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Theater of Love
Sunday, 7 October 2007

Mood:  lucky

Chapter 1

    It a Sunday night, and Miss Arielle Armstrong was trying to enjoy summer before it came to an end. Dane had asked her out for dinner and movies that evening. Ana, her personal fashion designer, and Susie, her private makeup artist, came into Arielle's room to help her get prepared. Arielle was sitting in a little settee with her cat named Shua Shua as her maids pushed a row of hanging clothes in front of her. Arielle was outraged by the sight of the clothes and shouted at the maids, “How many times do I have to tell you the order of colors? You MUST put my clothes in the order from light to dark, left to right!”

    The two maids bowed deeply and apologized. Ana said calmly, “Miss Armstrong, I do beg for your forgiveness. My assistants should have reminded the maids.”

    “Don't blame yourself Ana. So, what do we have here?”

    “This is Valentino's newest summer season dresses. All are in your size.”

    “Very good.” Arielle gave a slight nod of approval and began picking out a dress. Suzie quickly laid out her makeup kit and went to work the moment Arielle sat down in front of a mirror that covered the entire wall.

    “You look very beautiful Miss Armstrong,” Wendy, one of her personally favorite maids, said as she walked out of the door.

    The driver was waiting at the car. A 2008 Mercedes Benz CL600 to be exact. (which btw costs around $148,900). The traffic was horrible that evening and Arielle grew very grouchy. “David,” she called the driver in a snappy tone, “Can you drive faster? Dane should be waiting and this traffic is giving me a headache.”

    David looked at his mistress through the rear view mirror and replied in a can't help it tone, “Yes Madam.”

    At this time, Arielle's cell phone rang and she picked it up with joy for it was from Dane. “Hello? Dane? I'm sorry but I think I'll be a little late.”

    “Where are you sweetie?”

    “Um... near......” Arielle was cut off. Dane popped out of no-where and was running towards her car. He opened the passenger door, grabbed her hand, and pulled her with him into the street.

    “What are you doing,” Arielle said in a shocking tone.

    “Just come with me.” Dane nodded with a assuring smile.

    The two of them ran freely onto the sidewalk. The soft breeze felt good on Arielle's face and she smiled with glee at what a romantic act Dane did. Arielle felt as if she was one of the main girl character within a romantic Shakespeare play. She was at the center of the revolving world. She was at the center of everything.

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 8:22 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 4:42 PM EST
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Mood:  special

Chapter 2

    “Arielle,” Dane said in his sugary voice, “Close your eyes and let me guide the way. We're almost there.”

    And so Arielle followed. They climbed up a few stairs and though a door. A lady said politely as they walked inside, “Good evening Mr. Mellow and Miss Armstrong.” Arielle gave a slight nod at the direction from where she thought the voice came from. Dane guided Arielle to a chair and sat her down.

    “You may open your eyes now.” Dane whispered into her ears. Arielle slowly opened her eyes to find herself within a delicately decorated Thai Restaurant. Apparently, Dane had bought out the restaurant for the night so there won't be any one that will disturb them.

    “What is all this for?”

    “I know it is still August and your birthday isn't until next week, but I wanted to celebrate with you alone. Your birthday party every year is always crowded with hundreds of guests and we never get any time together.” Arielle smiled with glee. Dane was one of the very few who knew that she liked Thai food; and most importantly, he still remembers!!

    Dane ordered every item within the menu so that they can have a taste of each. Money didn't matter to him, all that does matter was whether or not Arielle liked it. The restaurant's reputation depended all upon Arielle's nod of approval. If she liked it, the restaurant was sure to make it to the newspapers, but if she didn't like it, they will close before tomorrow is over. The waiters and the owner of the restaurant anxiously waited outside of the VIP room.

    After dessert was served, a gentleman dressed in a nice looking suit came over to Arielle and Dane's table.

   He gave a deep bow and introduced himself, “Good evening, Miss Armstrong. I am Mike, manager of Tiffany and Co., I have been asked by Mr. Mellow here,” he looked over to Dan with a smile, “to present you our latest jewelry collection."

   Dane said to Arielle, "Choose anything you like. It'll be your birthday present from me." 

    Mike put his large Tiffany and Co. suitcase onto the dinning table. He unlocked it with a key and a series of codes. From his pocket, he took out a pair of white gloves within a plastic bag. As If Arielle and Dane didn't know what the gloves were for, Mike said, “In order to assure our professional performance, Tiffany and Co. employees are required to use gloves while handling expensive jewelry. This way, our jewelery will be kept in the best quality.”

    Dane and Arielle gave him the 'I know what you're talking about, don't forget who I am' look. After Mike carefully put on the gloves, he took out various sized crystal boxes. In each box there were necklaces, bracelets, ear rings, watches etc. with an elegant black cloth underneath supporting it.

    Mike took up a certain box and said, “Let us begin here Miss Armstrong.... This is our Diamonds Around the Yard necklace. Look at these beautiful diamonds Miss Armstrong, they catch the light and sparkle along with its golden trim. With this necklace on, you'll shine like a princess. Would you like to try this on?”

    Arielle shot him the 'what do you mean by shine like a princess? I AM a princess' look. Mike caught his mistake and made a low bow for forgiveness. Arielle held her chin up and said coolly, “I don't like gold necklaces. Please don't tell this is all Tiffany and Co can come up with....”

     “Oh no no madam,” Mike quickly fetched for another crystal box. “Here is another necklace from our Diamond Around the Yard collection. There are a total of seventeen round diamonds, each one inch apart. The necklace itself is silver platinum.”

    Arielle took up the necklace with a graceful hand and examined. “What is the carat size of each diamond?”

    “Around 2.70 Miss Armstrong.”

    “Color grade?”

    “Grade G.”

    “Clarity grade?”

    “VS. The very best quality there is.”

    Arielle gave Mike an unsatisfied look and set down the necklace, “I don't like the cut of the diamonds. The design is a bit too plain and I already have too many of this type of necklaces.”

    Mike was getting frustrated. He knew from the moment he walked into the restaurant that this Miss Armstrong wouldn't be easy to deal with. She was known to be a spoiled, rich, picky snob by all the top brand name managers. However, if she decides to buy from you, you are meant to have a promotion from your CEO.

    Just as Arielle was about to send Mike away, a sparkling pearl necklace caught her eyes. “And what is this?” She picked up the box to take a closer look.

    “Oh yes! THIS beauty right here is the newest Elsa Peretti design. She consists of eight pink South Sea Keshi pearls and seven 8.56 carat princess cut diamonds. Grade G and clarity grade of VS.” Seeing the sparkle in Arielle's eyes, Mike stood up and walked over to help Arielle put on the necklace. The necklace cost $59,500; a perfect chance for Mike to earn a big amount of commission.

    Arielle smiled when she saw herself with the necklace in the mirror. She looked over to Dan and said, “Dane, don't you think this will look nice with my new Dolce & Gabbana birthday dress?”

    “Arielle, you look gorgeous!”

    “But you say that all the time!”

