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Everything is Better on Fire.

Here at Everything is Better on Fire (hereafter referred to as EBOF) we have decided to combine the two great god's of our time Fire and Action sports, the results of this earth shaking experiment are sure to be both action packed as well as flame filled. To be quite honest this is just a way for us to do more stupid stuff than we normally do and share our stupidity with the world. We intend to do the following things, remember this is just a partial list.

EBOF is moving to we've started packing.

EBOF is the brain child of myself Mr. Otto Hoarner, and my friends Moxie Wildman, Steve "fuzzy" Myers, Larry Packard, and Mike Bentham. It is important for you to know that these are all stage names taken from a phonebook with a knife at random in fact the original spelling of Otto was Auto but I felt that Otto had a better ring to it. Several of the members of EBOF do not even know there part in this great organization with by the way is garneted to have no semblance to an organization. Addendum, The rumor that I woke up naked in an aquarium the other day are completely false, it was a terrarium.

It is at this point that my lawyer thinks that we should inform you that you should NOT try this at home unless you like us have a video camera.

As for you nay Sayers out there saying nay, and telling me that my lawyer is just a picture of the guy from "The Practice" taped to my wall, all I have to say to you is, God hates you.

NEW STORIE ADDED!!! And not the kind you put on a bulding!

Yes it is here the first of our EBOF Stories, read of the zany adventures of all of your favorite EBOF members, and if you are lucky get your story published.

At one Point in my life I was told that eating glass is bad. Here is our mission statement.

Here at EBOF we have many claims to fame including;

He has nothing to do with our webpage but he is just creepy enough to fit right in. Think of what he's saying to the other person on the phone. You know that person is just sitting there banning there head agents the nearest hard inanimate object screaming at the top of there lungs "WHY LORD WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO?" That kid is a relic from the 80's one can only imagine the horrors this kid faced while attending high school, or if not the horrors he faced, the ones the kids forced to listen to him in his sophomore speech class had. He will never get laid. Oh and you can click on him to see more things that I hate.

If you would like to send us money please do so, we are in college and could use anything you wish to send us to fund our project here or buy beer. Just email me and I'll tell you where to leave the money.

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Please take the time to vist our great other site, The Unbelievably Incredibly Stupid World of Ms. Wedig. UISWMS for short.
