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This site contains a survey intended to collect up-to-date statistics regarding sex and sex-related topics. This survey was created after questions were raised over validity of sexual statistics released by many different groups and organizations.

This survey does include sexually explicit questions, which may offend some people. If you are disturbed by such things, please do not take the survey, and leave the site now. No one involved in the survey can be held responsible if you are offended by this survey.

There are two surveys. One is for males, the other is for females. Both are completely confidential, and individual results will never be released. At the end of the survey, statistics gather by it will be released in the form of percentages for each possible answer for each question. The answers submitted by individuals will only be viewed by a group of three people involved in the survey who are responsible for collating answers and creating the percentages to be released to the public.

If you fill out the survey, please answer very honestly. Submitting answers that are not truly your own will unbalance the survey and can cause skewed results. Any submissions may be disqualified by the collating team if they deem them to be untrue.

The first question on both surveys requests the email address of the person filling it out. This is not required at all. You may put in your email address if you wish to have the results of the survey emailed to you, and if you wish to participate in future updated versions of the survey. Email addresses added will not be sold or given to anyone, and will only be viewed by the collating team in order to send you the results or add your answers of future surveys to your old ones. If you are uncomfortable giving your email address but still want to recieve the results, use the link below to request the results.

We have now included the option to submit any ideas you have for the survey. Ideas for the female survey (currently under construction) will appear on the one that will soon be launched. Ideas for the male survey will be reserved until there is an update. You may get to the ideas page using the link below.

Please select the survey appropriate for you:

Male Survey
Female Survey - Under Construction: Estimated completion date - unknown.

Result requests
Idea submission 1