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David's life
Saturday, 21 May 2005

So How i spent my day

Got up at an ungodly hour of 9:30 AM!!!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I didn't even know there was a 9:30 in the morning as well as one at night. And started removing old carpet from the apartment that my parents rent out. In one corner a cat had urinated multiple times, so when we took out the carpet it stank like well stale cat piss. But i did get to use a crow bar and that is cool. Took a nap around 4:00 and then went to Georges, nerded it up playing computer games went home and tryed to go to sleep could not am now currently typing the word, word, also typeing this is the weirdest feeling ever like looking into two mirrors going back and forth, WHOA.

Posted by crazy4/hoopsie at 1:33 AM EDT
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Thursday, 19 May 2005

David, my dear...

This thing is my life, so you need to keep it updated so that I am not so disapointed every hour on the hour when I check it!!

P.S. Nat says he doesn't know how long he'll heart me :( Too bad, so sad that I love people forever and ever....

Posted by crazy4/hoopsie at 12:51 AM EDT
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Monday, 16 May 2005

So Toni is making me talk about my own life...
Oh No

Well i got up at noon today
ate and watched history chanal
and uh that s it so far

Posted by crazy4/hoopsie at 1:41 PM EDT
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Mood:  blue
I had to wake up this morning, but since I haven't unpacked yet I couldn't find clothes. then I went to church and it was boring. Then I had to go to a picnic, in the fucking cold. so to warm up I climbed into bed and napped for 4 hours. It was nice after not sleeping last night (again). Then dinner, then I watched the worst movie EVER. "Something's gotta give" She teached him to sleep with someone. I did that, then he left and has yet to call or write. But of course, this muther gets the guy to stay with her. I want that :( I hope David had a better day!!

Posted by crazy4/hoopsie at 12:02 AM EDT
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Saturday, 14 May 2005

Mood:  blue
David went home today. 103 days untill I can see him again. Emilia is gone 2. I wanna cry but I am too dehydrated to piss right now, let alone cry. God, summer used to be the highlight of my life, now I didn't want it to come. However, since David is such a nice guy, he has totally taken care of me these last few days. I couldn't go into the kitchen or down the back stairs because of the angle that made me look into Nat's room, Nat's empty room. And everytime I wanted to cry, so David would get me trash bags and water and it was amazing. Then he brought his sister to take care of me 2, they packed my car for me pretty much, which helped out 'cause it never would have got done otherwise. Then we all went out to breakfast which was just as geat as dinner last night. I have decided that we need to do family dinners together more often 'cause we kick that game's ass!!!!

Anyways, I am so fucking depressed because I am left and lonely and don't get to see David's sexy-ness every day. Now I am gonna go cry (some more). Good thing I just had a glass of water!!!!!

Posted by crazy4/hoopsie at 10:14 PM EDT
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Saturday, 30 April 2005

Mood:  blue
I have yet to see David today. But last night I got him drunk for the 2nd time EVER. It was great, we ate cake and it was good. Then he and Nat won at beer pong. But then they lost, David was too drunk to concentrate. Then we headed home and into bed, different ones unfortunatly :(

Posted by crazy4/hoopsie at 2:22 PM EDT
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Friday, 29 April 2005

Today David had an 8:00am class. Even though it was way early, he lept from bed looking fresh and loverly. He hurried to class where he amazed the prof. with both his sexy-ness and brains. David then headed to Lowry for breakfast where he was kind enough to wait for me, however I slept through my date with the sexy beast. I feel into a deep depression but he was kind enough to forgive my error. He returned home briefly then went to his next class before heading out for lunch. At lunch a plan was made with Nat to play golf for the next two hours. David was kind enough to allow Nat to win. David then continued to play on his own before heading to dinner with me. He is now at home, playing more golf.

Posted by crazy4/hoopsie at 6:32 PM EDT
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