    “Yes, because you'll always be the best Godiva chips to my chocolate chip cookie.” Every one may look confused by such a line. It sounded a bit lame for some rich bachelor to say to a princess type girl. But Arielle and Dane had a mutual understanding for they had first met when they were both auctioning for the 2005 World's Best Godiva Cookie. Dane ended up letting Arielle win after she auctioned it for $2,200. Arielle gave half of the cookie to Dane after the auction and Dane took her out to dinner that night. That chocolate chip cookie was the beginning to their sweet relationship.

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 8:00 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 4:43 PM EST
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Mood:  irritated

Chapter 3

    After Dane paid for the dinner and necklace (IN CASH!!!), the two of them headed towards the theater. Dane had prepaid two tickets for the movie Becoming Jane. Even though they had just finished eating dinner, Arielle had this sudden crave for popcorn. She turned and said to Dane, “I want popcorn.”

    “Okay, I'll go buy it. You can go inside first and save me a seat if you want.”

    Arielle gave him a slight nod and walked into the theater. It didn't take long before Dane was back with a big bag of popcorn and two drinks. After the first taste of the popcorn, she said in a sort of outraged voice, “There isn't enough butter!! How can popcorn taste good with practically no butter!”

    “True. I'll go back and ask the popcorn guy to add more butter.”

   When Dane came back for the second time, Arielle didn't even have to take a bit of the popcorn before she screamed out angrily, “What is wrong with that popcorn dude?!? He like totally SOAKED the popcorn with butter!!” Arielle had lost the mood to watch the movie. It didn't matter anyways, she already saw Becoming Jane last week with a few other girlfriends. And plus, if she really wanted to watch it with Dane, she can always buy the movie when it comes out. She has a private theater in her house and a cook who can actually make decent popcorn. She still wanted to enjoy the night, so she told Dane that she'll go get another bag of popcorn, and if she doesn't come back, it means that she had completely lost her mood to watch the movie and would head home alone.

    She marched out of the theater with the bag of popcorn and ran up to the theater snack stand. She dropped the bag of popcorn onto the counter and said angrily at the guy who had the name tag saying 'Hi, my name is Jonas. How may help you?'

    Arielle said in her demanding angry voice, “What do you call this?”

    Jonas said with an innocent tone. “Popcorn?”

    “Are you sure this is edible popcorn?”

    “Um... yeah?”

    “Don't you 'yeah' me! The word is 'yes'. And THAT is not the answer I'm looking for.” Jonas stood there silently not knowing what to do. It was his first day of work, and he really didn't want to get fired just because he was arguing with a customer. Arielle, seeing that she had scared the jello out of the guy, continued to complain, “YOU not only ruined my popcorn, you ruined my mood to watch a movie! Did you want to food poison me with this... this... JUNK!!”

    Jonas desperately needed to earn some money before summer ends. He looked down at the floor and replied in a low voice, “I'm... sorry?”

    Arielle wasn't about to let this guy go, “What type of apology is that? Where is the respect? Don't look down on the floor when you're talking to moi!!”

    Jonas looked straight into her eyes and said again, “I'm sorry, MISS!”

    Arielle was about to go back into the theater somewhat satisfied that she had just ruined someone's day when suddenly the bag of popcorn on the counter tipped over. Loads of butter dripped upon her brand new dress and all she can do was look down at herself shocked. Jonas couldn't help but crack up in laughter. Arielle's eyes quickly looked up from her dress to Jonas. He stopped laughing for a quick second but couldn't help but crack up again.

    Arielle said in scorn, “You tipped over the bag of popcorn didn't you?”

   “No.” Jonas stopped cracking up but still had a smirk on his face.

    “So you're saying that IT JUST FELL!!”


     “OOOOOOO................MMMMMMMM........................GGGGGGGGGGG” Arielle screamed and stormed away. Dane came out of the theater wondering if Arielle had really left. Seeing Arielle running out of the building, he ran quickly after her.

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 7:56 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 4:44 PM EST
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Mood:  accident prone

Chapter 4

    Summer was over and it was the first day of school. Arielle was very reluctant to wake up when Wendy had to come to her bed and draw open the curtains. Ana had previously helped Arielle choose a perfect outfit for the first day of school. It laid on Arielle's dressing sofa, nicely matched and ironed. Arielle was still half asleep as Wendy and Ana guided her towards the dressing room. She stood there with her eyes closed and had the maids help her get dressed.

    As Suzie fixed Arielle's hair, Wendy was busy packing Arielle's backpack. (a brand new Louis Vuitton handbag in which only held a few papers). After getting prepared, Arielle went downstairs to the grand breakfast hall. Her father had gone off earlier that morning to some CEO meeting in New York, and her mother was already at Mrs. Hart's house for morning tea. The room was empty except for Arielle and twelve other servants, but the table certainly wasn't empty. Twelve servants standing in two straight rows gave a low bow and said, “Good morning, Miss Armstrong.” as Arielle walked into the hall. A young gentleman pulled out a chair for her and she sat down gracefully. She gave him a slight nod of approval and he was off on his way to send for food.

    The servants came one after another with various silver platters. Within a few minutes, a buffet of food was set in front on Arielle. Another British gentlemen came up to put a crystal cup in front of her. Behind him stood another gentlemen holding a tray with four pitchers. The first of the two gentlemen asked politely, “Miss Armstrong, what would you like to drink today? We have milk, orange juice, apple juice, and cranberry juice.”

    Arielle gave the man an unsatisfied look, “No juice. I want coffee.”

    The two men quickly ran back into the kitchen and came back out in a short instant with a pot of coffee, a bottle of concentrated milk, and glass of sugar. “Would a cup of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee do Miss Armstrong? Mr. Armstrong had special ordered this just two days ago.”

    “I'll have a sip.” The gentlemen took the pot from the man behind him and poured a small cup for Arielle. She took a sip and quickly spat it back out onto the servant without a second thought. (that sip of coffee cost like at least $30!!) “So bitter! Did you even add sugar?”

    Another cup of coffee was prepared with the correct amount of sugar this time and breakfast had finally commenced. Each of the twelve servants was standing next to a platter of food. They went around asking what Arielle wanted:

    “What type of bread would you like Miss? We have wholemeal bread, fruit bread, sourdough bread, hearth bread, flat bread, and wheat bread.”


    “Cheese Miss? There is Chevre, Cottage, Provolone, Feta, Mozzarella, Mascarpone, Neufchatel, Quark, Queso fresco, and Ricotta today.”


    “Vegetables Miss?”

    “Some lettuce, tomato,and a few olives will be fine today.”

    “How would you like your eggs to be cooked?”

    “Sunny-side up.”

    The plate of Arielle's choice came around the table and was set in front of her. She took up her knife and fork and cut into the sandwich. She took a small bit, stood up from her seat, and walked over to the girl standing in front of the eggs. Arielle looked at the servant from head to toe before she said angrily, “Why are eggs a bit cold?”

    “I'm... I'm... sorry Miss.... I go back into the kitchen and make another one.”

    “That won't be necessary.” Arielle took up the platter of different types of eggs and throw at the girl. The was a short gasp amongst the servants, but they quickly went mute as Arielle turned around to walk back to her seat. She took out the egg from her sandwich and continued eating.

    Along with Arielle's Mercedes Benz, two other cars followed her. One in front to keep track of traffic, and the other behind her to prevent any rear end accidents. When she arrived at school, her body guards came out of the two cars first. They came to open up her car door and make sure that there isn't any gum on the floor before Arielle step on it.

