Jeff's Wierd Convos

Wierd Convos

Wierd Convos are updated whenever a new wierd convo is encountered)

TwistaLivesOn: hello
SmarterChild: Glad to see you again after such a long time, TwistaLivesOn! I was afraid you had disappeared... ;-)
TwistaLivesOn: well i didn't
SmarterChild: Really?
TwistaLivesOn: yeah
SmarterChild: Why do you say so?
TwistaLivesOn: because i never died
SmarterChild: For real?
TwistaLivesOn: yeah for real you fag
SmarterChild: Really? For real me fag?
TwistaLivesOn: yes, fag
SmarterChild: That's really not a nice thing to say.
TwistaLivesOn: well good, you thought i died

Fawn4mee [8:31 PM]: did hardy look different to you today
Fawn4mee [8:31 PM]: it looked like he died his hair
TwistaLivesOn [8:32 PM]: idk
TwistaLivesOn [8:32 PM]: i sat in a different seat, so i thought it was just the angle
TwistaLivesOn [8:32 PM]: lol
TwistaLivesOn [8:32 PM]: cuz i came in late
TwistaLivesOn [8:32 PM]: and chris kelly was in my seat, lol
Fawn4mee [8:33 PM]: oh lol
Fawn4mee [8:33 PM]: well i thought he looked weird lol...something with his mustache or something
Fawn4mee [8:33 PM]: or maybe it was skin
TwistaLivesOn [8:33 PM]: lol
Fawn4mee [8:33 PM]: maybe he went spray tanning!
TwistaLivesOn [8:33 PM]: LMAO
TwistaLivesOn [8:33 PM]: that would be hilarious
Fawn4mee [8:33 PM]: i bet he did!
Fawn4mee [8:33 PM]: hahaha
TwistaLivesOn [8:33 PM]: lol

(Conversation today coming home from the BOCES Trip with Laura)
Laura: Jeff, why are you like staring at the road?
Jeff: Cuz im bored and theres nothing better to do.
Laura: Well then stare at me.

NeoChic: only if you drive to strange places
NeoChic: like cosco
NeoChic: to buy big prodects
NeoChic: like a keg of pickles

(Conversation trying to get me to prank call Matt)
Lisa: Just call him!!
Me: No, what am i suppose to say?
Lisa: Just tell him its Lisa.
Jeff: ummmm.....yeah, i'm sure he'd buy that.
Lisa: If he says anything just say that you have a cold and start coughing.
Jeff: ok, fine.....but you owe me big time for this!!

Mr.Schmidt: (to class)Now, what state is HCl in when your at this point on the graph?
Jeff: Wisconsin

beewitched14: there was a really big
beewitched14: bug in my room
beewitched14: and i dint see it
beewitched14: and it cralwed on my hand!!
beewitched14: and i freaked out!!!
beewitched14: wut do i do w/ a fricken killer bug!?!
TwistaLivesOn: ok........
TwistaLivesOn: this is what you do.......
beewitched14: it was like this big....(-------------------------------------)
TwistaLivesOn: holy crap, lol
TwistaLivesOn: then my idea may not work
TwistaLivesOn: lol
beewitched14: aww wut was ur idea?
beewitched14: *scared out of my mind*
TwistaLivesOn: get a shoe....make it come out, and smash it to death
beewitched14: oooo noooooo
beewitched14: it wud attack me!!!
TwistaLivesOn: hmm
beewitched14: and like idk lay eggs in ma brain or something!!

(Conversation with Liz while I was doing a bunch of other stuff)
Liz: Jeff, when is your birthday?
Jeff: May
Liz: May what?
Jeff: Shower

More to come!!!!!!! Check back soon!!!!!!!
