so confused then u said to me " Im ur cuzin Jamahl" Then that confused face turned into a big smile i hadnt seen u in so long....We werent as close as we should of been but u best believe my cuz is my cuz regardless yet my fav cuz at that so calm, cool, and collective...You will never be 4gotten always rememberd and in my heart..I feel like there is so much that i didnt get to say to you, but ima say this and let this make up for it all I LOVE YOU CUZ.....Ps sorry that it took so long for me to write to u, but i guess i just didnt want to deal with the fact that u arnt here i had to build up myself to do this....Love always ya big cuz Shaunta'
Shaunta' Baize | | February 03, 2008