    Arielle goes to Beverley Hills University. A school where all the rich people send their kids. That is why, a Mercedes Benz with a few body guards isn't a big deal to the students there. Arielle was currently a junior and felt great that she is now back on campus. School had never been anything more than a playground outside of castle for her.

    Dane had already arrived at school and came up to escort her to class. Arielle's mood was back to being happy again. She had totally forgotten the whole popcorn thing from yesterday. But who would have ever guessed that this popcorn guy wouldn't just perish from Arielle's memory. He was back to haunt her.....


    “Jonas! Wake up! Its the first day of school and you don't want to be late!” Jonas's mom screamed from the kitchen. Jonas stirred in his bed, but wasn't in the mood to wake up. He came home really late the night before from his job at the theater snack stand.

    Jonas walked over to his clothes rack and took out the new outfit that his mom have been saving up to buy. Megan had always thought that appearance means everything and was hoping that a good outfit on the first day of school will help her son make friends with the rich kids. Even though, Beverley Hills University was a rich kid's school, Jonas had got in with a scholarship.

    After getting dressed, Jonas walked out to the kitchen/dinning room. Megan went up to him to fix his collar. “Remember now, you need to be more sociable and make more rich friends. So later on in the year, you can ask them to buy insurance from me....” It had always been a dream to Megan that she would become a rich person herself if she can successfully sell a lot of insurance to rich people. “If Jonas makes seven friends...” she was calculating to herself, “and the four friends and their family all buy the highest coverage for car, house, earthquake, and life insurance from me.... I'll be rich!!”

    Jonas looked at his mother indifferently and sat down at the small dinning table as Megan continued to reverie. It was true that he wasn't brought up in a wealthy family. There is barely half a cup of milk for him every morning, and many times a year, he would go to school with an empty stomach.

    Not wanting to listen to his mother lecture him any longer, Jonas quickly finished eating his breakfast and headed out for school. He took the local bus and had to go though many bus changes before finally arriving at Beverley Hills University. Beverley Hills University is more like an elegantly decorated Hotel or restaurant than a school. The first few acres of BU is pure green crisp grass. In the middle of that large quad was a Romanian sculptured water fountain. The design of the school building itself was somewhat similar to the Belagio grand hotel in Las Vegas. Rows of BMWs, Rolls-Royce, Merces Benz, and Lexus lined up in front of the school's grand double door entrance.

    Jonas made a detour into the library, which was lighted up by a humongous crystal chandelier. There wasn't a single person within the library and it looked as if these rich kids never study. Jonas walked pass shelf and shelf of books without being spotted by anyone. It took him a whole 10 minutes before he was able to walk out of the library and into the main school hall entrance. As he was walking to the auditorium (where all students were suppose to meet), he saw a familiar face stepping out of a Mercedes Benz onto school campus. Can it really be that snobby rich girl that he met at the theater?

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 7:39 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 4:47 PM EST
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Mood:  incredulous

Chapter 5

    Jonas was in complete disbelief as he walked into the auditorium. His jaw was close to dropping, if it wasn't for the fact that he noticed people were beginning to stare at him. On the left, groups of guys were hanging out casually at the small bar. (Notice that the word small bar is italicized. Because that bar was NOTHING close to being small.) On the right side of the ball room looking auditorium, huge crowds of girls sat in circles gossiping. They were taking turns showing off their newest possessions. Louis Vulton, Coach, Prada, Versace, Gucci etc. etc flashed in all directions. And in the middle of the largest crowd of girls, sat Arielle. No brand name bag or item can beat the diamond necklace that she had on.

    The clock struck nine, and a well dressed lady walked onto the stage and announced, “ May all ladies and gentlemen please take your seat. Our ceremony will commence very shortly.”

   The first six rolls of seats (VIP seats) were reserved for the richest students who must have donated a large amount to the school. In the middle of the first row sat Arielle with Dane. The crowd of students waited for the two of them to take a seat before daring to sit down themselves. Behind the first six rolls, the students arranged themselves by wealth/reputation and NOT by last names. (very unlike normal schools.) Jonas found himself taking the last seat available in the room.

    The principal went on stage and made a short announcement. Jonas had zoned out for most of the principal's speech and did not come back to earth until he heard the principal say, “The votes are in, and our student body president for this year will be... once again, Miss Arielle Armstrong.”

    Cheers and clapping echoed the hall as Arielle walked up the stage with a slightly arrogant posture. “Thank you,” she said to the principal when he handed her the microphone. Jonas did not remember a word she said after that. He is more than positive now that the girl he met in the theater goes the BU. “She has a slightly different air to herself today.” Jonas thought as he stared at her. Arielle was wearing a expensive outfit, with nice shoes, a shinning necklace, and had the most perfect blond curls on her head. But this was not what caught Jonas's attention. He murmured to himself, “She confident, proud, and not afraid of anything.”


    Jonas approached his classroom, T19. He got a scholarship to major in marine biology – a subject that had interested him for quite some time. Jonas thought to himself as he walked into the room, “At least I won't be seeing that prideful girl here, she doesn't have the brain to take such a hard core class.”

    But once again he was wrong. The moment he was getting just a bit happier, he saw a large crowd of classmates centered around the middle desk in the first row. They were screaming on top of one another:

    “Congratulations Arielle, class president again!”

    “Your forth year in that position!”

    “Yes! Four years in a row!”

    “What a great way to graduate for BU!!”

   At this moment, the professor walked over to Jonas. Th professor said politely, “So you are the genius, Jonas Wilson. I am Professor Jones.”

    The bell rang as the professor was checking Jonas in. The group of classmates around Arielle's desk quickly dispersed and went back to their own seats. The moment the students left, it became very obvious to Jonas that Arielle's desk was like no other in the whole room. The normal desks were wooden ones made to sit two. However, there were enough desks in the class that only one student was seated at each desk. There was not a single graffiti or piece of gum stuck to the desks. The classroom in general looked more like a high school classroom than a university one. But Arielle's desk was an Italian designed marble desk that was two times the size of other desks. On her desk, there was a vase of flowers, a laptop, and even a printer!! While other students sat in wooden chairs, Arielle sat in a leather couch-like chair with massaging functions. On her right hand side stood Wendy, ready to attend to any business that Arielle wants her to do. And whenever Arielle announces that she is thirsty or hungry, a row of four of five servants comes into the classroom with silver trays of snacks and beverages.

    Professor Jones assigned Jonas to take the desk next to Arielle's. The classmates were to occupied by their own conversations to notice Jonas. Arielle found Jonas to look very familiar, but had long forgotten that he was the guy who got popcorn butter on her dress at the theater.

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 7:20 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 4:47 PM EST
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Mood:  cheeky

Chapter 6

    A week quickly passed by without Arielle noticing Jonas. Jonas on the other hand, had been keep a watch on Arielle. He found that she had an interesting personality, but there was this constant “bubble” of money that wraps around her. This “bubble” not only makes her more attractive to the eye, but also gives off a feeling of isolation. As much as she interacts with her classmates, she is isolated and different.

