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MegGie's Website!

Monday, 5 April 2004

*~Shout Outs~*
(dont mind the ugly ass whore on the top of my page shes just there i cant get her the fuck off!)

Heres some shoutouts to mah people.....

staish: i love ya gurl! we rock! hehe!

caleb: you stole my heart..*kizzzzes* MUAW

ryan: yes ik im so0o blonde!

magie, jen, tana, & shannon: i love you gurls to death so0o many awesome times!

sam: i dunno why i was even mad at you gurl!

tasha: we da geneva gangsta chics fo life! HOLLA!!

kroz, tomion, soups, vokal, kesel & amo: i love you 6 to death ya'll like brothers to me so0o many bad ass times with the crew, i will never forget any of them!!

mah boces people o0o man here we go! where to start hm lets see..were in hell cuz were downstairs and the ppl up stairs are in heaven! frosting fights, water fights, pissin the teachers off, stealin food!! bitchen! haha webad!? CRAZIE MEGGIE IS GONNE ATTACK!=-o

mellissa makes the best milkshakes!! yeah yah!

vinny: remember when i taught you to tell the kids at school that you were a lesbian cuz you like gurls, when they called you gay? haha i love ya to pieces lil brother!

Sara & Matt: im glad that i have a bigger sister and brother by my side thanks for being there!

Keyton, Ciera, Nathaniel & Alexus: im glad that im a aunt to you four! i dont know what my life would be wothout you little ones.

if i missed ya holla at cha gurl!

Posted by crazy3/meggie at 9:18 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 5 April 2004 10:03 PM EDT
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*~More Quotes#2~*
*if you like my sh*t*
-you got good taste-
*but it doesn't take talent*
-to copy and paste-
(sO iN oThEr WoRdS dOn'T tAkE mY sTuFf)


.•*•.•*•.×.•*•.•*•. .•*•.•*•.×.•*•.•*•.
.•:*[W] [E] [L] [C] [O] [M] [E]*:•.
.•:* [M] [Y] [P] [R] [O] [F] [I] [L] [E] *:•.
.•*• M-a-Y-*-c-A-u-S-e-*-G-r-E-a-T•*•.
(¸.•*´ [C] [O] [N] [T] [I] [N] [U] [E] `*•.¸)
«•¨¤•.¸.•¨°!(( [R].[I].[S].[K]))! °¨•.¸.•¤¨•»

*..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:-
-:¦:- (( °º °
«(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°
*..·°-:¦:-`v´* WeLcOmE *-:¦:- °·..*
* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *
-:¦:- * °.. ·· ..*.. ·· .
:.° * -:¦:-

_ /*\_ ¸.·¤**¤·.¸.·¤**¤·.¤**¤¤**¤
\* * / ¤**¤ gAbBY ¤**¤.

My GrLz n GuYz- I LoVe ThEm
*ThEy MeAn ThE WoRlD ToO MeE
wHeN iM sTrEsSeD n DePrEsSeD
i KnO iM gUnNa Be iiGhT
CuZ i gOt mAh giRLz 2 MaH LeFt
n MaH BoYz 2 mAh RiGhT

".¸¸.*sOmetimez yOu gOtta wOnder".¸¸.*
".¸¸.*whO wOuld REALLY care...".¸¸.*
".¸¸.*if they lOst yOu".¸¸.*

(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)
` ·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´
×`·.¸.·´×hey yOu
(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)
×`·.¸.·´×Sign my guest book...
( ¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)
×`·.¸.·´×look around
(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)
(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)
(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)
` ·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´
(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)
` ·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´
×`·.¸.·´×have fun!!!

`·('')('') .· ´
( Ångel from )
( a cloud... )

.*.CrAzY dAyZ.*.
.*.HiLaRiOuS nItEz.*.
.*.HoUr LoNg TaLkZ.*.
.*.PiLlOw FiTeZ.*.
.*.No MaTa WuT.*.
.*.We'Ll AlWaYz Be TyTe.*.
.*.My GuRlZ FoReVa.*.
.*.FoReVa sO RiTe.*.

