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Tyler Watson's Page of Wonder (serious wonder..)

What is your favorite kind of music?
Christian/Contemporary Christian
50's, 60's, (etc.)
Heavy Metal
Rap/Hip Hop
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this would be the link for slap the monkey but sadly phillip took it off his site :'(

My Favorite Web Sites

buy some shwanky "poke the penguin" threads to show off to your friends!

for those very boring days....
the best site on the planet ^_^ and all my friends would agree with me too :P
this may be the best site (specially little timmy) this is my best friend, phillips site!

well thxs for coming... it wuznt very long tho i know but i will have alot more things to do on here (maybe like phillips site O.O) well newayz cya later and dont forget to sign the guestbook and tell me what i should put on here!! And also im sorry for the links i put on here im trying to work out a few bugs with this new software im using -_- so just bear with me

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