    Jonas had kept his theater job during the school year in order to pay for the high extra expenses needed for school. He was really glad that he made such a decision after seeing how these rich kids at school spend money as if it was worthless. It was one week after school started when Jonas once again saw Arielle with a group of her girlfriends at the theater. “Would she dare to buy popcorn again?” He thought to himself as he saw the group of them walk by.

    “Do you want popcorn?” A girl in pink asked Arielle.

    “Nah... speaking of popcorn, last time when I went here with Dane, there was this guy at the popcorn place that doesn't even know how to add butter! And he ended up soaking my dress with butter!”

    “Was he hot?” Another girl ventured to ask.

    Arielle had a blank look in her face. She can't recall how the guy looked like. But in order to not keep her friends hanging, she said, “How about we go to the there and you can judge for yourself. I'm pretty sure he's still working there.”

    So, the group of five girls with three body guards following them walked over to the popcorn counter. There wasn't anyone at the counter except for Jonas and he quickly addressed to Arielle friendly as she and her friends came close, “Oh look who's here! The snobby Miss Armstrong.”

    Arielle looked at him with a scornful look. How did the popcorn guy know her name? Arielle found that he looked very familiar, but not in the sense that he was the popcorn guy. She had seen him somewhere outside of the theater before. But where? It wasn't until one of her friends screamed out, “Isn't he that smart new student that transferred into our marine biology class?” that Arielle realized that he was the guy sitting next to her in class.

    “Oh yeah!” Arielle shouted and her friends began laughing at her.

    “Is it because too many people revolve around you that you don't seem to notice a popcorn guy like me?”

    Arielle shot him the whatever look. He continued, “So how can I help you Miss Armstrong. Are you wearing an expensive dress today?” He looked down at her fashionable top, “Oh no! Itz Valentino today! You better not buy popcorn from me today cuz I don't know if the bag will just fall off the counter onto you.”

    “Ugh!!” Arielle screamed in disgust. As she was storming away, Jonas added, “Rich girls these days can't stand any negative comments. One day, they'll find out that they're not as big and mighty as they imagined.”

    Although, Arielle left, her friends remained for a short period of time. They all found Jonas very attractive and loved his witty remarks and jokes. No one had ever dared to talk against or in any way negative towards Arielle. (Arielle = perfect) Jonas was the first to object.

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 7:15 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 4:48 PM EST
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Mood:  party time!

Chapter 7

    Christmas came around quickly and every servant in Armstrong Mansion was busy preparing for Grand Christmas party that the Armstrongs hold every year. This year's party had a more important meaning than any other year; Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong was planning to announce to everyone about the engagement of Arielle and Dane that will take place as soon as they graduate. All the richest business men were invited, and selected reporters were allowed to write an article about the party. Students of BU attended Miss Armstrong's Christmas party every year. It was something that everyone looks forward to and any student of BU is allowed to attend as long as they show the security guards their student ID when entering.

    “Jonas, are you going?” A group a girls asked Jonas the day before the party. Jonas had become a very popular guy at BU despite the fact that he was poor. The girls loved his sarcastic remarks. Although he was very smart, he showed no sign of arrogance. Instead, he was willing to help others. There was an exception of course. He was never nice to Arielle and often pester her. Arielle did not like Jonas and hoped that he would not come to the party.

    “What part?” Jonas asked in a curious tone.

   “Don't you know about Miss Armstrong's Christmas party? Everyone that attends BU is allowed to go. And it is like the party of the year!!”

    “Not interested.” Jonas said casually.

    “Come on! It'll be fun!”

    After much persuasion, Jonas agreed to go. As he thought about the party, an evil smirk came onto his face.


   Christmas Eve came and along with it, Miss Arielle Armstrong's party. Jonas used some of his work money to rent a traditional looking tuxedo. It definitely wasn't the best looking one, but it was all he can afford. The feeling of being in such a formal outfit and hairstyle made him feel extremely uncomfortable. 'I am just not made to be living as a rich guy.' Jonas thought to himself as he waited outside of his apartment for the girls to come pick him up.

    The group of girls were thrilled to see Jonas so nicely dressed. They came in a long black limousine and the chauffeur came out to open the door for Jonas. It was only five and the party did not officially start until seven. However, the Armstrong Mansion was quite far from Jonas's house. They drove for an hour on the freeway. After exiting the freeway, the limousine turned into a small street. The houses seem to grow larger and larger as they went down the street. Some even took up whole blocks! They came to the end of the street only to find a wide golden gate.

    Two police officers came up to our car. “Good evening, you should all be from BU.”

    We nodded at him and he continued. “Then, may I please see your student Ids?”

    After showing their Ids, the officer allowed the the limousine to pass the gate. The gate only opened the beginning to a long road that was going uphill. On the two sides of the road were trees, plants and flowers that were evenly spread. Beautiful lights hung on the trees.

    They drove more than ten minutes before Jonas cannot help but say, “How long this road? And what right do they have to block the whole road just because it leads to their house!”

    The girls laughed at Jonas's remark. One of them said, “Oh Jonas. The Armstrongs own this whole road. It is kinda like a driveway up to their mansion.”


    “Yes.” Another girl said, “It takes around fifteen to twenty minutes to drive up this driveway.”

    “And what do they do with all this land next to the driveway.”

    “Oh, nothing really. I guess take walks out here once in a while. But we hold school picnics here on the Fourth of July every year.”

    Jonas went silent. 'What a rich girl.' He said to himself.


    After some more driving, they finally arrive in front of the mansion. It was so big that it was impossible to see the house as a whole. A gentlemen came to our limousine and opened the car doow when it stopped in front of the front door. “Good evening, please follow me.” The gentlemen led them into the house. First they passed by a grand hall where a small groups gathered by the fireplace to talk. Then they passed the bar that was even bigger than the one they had at school. A cellar of wine collections made up one whole wall. Guests took out bottles of wine or beer at their own will. Behind the bar was the ballroom. There must have been more than six or seven hundred people in there. However, the room was so big that it was not packed at all!

    The girls left Jonas to go to the restroom to reapply their makeup. Not knowing what to do, Jonas ventured over to the buffet table. The buffet table was of equal length as the ballroom. There must have been more than two hundred plates of food. (there was already 30 different plates of salad to begin with). A servant stood behind every platter of food. Jonas took up a plate and was about to get some pasta before one of the servants came up to him. The gentlemen in a nice uniform said, “Excuse me sir, allow me.”

    Jonas handed him the plate and the gentlemen scooped some pasta onto the plate. “Is this good? Or do you want more?”

   “No, that is fine.” Jonas took the plate and walked over to the dinning table to eat. 'What type of buffet is this if you don't self serve?' Jonas thought to himself as he ate. His group of girl friends soon joined him.

  When the clock struck eight, a middle age gentlemen walked up onto the stage and called for everyone's attention. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming to the Armstrong's annual Christmas party. Hope that the food is pleasing to all and everyone is having a wonderful time. Now, can we give a hand of applause for Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. A elegantly dressed couple walked onto the stage. 'No doubt they were Arielle's parents.' Jonas thought to himself, 'they even have a slightly arrogant air to them.'

  “We would like to announce something of importance this wonderful evening,” Mr. Armstrong said in a deep bold tone. “Our daughter, Arielle Armstrong, and Mr. Dane Mellow will be engaged this June after they graduate from BU.”

