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Hello Kitty E Mail

My Photo Bucket

~* Drop my style just like it is! *~

Today's Date is

Into. Hello:

~ I am a complicated girl, my site is not. This site was made for my own entertainment, but if others enjoy it that's great. You can Blog & let me know what you think. -or not, whatever makes you happy. :P

Words To Live By:

No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. -Leo Dworken

People are like the stars. There are those who burn brightly and those that are dim. -Hilda (outlaw star)

They Say those who don�t fallow the rules are trash But do you know what? Those who don�t protect their comrades are even lower than trash. -Hatake Kakashi (Naruto)

God Asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. You must take it. The only choice is how. -Henry Ward (Z.O.E)

Memory is an abstract painting -it does not present things as they are, but rather as they feel. -Eugenia collier (Marigolds)

Old fears have a way of clinging like cobwebs. -Eugenia collier (Marigolds)

If you believe your life is so pointless then it is. If you believe in yourself then you live. -me

If we're all God's children, then what's so specail about Jesus?

"Im not going to say anything insperational, Im just gunna fuckin' swear alot." -Billie Joe