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Website Made by Zac_ev, Fireball940 and Grant_ev123





F.O.N stands for Fighters Of Neopedia we always fight and never give up do so and be kicked out of guild

This is a Guild all about battle peoples! So if you don't like to battle I don't see why you are even here!!

On this Website we will discuss battle statistics and much more! (We have much more to come so Bear with us)

On this site you will basically find info on how to win your battles.. Set up battles swap statistics Know what is going on and alot more!! We would like to thank all of our Loyal Members who have been with us since Day 1.. Still remember this Guild and Site still have tonnes more stuff to add!

This site is owned and run by Zac_ev, Fireball940 and Grant_ev123. We will be having a MAJOR Tournament when we get 30 or so members! First prize is a Place in the coucil and a Full set of Codestones! 2nd Place is a Place in the council and a Professional Bow worth about 20 k! If Somehow the winner is a Council member it goes to the Next place!

Also remember that If you invite people to the Guild and they neomail us saying you reffered them then you will get a prize!!

Much more stuff too come Soon!


Click Here to go to the Guild!

We are going to have an adoption of the week...

This weeks winner is Baby_fire2004 which was adopted by Zac_ev!            (Picture to the Left)

Why not challenge this pet in the BattleDome??


Guys U will have to Scroll down we have been having a few problems so on all the pages scroll down a bit :D ThankYou!