    Everyone in the audience clapped. Jonas did it very reluctantly because he thought it was no big deal. A rich girl is getting engaged to a rich guy, no great surprise at all!

    Dane came up onto stage along with Arielle. Arielle had a wide smile on her face. She looked ever so beautiful. Jonas can't help but stare at her. She is unique. There is always this glow of pride and confidence around her that just draws Jonas's attention.

    Arielle would not have known that Jonas attended her party if she had not stepped out to the backyard for some fresh air. Even though the room was not crowded, she felt suffocated by the frequent congratulations from people regarding her engagement. Jonas was out there to enjoy the wonderful view from her backyard. Since the mansion was on top of a hill, the the night view was great.

    Jonas was walking around in the backyard before finding himself in front of Arielle. She gasped at the sight of him. “Why are you here?” She asked in an irritated tone.

    “What? I am a student of BU. Why can't I be here?”

    Arielle did not want to waste her breathe on Jonas. She knew very well by now that her arguments with him are endless. Jonas was a bit shocked that she did not saying anything back to annoy him. Feeling awkward by the silence, Jonas tried to start another conversation.

    He looked to behind Arielle to find a weird looking pool. “What's that?” He asked.

   Arielle walked over to the pool and Jonas followed. “What is this?” Jonas kneed down to get a better look. At this moment, Arielle pushed him down into the pool of yellow jello. It was one of those weird things that Arielle possessed. She burst out in laughter at the sight of him trying to get out of the pool.

    “Gosh you're evil!” Jonas screamed from the pool. “Can you get me out of this now?”

   “I would have if you weren't being so mean to me. I guess now you just have to eat your way out!” Arielle burst out into laughter again.

    In the mist of laughing, Jonas reached the side of the pool of jello and pulled Arielle down with him. Arielle screamed loud as she fell in. It was Jonas's turn to laugh, but this did not last long because Dane came out quickly to save Arielle. Busy trying to save Arielle, Jonas was left in the pool for another half an hour before someone remembered about him.

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 7:10 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 4:50 PM EST
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Mood:  blue

Chapter 8

    It was Christmas Day, and Arielle slept in until noon. The house was a lot more quite than usual this time of year because every year Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong would send home most of the servants for Christmas. As Arielle sat up in bed, she felt a strong feeling of excitement. Dane had given her his Christmas present the night before, it was a three carat blue diamond princess cut ring in commemoration of their engagement that will take place soon the following year. She just cannot wait to see what her parents had bought her for this Christmas. Can it be a new vacation house in Malibu? A private tour and airplane ticket to Europe? Or even better, a private dinner with Jonas Armstrong?!?

    Arielle yelled from her bed, “Wendy! Can you get the bath water ready? And my outfit too!” She thought that Wendy must be in her mini library that was located next to her room. But there was no answer. She walked into the library only to find no one in there. 'She must be downstairs then.' Arielle quickly combed her hair and grabbed her silk robe. She walked out into the hall yelling once again, “Wendy! Wendy! ... ... ... Wendy?” It couldn't be possible that her parents sent Wendy home too. Wendy's hometown was all the way in China and there was no possible way that she would have went back to China without notifying her.

  There was no way that Arielle would walk downstairs without getting fully dress. 'Perhaps they are going to give me a surprise and they need Wendy's help.' With very much trouble, Arielle managed to turn on the shower and then get dressed by herself. She put on her favorite Chloe winter collection dress. Satisfied with her great achievement, Arielle walked elegantly downstairs.

    But there was not a single person downstairs either. “Wendy?” Arielle continued to yell. She walked throughout the whole house without seeing a single soul. Arielle tried to keep herself as calm as possible. But deep within, she was beginning to panic. As she walked passed her Alma-Tadema Steinway concert grand piano, her eye caught hold of a small enveloped labeled, 'To: Miss Arielle Armstrong.' It was a letter from Wendy. The letter within the envelop went as follows:

Dear Miss Arielle Armstrong,

I am very sorry to inform you that your father had publicly announced bankruptcy this morning. They dispersed all the servants while you were asleep. By the time you read this message, I am already on my flight home to China. I know that this is hard to believe, and I hope you the best of lucks. I will miss you very much.

Sincerely Yours,


    Arielle looked at the short letter in great disbelief. Bankruptcy?? No way!! Her parents just held such a grand party last night! This much be a prank! She quickly ran upstairs to her parents room. No matter how busy Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are, they were always home every Christmas. After reading the letter, Arielle quickly ran back upstairs towards her parents' room. 'This cannot possibly be true! They are just joking with me! When I get up there, I am positive to fine my mom and dad!'

    Arielle's dream crashed when she wasn't able to fine neither her mom nor dad in the master bed room. Instead, she found another envelop on the nightstand. The letter was written in her mother's handwriting:

My Dear Arielle,

Much to your surprise, your father announced bankruptcy this morning. We have been trying to hold it in and trying to find alternatives for the past year. But we just cannot keep it up any longer. Mom and Dad will be gone for a while. Fortunately, you have found your true love, Mr. Dane Mellow. We know that we would not be able to take you with us. You are too much of a spoiled rich girl. If you went with us, we cannot guarantee such a lifestyle. You have already received Mr. Mellow's offer of engagement and we hope that he an his family will treat you sincerely. Now quickly go and grab some of your belongings and be off to the Mellow Mansion soon. I believe that the police officers will be at our house late this afternoon to take the property. Your dad and I will miss you very much and dearly hopes to see you again soon.


Mrs. Camille Armstrong

    Arielle was still incredulous. She was so concentrated on reading the letter that she did not notice until after she was done reading the letter that her father had left the television on. As usual, it was on the news channel. On the screen was a reporter standing in from her the gate at her house. The reporter solemnly spoke, “This morning at seven o'clock, Mr. Claudio Armstrong publicly announced that his Armstrong Cooperation reached bankruptcy. Just last evening, the Armstrongs held a lavish Christmas dining party announcing the upcoming engagement of Miss Arielle Armstrong and Mr. Dane Mellow, son of Mellow & Co. 's CEO. This is a very shocking news. According from some insider's information. All servants were dismissed and Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong had left. However the whereabouts of Miss Arielle is still uncertain. Also, the police is scheduled to take the Armstrong estate this afternoon around 3...”

    Arielle cannot possibly be incredulous any longer. After sitting shocked in her parents' bedroom for quite sometime she looked up at the clock. It was already 2:15, she hurried over to her own room. From the closet, she took out a large luggage. There was only so much she can carry. She quickly grabbed her large jewelry box and her savings box (which unfortunately only had four or five hundred dollars in cash because she just spent two thousand dollars on her Christmas party dress). She then filled the rest of her suitcase with her most expensive handbags and clothing.

    It was quite a hassle to pull the big suit case down the stairs. She had never had to carry anything heavier than six pounds. As she pulled the thing downstairs, she kept mumbling to herself, “Stupid thing!! What a disgrace! I should never be caught doing such an act. This is the job of a bellboy.”

    When she did get down, she stood in the middle of the living room without another budge. 'Where should I go? ... ... ... To Dane's house. He must be really worried about me and will gladly keep me at his house...” Arielle then walked over to the front door and stopped again, 'I can't just walk out through the front door. Those stupid reporters will question me and I can't possibly be seen looking like this!!' She finally resolved to walk through the back door.