«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·»
Dance as if no one was watching.
Love like you'll never get hurt.
Sing like no one's listening.
And live like there's heaven on Earth.
«·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·»

For every heart that finds Love...There is a heart that cries. For every dream that is reborn...There is a dream that dies. For every day filled with sun...There is a day of rain. For every hour filled with Joy...There is an hour of pain. For every smile upon a face...There is a tear to cry. For ever fond hello you say...There is a sad goodbye.

¸.·*¸.·* ¸.·* ¸.·*
¸.·* B A B Y¸.·*
¸.·* G I R L ¸.·*
¸.·*¸.·* ¸.·* ¸.·*

*:·. C
*:·. H
*:·. E
*:·. E
*:·. R
*:·. L
*:·. E
*:·. A
*:·. D
*:·. E
*:·. R
.·:* AND PROUD!!!!!!!!!

c.H.e.E.r.L.e.A.d.E.r.S. r.U.l.E.

wHaTz tOmMy wiThOuT cHucKy?
sTeVe wiThoUt bLuE?
SponGebOb wiThOuT pAtRick?


x* NeVer *x
x*x FoRgEt x*x
x*x* ThE *x*x
x*x*x TiMeS x*x*x
x*x*x* YoU *x*x*x
x*x*x*x HaVe x*x*x*x
x*x*x*x* WiTh *x*x*x*x
x*x*x*x*x YoUr x*x*x*x*x
~¤*BeSt FrIeNdS*¤~

E=PPl r enviouse
E=Never envies
R=Ra Ra Ra

Cheerleading takes...
S - Skill
P - pride
I - Integrity
R - Rhythm
I - Intelligence
T - Teamwork!!

aT fIrSt i CrIeD cUz u LiKeD hEr OvA mE
...BuT nOw i LaUgH...
CuZ DaAaYyYuUuM! ShE UgLy!!

i PrOmiSe iLL bE WiT yOu TiL tHe VeRy EnD..WiPiN yOuR TeArZ AwAy BeiN yOuR BeSt FriEnD..iLL sMiLe WhEn yOu sMiLe aNd FeEL tHa PaiN WhEn yOu dO..AnD iF yOu CrY JuSt OnE TeAr i PrOmiSe iLL CrY tOo

-:-OnE tHiNg i LeArNeD aBoUt LoVe -iT nEvEr LaStS-
OnE tHiNg i LeArNeD aBoUt PeOpLe -ThEy ChAnGe FaSt-:-

*WaT gOeS aRoUnD CuMz aRoUnD
DaTs WhA PeOpLe SaY...
So aLL tHe PaiN u CAuSeD mE...
WiLL cum bAcK 2 u SoMeDaY*

*::*nO MaTta HoW i fEeL iTz aLwAyZ tRu*::*
*::*ThAT tHe ThiNg tHaT mAkEs Me SmiLe MoSt*::*
*::*iS a SmiLe ThAt CuMz FrOm u*::*

As We GrOw Up In LiFe
OuR pArEnTs AlWaYs TeLl Us
ThAt OuR dReAmS aNd WiShEs WiLl CoMe TrUe
BuT iTs A bUnCh Of BuLlShIt CuZ iVe BeEn
DrEaMiN n WiShIn 4 U eVeRyNiGhT
AnD i StiLl DoNt HaVe U

**::PeOpLe ChAnGe::**
**::ThInGs gO WrOnG::**
**::CrAp HaPpEnS::**
**::bUt LiFe gOeS oN::**

aLl Th0sE niGhts. `',.*
when yur 0ut with `.'*
y0ur frIends..the ' `.,*
laFfz never st0p . ,`'*
and the fun never `.,'*
endz.iNsIdErz.anD. `,'*
kRaZziI niGhTs.LaTe `'.,*
nIgHt cAlLs.aNd sTupiD .'`,*
fIgHts.pickIng oUt ouTfiTs .,`'*
aNd sHoPpInG aLl dAy. ,`'.*
yU gUrLs aRe thE bEst .'`,*
..thAts alL i CaN saIi.. .`',*

