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Kayla's Kiosk

vegetarian information
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Before 1847, vegetarians were called Pythagoreans after Pythagoreas the Greek Mathematician. There are about 5.7 million Americans who claim to be vegetarians, including many famous people. Pamela Anderson, Lisa Simpson :), Leanardo DaVinci, Dustin Hoffman, the current Queen of Spain, a bunch more. Vegans don't eat meat, chicken, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. They also don't buy products made from or tested on animals, like not even leather shoes. Pesco-Pollo vegetarians don't eat fish or chicken but do eat red meat, eggs and dairy. In my opinion, they are not really vegetarians. A chicken is just as much an animal as a pig but w/e. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat dairy and egg products but no meat or fish or chicken. That's what I am, but I don't really eat dairy products, I really like the taste of soy milk and soy cheese. I don't really eat eggs either. Fruititarians eat only things considered fruit like tomatoes. A. Health reasons 1. Many studies have shown vegetarians have a reduced risk of cancer, obesity, heart disease, and other diseases. 2. Studies have shown vegetarians live about 4-10 years longer. 3. In general, vegetarians have more energy and endurance. 4. Vegetarians generally smoke less, drink less, and eat healthier than meat eaters. B. Environmental Reasons 1. It takes more water to produce meat than to produce vegetables. 2. It takes 8 times the fossil fuel to produce animal protein than it does to produce plant protein. 3. 1/3 of the world’s grain is consumed by livestock. C. Ethical Reasons 1. The average American eats 1100 animals in their life. 2. Animals are raised in factory farms, under harsh conditions. 3. Animals are given hormones to grow unnaturally. 4. Animals can feel pain and fear; they have central nervous systems like us. 5. Some think animals should be treated as equals, since we are technically animals as well. D. Religious Reasons 1. Many religions have vegetarian beliefs in their scriptures. 2. These religions are Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and the Seventh Day Adventists. a. The Seventh Day Adventists forbid eating meat, and are the focus of many studies on vegetarians. 3. The Christian reasons range from compassion to health to environmental reasons. E. Biological Arguments 1. Scientists have compared humans and carnivores. 2. Carnivores have sharp teeth to tear meat, strong stomach acid to digest meat, short intestines, pant through pores in the mouth, and salivate at raw meat. 3. Humans have flexible jaws to grind plants, weak stomach acid, long, coiled intestines since vegetables decay slowly, and generally are disgusted by raw meat. 4. The human liver originally could not metablozie the amino acids from meat fast enough, but humans have adapted. IV. Alternatives to Eating Meat A. There are many meat substitutes like Boca burgers, chicken patties, buffalo wings, and many more. B. You can substitute tofu and tempeh for meat. C. For dairy products, soy products like soy milk and soy cheese can be used. D. There are hundreds of different fruits and vegetables to eat, so it isn’t hard to find something you like. E. Almost any recipe can be made meatless.