    Arielle had never walked through the back entrance before. It was used only by the servants to get to work every morning and for trucks to ship up grocery or the newest dresses. The back entrance to the house led to the secondary driveway. It was not as long as the main driveway nor was it as much decorated. As Arielle walked further and further away from her home, she felt tears roll down her face. Will I ever come back? This had always been my home... ... ...


    Arielle desperately did not want anyone to see her in such a horrid appearance. The luggage ripped a pretty big whole in her dress without her noticing until she had reached the road. Her black shoes were now covered with mud while she was trying to walk across her backyard lawn. Her perfect curls were ruined for sure from all the sweat that was now running down her back. She had never felt such a dirty and forlorn feeling before. Although the Mellow Mansion was just down the street, she did not reach it until an hour later because she avoid the main streets. She was in no state to be seen by the media, which was still standing in large crowds outside of her house waiting for the police officers to come.

    At the arrival to Dane's house, she was greeted with a weird manner by the security guard who was standing right outside the double door main entrance. “Good afternoon,” the man said in a indifferent tone. Arielle was close to screaming at him for his impoliteness before she remembered the situation she was currently in.

    Arielle replied, “May I speak to Dane?”

    The security guard looked down at Arielle's dirty outfit and her large luggage and replied, “Mr. Dane Mellow does not wish to see anyone today.”

    “Excuse me. At least go in and ask!”

    “I'm sorry miss, it was an order that Mrs. Mellow gave this morning.”

   Arielle wasn't about to be kicked out. She screamed loudly from where she was, “Dane!! Dane!!”

    After a long while, she heard quick footsteps hurry down the stairs. It was Dane coming for her. Following his footsteps where his mother's and she was screaming, “Dane!! Dane!! Don't you DARE go down there! I forbid you!”

    The door was opened and out ran Dane. He rushed up to Arielle and hugged her dearly, “Arielle,” he whispered into her ears and he held her in his arm, “Are you okay? I was so worried about you. I do apologize that I was not able to go to down to your house to comfort you. As you can see, I wasn't allowed to.”

    Arielle felt so relieved to be in Dane's arms again. But her comfort was not to last long for Mrs. Mellow was soon outside too. “Miss Armstrong, my husband and I would like to have a word with you. Please come in.” Arielle felt that something was not right about Mrs. Mellow's tone. She walked hand in hand with Dane into the house. Dane gave her a small squeeze in the hand for reassurance.

    They walked into the living room. Mrs. Mellow took a seat next to her husband and told Arielle to do so as well. A cup of tea was served before Mrs. Mellow started talking, “Miss Armstrong, I understand you are in a bad situation right now.” She took a sip of tea. The bad feeling within Arielle was building up again, Mrs. Mellow never called her 'Miss Armstrong', she always addressed Arielle only by her first name.

    Mrs. Mellow continued, “And also, I do understand your relationship with our son Dane. However, now that your dad's Armstrong Cooperation is now bankrupted, Mr. Mellow and my goal of expanding the Mellow & Co. is no longer possible if you were to be engaged with our son.”

    Arielle knew exactly what she meant. The only reason why Mr. and Mrs. Mellow gave consent to Arielle and their son is because of the fortune and connection that the engagement would bring them. Although Arielle knew exactly knew exactly what Mrs. Mellow meant, she can't help asking further, “What do you mean Mrs. Mellow.”

    As if expecting such a question, Mrs. Mellow said calmly, “To be frank Miss Armstrong, we would like you to end your relationship with our son. You are quite a lady, and I am sure you will someone more suiting for your current situation.”

    Dane, who had kept quiet for such a long time, now yelled out with anger, “Mom! How can you do such a horrible thing! Love isn't all about money!”

    Mrs. Mellow raised her voice a little to reply, “Son, face the facts. Money can buy you everything and love – nothing! How can I do such a thing? ... Well, all for you! We will never to be able to give consent to you and Miss Armstrong now that she has nothing!”

    Dane stood up and pulled Arielle up with him and began walking out of the room. Mr. Mellow, who had been quiet all this time while Mrs. Mellow was talking, stood up and shouted roughly across the room, “Stand right there! If you take another step, don't think about calling this place home again. And don't call me dad any longer!”

    Dane, who had always given much respect to his father and greatly feared him as well, did not take another step and turned around instead. His father continue, “All I have done is for you. And you are about to throw away everything for this brat? Of what use is she now? She is nothing but a money vacuum! I do not mind to exchange that with connection, but what connection does she have now?”

    Dane looked at him and then at me blankly. He knew very well that what his father said was a fact. Arielle would spend more money than what she is worth doing for him. But he loved her, and she loved him! As Dane stayed mute, Mr. Mellow took the advantage of the silence to enforce his last and most powerful statement, “Son, it is family or love. She or us. Not both, you must choose.”

    The determination in Dane's eyes disappeared. He looked at his father and then at Arielle for a long time. He said not one more word of keeping Arielle and after a long stare into Arielle's eyes, he dropped his grasp on her hand. Arielle stood there for a moment in disbelief. She can't stand to look at his eyes any longer, she ran out of the house and took her luggage with her. She did not look back to have a last glimpse of Dane. He did not grab her arm to hold her back. Instead, he let her run... cry... run... It was over... They were over...

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 7:00 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 4:50 PM EST
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Mood:  down

Chapter 9

    Arielle was heart broken. She was so upset even think about where she should go next. In fact, there isn't anywhere for her to go. All she can think about is just keep walking straight ahead, don't look back. That day Arielle walked the longest distance ever in her life. She had always been escorted by car and never had to walk for more than a few steps unless she was shopping that is. Despite her fatigue, she kept going. Finally, after walking for who knows how long, she saw a bus. It stopped right besides her. Several people got off the bus.

    “Are you getting on miss?” The bus driver asked politely.

   Arielle was about to shake her head and have the bus go off. However, she saw a sign on side of the bus advertising, “Let us take you to your destination! We will make your ride a cheerful part of your life.” Arielle thought to herself, 'Destination... haha... Do I even have one?... Will I ever be 'cheerful' again?'

   Arielle decided to get on the bus and let it decide where her destination may be. “How much?” Arielle asked the bus driver when she saw the machine where you're suppose insert money.

    “One dollar miss.”

    Arielle searched her purse for a dollar, but the only thing she can find was a few hundred dollar bills. Finally after much pain, she took out four quarters. Arielle made a very surprised look at the sight of the quarters. She had never seen coin change in a long time. Throughout her life, it was only credit cards or hundred dollar bills. Inserting coins into the money machine was a lot harder than she thought. After much pushing and shoving, the bus driver couldn't help but insert the coins for Arielle.

    It was Christmas day and the bus was therefore very empty. Arielle took a seat near the window and stared out. The bus was going further and further away from her house, Dane's house.... from her past.

    Hours must have passed when finally the bus driver stopped and said to Arielle, “Miss, this is our last stop. I'll be going back to the main bus station after this stop. May you please get off here?”

    Arielle's mood had improved a lot from the ride and was very reluctant to get off. It was starting to get dark outside and the sun was about to set. She had no idea where she was. The street consists mostly of old, dirty apartments. At the end of the street was a small seven-eleven and a gas station. A gloomy feeling came over her. 'Where am I to spend the night? There are no hotels here... I AM NOT GOING TO BE A HOBO!'

