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Spiffy Spiffy boom boom

MORO!!! Welcome to a glance at what is what in this pathetic life of mine, heh, actually this is me.... *aaaaaahhhhhhhhh* screams and runs away..... oh, yeah, just me. Okay, well, if you like my pics, thanks, if not, don't worry, you're not the only one who think I look hideous........ *hides all mirrors* I really dont like myself.

*sigh* yeah

Yeah. I was just sitting on a bed, I have fallen off that bed 18 times, I don't think I should sit on beds anymore.

no no no no no

Yeah I was talking to me friend about quantum physics and parallel worlds and the color yellow. Yeah, we talked 2 hours straight about the word yellow. BOO One more picture of me, come check it out. SPIFFY 009