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{{*kAyKaYz CoRnEr*}}


{{*wElCoMe To My PrOfIlE!! i HoPe YoU lIkE!!sIgN mY gUeSt BoOk!! PLEASE!!!*}}

{{*....YoU nEvEr TrUlY lOvE sOmEoNe UnTiL iT kIlLs YoU tO sEe ThEm HuRtInG....*}}

{{*...fRiEnDs ArE fRiEnDs 4EvEr...*}}

{{*aInT iT fUnNy.....*}}


{{*wHaT a VeIw*}}

{{*cOuSiNs CaN bE fRiEnDs ToO!*}}

{{*bEsT fRiEnDs CaNt Ya TeLl?*}}

{{*mY lIl' BuDdY!*}}

{{* cute*}}

{{*HeS sOoOoO cUtE*}}







When are we going to be together? Will you love me now or will it take forever? I Love you always with all my heart Be with you and never apart With this poem I have one thing in mind You just have to read the first word in each line...

A gurl asked a boy if she was pretty, he said "No". She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". Then she asked him if he would cry if she walked away, he said "No". She had heard enough; she needed to leave. As she walked away he grabbed her arm and told her to stay. He said "you are not pretty, you are beautiful. I don’t want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die."

When you love someone, it's something. When someone loves you, it's another thing. When you love the person who loves you back, it's everything.

The Hardest thing in life is to watch the one you love, Love someone else

One day you'll come to me and ask me what's more important: You or my life. I'll say my life and you'll walk away never knowing that you're my life

Should I smile because we're friends...or cry because that's all we'll ever be?

*I cry for the times that you were almost mine*I cry for the memories I've left behind*I cry for the pain, the lost, the old, the new*I cry for the times I thought I had you*

*:.It's hard to tell your mind to stop lovin someone when your heart still does .:*

Although you may not love me, although you may not care, if you should ever need me, you know I'll always be there. Your heart may not be broken, Your heart my not be free, but if you ever need someone, you can always count on me

Wanted by many, Taken by none, Talking to some, but waiting for one!

No man is worth your tears and the only one who is won't make you cry.

{{*lOoK aT mY.... PhOtOz*}}

{{*vEiW oUr.... ChUrCh WeBsItE*}}

{{*cHeCk OuT cOlIeS sItE*}}
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