    She turned the corner into a small street; her eyes looking around for some sort of motel. She reached the dead end of the street without finding a single motel. Her feet was getting tired, and the wheels of her luggage was getting worn out. A gush of cold breeze blew on her and a sudden forlorn feeling struck her. She knelled down on the side of the street and began to cry.


    Jonas rather be at work in the theater than staying at home on Christmas Day. After a warm shower, he walked towards his small desk hoping to get some winter break homework done. For some fresh air, he opened the small window next to his desk. Looking out at the window, he saw a girl in a ruined expensive dress and luggage walk down the street toward the apartment in which he lived. 'Can it be?... No, no it can't be her. Although her parents are bankrupted, she must be at a five star hotel in New York or something.' But Jonas continued staring at the girl. As she walked closer, he got a better look at the girl. 'How weird.... it really is her. Why is she here?'

    Arielle stopped exactly where Jonas's window is. See her upset and confused look, Jonas laughed and said to himself, 'Ha! I knew this will happen. Little princess is finally brought back into the REAL world.'

    Jonas then disregarded what Arielle was doing downstairs, he walked back to his desk and started his homework. It wasn't until six o'clock when his mother came into his room and said, “Jonas, dinner's ready.”

    As Jonas put away his homework and was about the leave the room, he decided to go to the window and take a look downstairs. 'She can't possibly still be down there. Her Mercedes Benz must have came to pick her up already.' But still, he walked to the window and looked down. It was already completely dark and he only can see by the streetlights located in front of his apartment.

    Arielle was still downstairs sitting on the pavement. The few cars that drove by slowed down near where she sat to look at her mockingly. 'Should I go tell her to come upstairs and eat dinner?.....' Jonas thought, 'No... she totally hates me and will decline my request. Why make so much trouble for myself. '

    Jonas then closed the window and went to eat dinner. However, he cannot rid is mind of the sight of Arielle downstairs in a wretched condition. The image kept on popping up in his head during dinner. Even television did not help get the image away. His mind kept on drifting off to Arielle despite his desperate attempt to focus on the television. The clock stroke nine, and Megan went to bed. She had to wake up early for work the next day.

    Jonas himself went back to his bedroom. Before going to bed, he took one last look out the window. Arielle was still there, in the same spot. He was on the urge to go downstairs and ask how he can help, but he said to himself, 'You'll just be shouted at. Doesn't she have a lot of friends? Afterall, she's class president! She can always ask them to help. Why me?' With that thought in mind, Jonas climbed into bed.

    But he just can't sleep. The image came into his head over and over again. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a small drizzle. He hurried over to the window. Arielle was still sitting down there getting wet. The rain got heavier and heavier.

    Jonas ran out of his room to fetch an umbrella. 'Should I just throw the umbrella down the window. Then she won't know who it is from... But what if the umbrella hits her head!?'

    After checking that his mom is asleep, Jonas went hurried downstairs. He slowed down as he approached Arielle. He stood with the umbrella over Arielle and himself. Arielle with a teary eye looked up at him. She recognized him instantly and said with a sob, “Jonas...”

    “Um... are you still okay?” Arielle shook her head. “Where are you planning to go? You aren't going to spend the night out here are you?”

    “... I don't know where to go.... there's no where for me to go...”

    As much as he use to hate Arielle, he was not be so mean as to leave her out in the heavy rain. She was shivering and sneezing. “Here,” Jonas gave Arielle a hand to help her up. “You can come upstairs to my apartment if you don't mind...”

    Arielle gave a slight nod and took Jonas's hand. She took a limping step and screamed in pain, “My feet is so sore!!!”

    Jonas looked into her eyes and could almost fell the pain through such sorrowful eyes. “Hold this.” He handed Arielle the umbrella and she took it. He then knelled down and asked Arielle to put her arms around his neck.

    “What are you doing?” Arielle asked as she followed his orders.

   “Giving you a piggy back ride.” Jonas said in a somewhat irritated voice, but then soften up and said, “Now come on, or you'll get a cold.”

    Jonas carried Arielle all the way upstairs. Arielle came in to see a very small living room that was lightly furnished with nothing expensive in sight. Jonas put her down on the sofa. He went to his room to get a towel, a t-shirt, and a pair of jeans. “Go take a warm shower. The bathroom is the first door to the right. Here is a new towel and some dry clothes.”

    Arielle took the towel and said, “Thank you, but I have my own pajamas.” She unzipped her luggage to take out a designer brand pajama. (Take about an expensive luggage bag, none of the clothes within was wet from the rain!)

    Arielle felt much better from the shower and came out to find Jonas in the kitchen. He handed her a cup of hot chocolate. “Drink this,” He said softly to avoid waking his mother. After finishing the cup of hot chocolate, Arielle prepared to go to bed.

    “You can sleep in my room tonight.” Jonas offered sincerely.

    “How about you?” Arielle asked.

    “I'll be fine sleeping in the couch out in the living room.” Jonas even so nice as to give up his bed for the night.

    Arielle walked into Jonas's room. It was the smallest bedroom she ever say. It was even smaller than her restroom not to even compare it with her dressing room or bedroom. A large book shelve and desk took up more than half of the room. While a small full-sized bed took up the rest of the room. In between the desk and bed was a small window that looked out to nothing! Arielle was extremely exhausted, tired enough to be able to fall asleep on rough sheets. Oh how much I miss my silk 800 count sheets... Although the room was small and the sheets were rough, Arielle felt warm... safe... and maybe, just maybe... at home.

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 6:57 PM EDT
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Mood:  caffeinated

Chapter 10

    Morgan came into Jonas's room at nine the next morning. “How surprising! You're not awake yet darling?” Morgan pushed aside the curtain and opened the window. Having a somewhat awkward feeling about the person laying on Jonas's bed, Morgan sat on the bed to check. “Jonas? I have to get to work soon. It is awfully awkward for you to be sleeping in so late today.”

    Arielle made a slight stir in bed but covered her face more tightly with the blanket to block off the sun. “For one second I thought it was someone else sleeping on Jonas's bed... perhaps I was thinking too much.” Morgan thought to herself. She got up from the bed and was about to leave when Jonas walked into the room.

    “Jonas?!” Morgan looked from Jonas to the figure sleeping on the bed. She gave a most dumbfounded look. It took a few seconds before Morgan could murmur another word. “... And... who's this?”

    Arielle now stirred in the bed again but did not look as if she was about to wake up any time soon. Jonas dragged Morgan out of the bedroom and said, “I can explain.”

    “Explain!” Morgan shrieked, “I thought you were a good boy! Tell me now, is that person in your room and a girl or a boy....”

    Jonas did not know how to explain to Morgan without giving her the wrong ideas, but Morgan was already formulating some as Jonas thought of a good explanation. Morgan mumbled to herself, “Let's hope that the person inside is a guy... Jonas just had a friend come sleep over that's all ... But... what if tells me that he's gay... no... No... NO!!”

    “MORGAN!” Jonas shouted to get her attention off of her wild imaginations, “It's not the way you think it is. The person who is sleeping in my room right now is Arielle Armstrong.”