Best Guy
1)He sits next to you and tells you that he likes you...
2)He luvs you *n* neva lets you ferget it....
Yer wet..yer make up is all messed up..yer hair is jacked but all yer boy can say is babi yer beautiful

~*What Is a True Friend?*~

*A*ccepts you as you are
*B*elieves in you
*C*alls you just to say "HI"
*D*oesn't give up on you
*E*nvisions the whole of you
*F*orgives your mistakes
*G*ives unconditionally
*H*elps you
*I*nvites you over
*J*ust be with you
*K*eeps you close at heart
*L*ikes you for who you are
*M*akes a difference in your life
*N*ever Judges
*O*ffers support
*P*icks you up when your down
*Q*uiets your cries
*R*aises your spirits
*S*ays nice things about you
*T*ells you the truth when you need to hear it
*U*nderstands you
*V*alues you
*W*alks beside you
*X*-plains thing you don't understand
*Y*ells when you won't listen and
*Z*aps you back to reality

*~! lDlolNltl say you *LoVe* me \{UNLESS}/ you ::ReALLy:: Mean it cuz I might do sumthin *'CrAzY'* LiKe .::.bElIeVe.::.IT, But if YoU :"rEaLLy": $love$ mE, ~*pLeAsE*~ LeT mE (kNo), CuZ if you {[ ReALLy ]} #MeAn# iT ILL xNEVERx LeT you +'go'+ !~*

I HaD a DrEaM tHaT wIlL nEvEr CoMe TrUe,
I dReAmT u LoVeD mE tHa WaY i LoVe U.
mOoNlIgHt MiSt FeLl OvEr ThA lAnD,
i LoOkEd At U aNd U tOoK mY hAnD.
We WaLkEd ThRu ThA sTaRs 2 ThA mIlKy WaY,
SiDe-By-SiDe ThEn U sTaRtEd 2 SaY,
StAy WiTh Me FoReVeR aNd I`lL sTaY wItH u,
AnD lOvInG eAcH oThEr`S tHa OnLy ThInG wE`lL dO.
ThEn I wOkE uP aNd StArTeD 2 cRy,
ReAlIzInG tHa WhOlE tHiNg, WaS oNlY a LiE.
i HaD a DrEaM tHaT wIlL nEvEr CoMe TrUe,
I dReAmT u LoVeD mE tHa WaY i LoVe U !!

ChEeRLeAdErS*$ wE sTrEtCh LiKe eLaStIc LiKe A bArBiE tHaTs PlAsTiC wErE rEaLlY cUtE wE'Ll Do A dAnCe 4 Y0o WeRe PrEpPy N lOuD wE'Ll ShOw YoO hOw...ThAt cHeErLeDeRs Do It BeSt WeRe BeTtEr ThAn ThE ReSt!*$

its not bout who uv known the LONGEST its bout who came nd never left yer side

yA gOnNa TaLk -n- HaTe
MaKe SuRe yA fAcTz r StRaIgHt
CuZ WuT u ThInK i Am
[...ChAnCeS aRe I AiNt...]

.¤.Best friendz are the onez that see .¤. .¤.the hurt in your eyez when.¤.
.¤.everyone else is fooled by your.¤. .¤.[smile].¤.

