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Magic 8 Ball

George Bush is the only one in America who deserves to be without a job.
Unemployment. War. George Bush out of control.
Poverty.  Anger. For the destitute, nowhere to go.
America is not a third world country, he screamed. But no one cared.

America is the land of the free, He boasted.
It is if you have a high priced attorney, just ask the corporate thieves.
To the rich, He toasted. Friends in high places living in the Florida Keys.

Lose your health insurance. Your job. Your home.
Watch the news - youre not alone. There are so many others out there.

God bless America, He said, with a hand over his heart.
To which this reply was heard.
The number you have dialed has been disconnected.
Even Deities must have trouble paying their bills.