.*Hey Guys...Welcome To The Site... Well Check It Out! Love Ya*. .*-The Teenage Years-*. Smiles, Tears, .×*superficial fears*×...all are part of the teenage years. First dates, first cars, Having crushes on.׺football Startsº×.First jobs, First kisses, One to many .:*hits and misses*:.The best years of growing up, With great achievments and ^¡!-»screwing up«-!¡^Good girls, bad boys, Finally throwing out »~*old toys*~« Sneaking out, getting caught, Remembering all the .*(-fights we've fought-)*.Boyfriends, girlfriends, hoping they're .-|love never ends|-. Heart-breaks, making out, Just to hear *-.×parents shout×.-*All are part of the *.teenage years.*.High school college, then it :(ends):, Its time to change once again. We'll always *-remember all of the times-*, When we won we lost and when we -*.cried.*- We'll always have memories of our fights and fears,and all the good times spent in the... *[.t.e.e.n.a.g.e.y.e.a.r.s]*
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