YoU KnOw WhEn SoMEoNe Is Ur BEsT fRiEnD
CoZ eVeN wHeN u GoT a SmiLe oN uR fAcE
ThEy kNoW yOUR bReAkIn dOwN iNsIDE

.·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸.-··-.¸.-··- .¸ .·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸
.·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸.·· * I Love .*··.¸.·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸
. ·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸·..¸ You! ¸..·¸.·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸

WhEn crap GoEs DoWn
SiDeS gEt TaKeN
ThAt'S wHeN yOu FiNd OuT wHo'S TrUe AnD wHo'S fAkIn'

*FoRgEt Wut Ya HeARd. ReCoGniZe Wut Ya SeE.
.I KnO U've HeArD RuMoRz But HeReZ The ReaL Me*

d0nt nEed 2 impRess nEbody
i aM wh0 I wanNa Bee
iF u caNt deAl wIt thaT
tuFf sH*t-- thaTs meE

EvErYoNe SeEs WhO i ApPeAr 2 Be
BuT oNlY a FeW kNo tHe ReAl Me
U oNlY sEe WhAt I cHoOsE 2 sHoW
tHeReS sO mUcH bEhInD mY sMiLe
y o u j u s t d o n t k n o w

*.¸¸.·´¨`» [ you ]

..will always have a p.i.e.c.e of my ..


StAtEmEnT oF l0vE: ThE KiSs
1. Kiss on the hand.... I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek... I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck... I want you
4. Kiss on the lips... I love you
5. Kiss on the ears... I am just playing
6. Kiss anywhere else ... lets not get carried away
7. Look in your eyes ... kiss me
8. Playing with your hair... I can't live without you
9. Hand on your waist... I love you to much to let you go

...(*) (*) ••º•Thinkin••º•
..( - . - ).••º •Bout ••º•
....(") (") ••º• :yOu::••º•

***........ ........***
****** (¨`·.·´¨)******
****** (¨`·.·´¨).¸.(¨`·.·´¨)******
*(¨`·.·´`·. ¸.·´*** `·.¸.·`·.·´¨)*
***`·.¸.·´*luv ya all!* `·.¸ .·´**
*******(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)*******

aT fIrSt i CrIeD cUz u LiKeD hEr OvA mE
...BuT nOw i LaUgH...
CuZ DaAaYyYuUuM! ShE UgLy!!
.:** Callin me a bytch? i kno - i kno *
But in tha words of LuDaCrIs
· --> u*z a h 0 e **:.

***Im OnLy Me***
***ThAtS aLL i CaN Be***
***No MoRe, No LeSs***
***DoNt SeCoNd GuEsS***
***YoU MaY nOt LiKe Me***
***AnD tHaTs Ok***
***BuT tHiS iS Me***
***AnD iTs HoW iLl StAy***

(R `·.¸
( `·.¸
( ·.¸

( Y )
`·('')('') .· ´
( Ångel from )
( a cloud... )

( Y )
¸,.·´¨`·. ( '.' ) .·´¨`·.,¸
¨ - .¸. c((")( ").¸. - ¨

¨`·.·´¨)If I could pick any moment
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)And always keep it new
`·.¸.·´Out of all the moments I've lived
(¨`·.·´¨)I'd pick every moment
` ·.¸ (¨`·.·´¨)I spent .....
·.¸.·´with you*

i PrOmiSe iLL bE WiT yOu TiL tHe VeRy EnD..WiPiN yOuR TeArZ AwAy BeiN yOuR BeSt FriEnD..iLL sMiLe WhEn yOu sMiLe aNd FeEL tHa PaiN WhEn yOu dO..AnD iF yOu CrY JuSt OnE TeAr i PrOmiSe iLL CrY tOo

*:. .:* .:* *:. *:. .:* .:* *:.
.:* *:. *:. .:* .:* *:. *:. .:*
.......HuGgS -n- KiSsEz..........