    “Arielle... wait... that is a girl's name! JONAS! Are you telling me that you were sleeping with a girl last night!”

    “NO! Her dad announced bankruptcy yesterday. She lost her home and her boyfriend dumped her. Somehow she ended up outside of our apartment building last night, and it was raining... so I let her in. She slept in my room and I slept on the couch in the living room.”

    Morgan was out of speech again, nothing like this had ever happened before. She put a hand on Jonas's back and guided him towards to sofa. They sat down for a few moments before Morgan can speak again. “... Jonas, you know how our financial situation is. We just can't afford to have another person living here.”

    At this time, Arielle came out of the room. She had changed into a nice looking morning dress. Without a slight sense of shyness or uncomfortable feelings, Arielle walked up to Morgan and said, “Good morning, I am Arielle and I would like to thank you so much for allowing me to sleep over last night. I hope that with your benevolence, you will allow me to stay here if I pay rent to you.”

    Jonas quickly whispered into Arielle's ear, “And how do you think you can pay the rent for half of this place.”

    Arielle answer very plainly, “Well, there's only two rooms and one bathroom here. It can't possibly be over 815 ft2 . And if I split the monthly bill with you, I will end up spending less than going to a five star hotel.”

    “That is not what I meant, I meant where are you going to get that kind of money.”

    “Well, I did bring out a few thousand dollars with me. Anyways, I can find a job. No problem at all.”

    “With this kinda economy right now? How is someone like you who is picky and can't do half the stuff assigned going to find a job?”

   Arielle laughed, “Jonas, with my abilities, I search for more professional and high paying jobs.”

    It was already nine thirty, and Morgan had to be off in another fifteen or so minutes, “Sorry to interrupt you guys. It is not that I am a stingy person Ms. Armstrong, but we have just moved into Crescent Valley here at Beverley Hills only to have Jonas attend BU. This place may be small, but after all it still is Beverley Hills so it is a bit pricey for us.”

    “Sorry Morgan for taking up so much of your time. So let us get to the point. How much is your rent here?”

    “$3260 per month.”

    Arielle took out her wallet from her purse almost immediately and gave Morgan $1630 in cash. Satisfied, Morgan said, “Thank you. So I guess you will take over Jonas's room and Jonas will sleep out here in the living room.”

    Looking a bit reluctant, Jonas agreed with Morgan.

    “I'm a bit hungry. What do you guys have here to eat.” Arielle asked. Morgan looked up at the clock and began to pack her suitcase quickly.

    “We have some cereal in the cabinet I think. Jonas, go show it to Arielle.” Morgan said hastily.

    “No need to show it to me, just get it for me.” Arielle replied.

    Morgan stopped packing and walked over to Arielle, “I'm sorry Ms. Armstrong. Even though you paid rent, Jonas is not your servant. If you want something, go get it yourself.” With this remark, Morgan left the apartment.

    Jonas came with the box of cereal and a carton of milk. Arielle gave it a disgusted stare and quit the dinning room to go get her coat. “I thought that you were hungry.” Jonas said as Arielle walked towards the door.

    “I was, but how can any human being actually eat such a thing.”

    “And where are you going now?”

    “None of your business.” With that, Arielle slammed the door and was gone.

    “Fine then...” Jonas said to himself.


    Overcome by curiosity, Jonas grabbed his jacket and went out the door. He was still on winter vacation but he didn't have to go to the theater that day until 2 in the afternoon. Arielle was still within sight when he was down the elevator. Arielle took a taxi and Jonas followed her closely with his old motorcycle. The taxi slowed down on one of the large shopping centers on Beverley Hills Boulevard. It came to a stop at the Beverly Wilshire Four Season Hotel. “Can't get rid of the habit of being a rich spoiled brat,” thought Jonas as he saw Arielle got off the taxi and into the hotel. “But man, this place is expensive!! I heard that it is like more than $700 just for a regular room not to even mention their 5,000 ft2 penthouse suite!”

    As much Jonas wanted to leave the spoiled brat and get back home, his curiosity did not allow him to do so. So, he drove up to the driveway of the hotel and had a gentlemen valet park it. The man who he handed the motorcycle's keys to, gave Jonas the dirtiest and most doubting look ever. Not caring so much as to what the valet parking dude was thinking, Jonas walked ahead to follow behind Arielle. The hallway was grand and Jonas quickly found himself to less dressed for such a place.

    The lady at the counter greeted Arielle with a familiar smile and a sweet, “Good morning Ms. Armstrong.”

    “She must have been here very often. What a princess.” Jonas thought to himself. He was about to follow Arielle into the restaurant before the hostess stopped him.

    “How may I be of service today mister?”

    Dearly wanting to follow Arielle, Jonas said, “Can you get me a table near that of Ms. Armstrong's?”

    “No problem, please follow me.” The hostess led Jonas to a table that was two away from that of Arielle's. The hostess handed him a menu. Jonas looked down at it shocked, he found himself unable to read half of the stuff on the menu. He quickly scanned for the cheapest thing on the menu.

    The hostess first went over to Arielle's table to take her order. Arielle said with an elegant air, “Can I get the Steak and Eggs Grilled Prime New York, Lyonnaise Potato, Watercress Salad set and a cup of cappuccino please.”

    Collecting the menu, the hostess walked over to Jonas's table. “Are ready to order sir?”

    “Um...” Jonas hesitated at the prices, “Can I have a cup of black coffee for now.” Jonas had never had a cup of coffee without milk or sugar, but black was the cheapest drink on the menu. Jonas watched Arielle eat her breakfast with joy while he chucked down mouthfuls of black coffee. Halfway through her meal, Arielle said without turning around, “Jonas, I know you're sitting behind me. Would you like to join me in eating breakfast?”

    Jonas hesitated for a second and thought, “Maybe if I don't answer, she won't think that I'm really here.”

    Without hearing anything from Jonas, Arielle took up her cup of coffee and walked over to Jonas's table. She sat down across from him. Feeling a bit embarrassed, Jonas said, “Oh, I didn't know you were here.”


    “I come here all the time to have my breakfast.”

    “Enjoying your black coffee?”

    “Of course!” Jonas took up his cup of coffee and poured the rest into his mouth.

    The waitress came around and said politely, “Would you like to have some more sir?”

    Without any hesitation Jonas quickly said, “No. One cup is enough.”

    Arielle chuckled at the sight and said after the waitress left, “So... you were following me.”


    Arielle was beginning to enjoy torturing this poor Jonas and continued, “So why would a person like you be here if you weren't following me?”

    Quickly changing the subject, Jonas said, “And why are you still here slowly enjoying your food. Don't you have to find a job?”

    “Well I just received a phone call from the head manager at Hilton Hotel that they have received my resume that I sent them via email this morning. And I have an appointment with them at one this afternoon.”

    “What position are you applying for?”

    “Hotel management. The pay isn't that bad. Something like $45-50 an hour.”

    “But don't you have to look for other jobs just in case you don't get accepted at Hilton. I mean after all, you have to have to fit into their high qualifications to get appointed.”

    “So are you saying I'm inept for such a job?”


    “Just watch!”

Posted by crazy4/esthershortstories at 6:52 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 December 2007 8:11 PM EST
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