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My Chosen Goddesses of Worship

This site is a shrine to the seven goddesses, 6 Celtic and 1 Egyptian, which I worship.  I ask you to respect my deities and not to insult them.

Below I have supplied information about each one so you can come to know them better.


Aine (of Knockaine)-

       Celtic (Irish) Goddess of love and fertility, later known as the fairy queen. Goddess related to the moon, crops, and farms or cattle. Aine is revered among Irish herbalists and healers and is said to be responsible for the body's life force. A woman of the Leanan Sidhe (Sweetheart of the Sidhe). Some said she was the daughter of Manannan, some said she was the Morrigan herself. There was a stone, Cathair Aine, belonging to her and if anyone sat on the stone, they would be in danger of losing their wits, sit three times and they would lose them forever. Aine was very revengeful, and it was not a safe thing to offend her.

       Goddess of love and fertility; also known as the Fairy Queen of Munster.  She encouraged human love, but was of course opposed to rape and the forceful nature of love. Aine was also known as a goddess of fertility in that she had control and command over crops and animals. She was known to have made a magical vow to never sleep with a man of grey hair. She was able to hold this vow even after her sister strove to sabotage her by way of her lover Fionnis.



         "The Silver Wheel", "High Fruitful Mother". Celtic (Welsh) Goddess, the sister of Gwydion and wife of Donn. Deity of element of Air, reincarnation, full moons, time, karma, retribution. The palace of this sky Goddess was Caer Arianrhod (Aurora Borealis). Keeper of the Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and karma. Her ship, Oar Wheel, carried dead warriors to Emania (Moon-land).


Bast- Bast is the Egyptian Goddess and protector of cats, women and children. She is Goddess of sunrise. Her goddess duty changed over the years, but, she is also known as a goddess of love, fertility, birth, music and dance. Bastet is a cat-headed goddess, a local deity of the delta. Cats were sacred to Bast as a symbol of animal passion. Bast's devotees celebrated their lady with processions of flower-laden barges and orgiastic ceremonies. Her festivals were licentious and quite popular.

Bast (Bastet, Pasch, Ubasti, Ba en Aset) is the ancient Egyptian goddess of cats, dawn, civilization, home, plenty, enlightenment, art, music, dance, creation, birth, fertility, sex, physical pleasure, truth, music, dance, the arts, the moon, and the rising sun.



       One of the triple Goddesses of the Celtic pantheon. She is the daughter of The Dagda, the All Father of the Tuatha de Danann, one of the most ancient people of Northern Europe. Some say there are actually three Brighids; one is in charge of poetry and inspiration; one is in charge of midwifery and healing, and the last is in charge of crafts and smiths.

 She probably began as a sun Goddess. According to legend, she was born at sunrise and a tower of flame beamed from her head.

 As Goddess of fire and water, she is immortalized by many wells and springs. Most important of her monuments, though, was a shrine at Kildare where there was a perpetual flame burning for Brighid. Nineteen virgins called the Daughters of the Flame, wearing deep crimson habits and bearing swords, tended it. They would not talk to men, nor could men come near the shrine. Her feast is St.Brighids Days in Ireland and is the Pagan Festival of Imbolc

 When Christianity began its onset, so loved was Brighid that she was made a saint. However, the upkeep on her flame was considered pagan by the church and it was extinguished out of more than a thousand years of burning. St. Brigit remains one of the most popular Irish saints today, along with Saint Patrick.

 Identical to Juno, Queen of Heaven. Symbolizes human potential. Also known as Brigit, Brigid, Brigindo, Bride.

She was the main mother goddess of Ireland. Brighid is often considered the triple goddess. History tells that the Dagda and Boann had three daughters that were all named Brighid. This combination gives her the traits of wisdom, divination, fire, heath, poetry, prophecy, healing, smithing, and learning. Once Christianity took over the land, she become known at St. Brighid.



       Moon, Grain and Nature Goddess. Cerridwen's symbol is a white sow. Patron of the poets, greatest of all the bards.

 She prepared in a cauldron a magical brew, which stewed for a year and would yield three precious drops. These would bestow on the receiver the wisdom of the past, the knowledge of the present, and the secrets of the future.

 Cerridwen symbolizes luck, element of earth, death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, inspiration, the arts, science, poetry, astrology/zodiac.



         Goddess of war, life, and death. Goddess of cunning, death, sheer physical force; protectoress in both battle and peace. Known as the Crow or Raven as she wore a cloak of RavenŽs feathers, often appeared as a Raven or Crow, Queen of Phantoms, and the Mother of Life and Death, she was honored at Lughnasadh or Samhain. Variants: Mania, Mana, Mene, and Minne.



         "The Great Queen". Celtic Goddess of war and death who could take the shape of a crow or raven. Supreme warrior Goddess. She is associated with the sometimes frightening aspects of female energy. Married to the Daghda. She symbolizes the power of fertility, the dark Goddess' prowess, death, war, and fate. A shapeshifting war Goddess of sensuality, magic, prophecy, revenge, war. Known as Great Queen, Supreme War Goddess, Queen of Phantoms, and Specter Queen, she kept company with Fea (hateful), Badb (fury), and Macha (battle). Also known as a Triple Goddess form Maiden, Mother and Crone. Variants: Morrigu, Morrighan, Morgan.


**Purple text is take from a lovely site here, Celtic Gods and Goddesses


** Teal text is taken from yet another wonderful site here, Cat Headed Beings


** Plum text comes from this site, Bast: Egyptian Cat Goddess


**Black text is from Gods, Heroes, and Myth

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