* -:¦:-.·:*¨°·.¸.· * -:¦:-
¸.· .·´")) ׺Id gIvE mY LiFe׺
((¸¸.·´..·´ "))-:¦:*׺-FoR u iNa MiNuTe-º×*
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*-°B/c i cAnT PiCtUrE°-*
(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)»¦«mY LiFe»¦«
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´ -WiTOuT u iN iT-

X GottA [ HuRt ] iN OrDeR 2 kNO X
X FaLL In oRdEr 2 [ GrOw ] X
X [ LoSe ] iN OrDeR 2 gAiN X
X CuZ MoSt Of LiFeS [ LeSsOnS ] X
X aRe LeArNeD iN [ pAiN ] X

-:-OnE tHiNg i LeArNeD aBoUt LoVe -iT nEvEr LaStS-
OnE tHiNg i LeArNeD aBoUt PeOpLe -ThEy ChAnGe FaSt-:-

*Where Would I Be * What Would I Do* *If You Didn't Know Me & I Didn't Know U..*

I ran up da door and shut da stairz, said my PJz and put on my prayerz, turned off the bed and hopped in the light, all becuz u kissed me tonite

Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you I was doing great, but then I ran out of stars.

Those who really love you don't mean to hurt you and if they do you can see it in their eyes that it hurts them too.

*WaT gOeS aRoUnD CuMz aRoUnD
DaTs WhA PeOpLe SaY...
So aLL tHe PaiN u CAuSeD mE...
WiLL cum bAcK 2 u SoMeDaY*

the top 10 things i hate bout guys...
1.they mess with your mind by saying they love you when they dont!
2.they mess with your heart by breakin it!
3.they mess with your body *n* you know wut i mean by that!
4.they dump you when they get wut they want from us!
5.they go out with your best friend *n* all your other friends!
6.they ruin your life by playing you and all your friends!
7.they think all women are their game *n* personal property!
8.get away with it!
9.make a big deal when a gurl does the same thing!
10.i think you can only imagine the rest...(fill in the blank).........sorry to all the guys that read this but its the truth for most of you!!!!

~*¨¨*SoMe GuYs aRe pLaYeRs*¨¨*
*¨¨*iTs a KnoWN FacT*¨¨*
*¨¨*SoDoNT FaLL iN LoVe*¨¨*
*¨¨*JusT pLaY ThE pLaYa BacK*¨¨*~

A friend is someone who knows all about you, and loves you just the same.

everything i learned about life- it.goes.on
everything i learned about love- it.dont.last
everything i learned about friends- they.alwayz.change.

I caNt gEt maD at u fOr
huRtinG me oVa & oVa aGain
beCausE oVa & oVa aGain i lEt u

iF yOo GuNa [hAtE]
MaKe SuRe Ya FaCtZz r StRaiT
CuZ WaTeVa u ThiNk U r
.BeLiEvE mE u AiNt

~Life is 4 livin, i live mine just 4 u`
~Loves 4 givin, i give mine 2 u`
~Dreams r 4 dreamin, i dream of u`
~Hearts r 4 beating, mine beats 4 u'

*-*if i had a star for every time you brightened my day*-*
*-* i would be holding the galaxy in my hands! *-*
"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up."

We may fight, and we may cry, but my love for you will never die

Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end

Your hugs and kisses are like the stars,u light up my life when things get dark

(`.)If I could pick any moment
` .(`.)And always keep it new
`..Out of all the moments I lived
(`.)I'd pick every moment
` . (`.)I spent .....
`..with u.....

*::*nO MaTta HoW i fEeL iTz aLwAyZ tRu*::*
*::*ThAT tHe ThiNg tHaT mAkEs Me SmiLe MoSt*::*
*::*iS a SmiLe ThAt CuMz FrOm u*::*

(Y) :: (Y) (Y) ::
( ..) o º *: ( '.')('.' ) :*
o( '')') *·. ( ")(')(" ) .·*
*·-:-·* iF i WeRe An
aNgEl i'D mAkE
yEr evErY
WisH cOmE tRuE,
I'M oNlY hUmaN
jUsT a GiRL
WhOz lOvIn yOu!

