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*One day you'll walk up to me and ask which is more important, you or my life, and I will say my life, and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life.

*I get jealous when someone hugs you, because for that one second, they're holding my world.

*Loving you is like breathing how could I ever stop.

*Only a person who has never been in love can say there are lots of fish in the sea.

*cell: 250-9591

wait for the guy whO will make a [ [ ordinary moment ] ] seem .:*magical*:. the kind of guy whOll :: bring Out :: the very *best* inside of -> u at absOlutely anytime| | nO matter | | what the : : circumstances : : wait fOr the guy whO will make yOu smile like * nO 1 else * the guy whO will -always- want to {show u off} to the world . when yOur in "sweats" and have * nO make up On * but really * *appreciates* when you get :+: dOlled up fOr him :+: wait fOr the guy who'll put u in the center Of his [ u n i v e r s e ] mOst Of all wait fOr that because-> thats where u *belOng

R eally amazing and very sweet
E ndless smiling everytime we meet
B eautiful and Cute are what you are to me
E specially when you smile happily
K ind and loving, yes thats you
A lways sweet and wonderful too
H ope u like this poem that i wrote just now ^_-

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