-:- .__ .·*·. __. · ::**:: · -:-
*·. .·* ( Y )(`( )_ .·*·. __.
»|« / .·*·. ( ')(, ,*) .·*
. ¸.-·· c( ")('(' (" )o··-.¸·. »|«
(¨`·.·´¨) *¨·.· *ø* ·:· *ø* ·.·¨* (¨`·.·´¨)
(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´ There are only three`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)
*`·.¸.·´* things I want in a relationship *`·.¸.·´*
!¡ ·:· Eyes that wont cry ·:· !¡
!¡ ·:· Lips that wont lie ·:· !¡
(¨`·.·´¨) and a love that wont die (¨`·.·´¨)
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨) ¸.·´
*`·.¸.·´* *¨·.· *ø* ·:· *ø* ·.·¨* *`·.¸.·´*

guys r like stars here r millions out there but only one can light up ur life

calls your parents Mr. and Mrs.
-Best friend-
calls your parents Mom and Dad
never asks for anything to eat or drink
-Best friend-
opens the fridge and makes theirself at home
borrows your stuff for a few days and gives it back.
-Best friend-
has a closet full of ur stuff
only knows a few things about you
-Best friend-
could write a biography on your life story

-:-* always leave loved ones with
* *-:- loving words
-:-* because it just might
*-:- be the last time you see them

*watcha do0in?? nuttin chillin at da Holidaei Inn *

1 boy that will make my DReamZ come Tru
1 boy that will luv me no Matta wut i do
SuM1 that i can hug, who won't break my heart
Who will kno how to treat me RiGht from da StaRt
IF you CaN Full Fill my wishes PLeaZ let me know
I ReLLe wish i culd find sum1 not be ALoNe

*..[l] [i] [v] [e]..*
*.. [d] [r] [e] [a] [m] ..*
*.. [w] [i] [s] [h] ..*
*.. [h] [o] [p] [e] ..*
*.. [g] [o] [!] ..*

-the dirty looks-
-the jealous stares
-the funny part is...-
-u think i care!-

I need a boy to ::hold me:: and say its ok
not a boy to :*Kiss Me*: n walk away

BuTtErFlIeZ })i({

/ ., .'
` /|
| `))
-"== Flamingos rock!!

Cheerleading takes...
S - Skill
P - pride
I - Integrity
R - Rhythm
I - Intelligence
T - Teamwork!!

I shave my legs,
I sit down to pee.
And I can justify
any shopping spree.
Don't go to a barber,
but a beauty salon.
I can get a massage
without a hard-on.
I can balance the checkbook,
I can pump my own gas.
Can talk to my friends,
about the size of my ass.
My beauty's a masterpiece,
and yes, it takes long.
At least I can admit,
to others when I'm wrong.
I don't drive in circles,
at any cost.
And I don't have a problem,
admitting I'm lost.
I never forget,
an important date.
You just gotta deal with it,
I'm usually late.
I don't watch movies,
with lots of gore.
Don't need instant replay,
to remember the score.
I won't lose my hair,
I don't get jock itch.
And just cause I'm assertive,
Don't call me a bitch.
Don't say to your friends,
Oh yeah, I can get her.
In your dreams, my dear,
I can do better!
Flowers are okay,
But jewelry's best.
Look at me you idiot...
Not at my chest????
I don't have a problem,
With Expressing my feelings.
I know when you're lying,
You look at the ceiling.
DON'T call me a GIRL ,
a BABE or a CHICK .
I am a WOMAN.
Get it?, you DICK!?!


Walkin' down the street, feelin'the cool breeze, as all the hotties' heads turn 90 degrees, struttin' my stuff and shakin' my booty, no one can replace this lil' cutie

*¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´`»*«´¨`·.¸¸ .*¤* *¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´`»*«´¨`·.¸¸ .*¤* *¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´`»*«´¨`·.¸¸ .*¤*
·´¨*×°×*¨`· YoU ThiNk yOu'Re ThE BoMb? ·´¨*×°×*¨`·
·´¨*×°×*¨`· YoU tHinK YoU'rE iT? ·´¨*×°×*¨`·
·´¨*×°×*¨`· mMm..HoNeY, ThiNk tWiCe ·´¨*×°×*¨`·
·´¨*×°×*¨`· CaUse CoMpaReD tO Me ·´¨*×°×*¨`·
·´¨*×°×*¨`· YOU AIN'T SHYT! ·´¨*×°×*¨`·
*¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´`»*«´¨`·.¸¸ .*¤* *¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´`»*«´¨`·.¸¸ .*¤* *¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´`»*«´¨`·.¸¸ .*¤*

¸-· ·-.¸ ¸.- ··-¸
;...he \ \ art...;
` . bre/ / aker´
`·.¸\ \¸.·´

(¯`·._.·Bø®ñ 2 §høp Fø®cêd 2 gø 2 §chøø£!·._.·´¯)

__.•*•.__ ShOoTinG StAr
*•. .•*¸.•´¨)
/. •*• . ¸.•´¸.•´¨)
(¸.•´ *., .:*:
¸.•´ .•´¨¨
((¸¸.•´ ..•´ -:¦:-
-:¦:- . . . . MaKe A WiSh

) - - (
/ (o _ o) \
\ ( 0 ) /
\_)) '#' ((_/
#. I Love .#
'#. ME! .#
/'#. #' \
_\ \'#. .#'/ /_
(((___) '#' (___)))

_\/_ _\/_
/o\\ \ / //o\
| .--. |
_|____ -- / \ -- __|__
SuMmEr TiMe BaB

-:¦:- ° -:¦:-
°(¨`•.•´¨) -:¦:-
-:¦:- `•.¸(¨`•.•´ )°
-:¦:- `•.¸.´ -:¦:-
-:¦:- ° -:¦:- ~*~*Sweetie*~*~
°(¨`•.•´¨) -:¦:-
-:¦:- `•.¸(¨`•.•´ )°
-:¦:- `•.¸.´ -:¦:-

.:* *:.
bE sAsSy
*:. .:*
.:* *:.
Be TrUe
*:. .:*
.:* *:.
bE WiLd
*:. .:*
.:* *:.
Be yOu
*:. .:*

,.- 'Y _^-,
,.-'^H E ,-^ ^-,\
,.-'^ R S ,.-^ \|
\ H E ,.-^ k
\,.-^ i

*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*

*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*

*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs**Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs**Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*

*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*
*Hugs**Hugs* *Hugs**Hugs*

~n~~n~~n~ ~n~~n~
~n~~n~~n~~ ~n~~n~
~n~~n~ ~n~~ ~n~~n~
~n~~n~ ~n~~n ~n~~n~
~n~~n~ ~n~~n ~n~~n~
~n~~n~ ~n~~n ~n~~n~
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~n~~n~ ~n~~n~n~n















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(______)___) SnOoPy!

,•'¯¯ :. ::'•.
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.•´ `•.•´ `•,•' :::',
.•´ .• ::::', CuTe LiL PiLLsBeRrY dOe bOi!
! .´ ::::::',
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`•. !`•-•´ ::::::,'
`•-•-•-' ,' :::::,'
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`•-—-—--•´ `•----‘

@...@ @...@
(-----) (-----)

_«( )»_ _«( )»_

. _ . _. _ . _ . _ ._ ( *DREAMING DREAMING* )
|| (`°( Y )°´) o º ° ( )
||¸.-·· (¸ ( -.-) ¸)·· || '·..· ' ·..· ' ·..· ' ·..·'' ·..· '
||\¸.-···-· (" )( ") -.¸ \
|| \ \
\ *··--··*··- -··*··--··* \
\ || _ . __ _ __ __._ ||

.:* *:.Fly Away.:* *:.

_/ \_ ¸.·¤**¤·.¸,.·¤**¤·.
\ / ¸.·¤**¤·.¸,.·¤**¤·.
/.·*·.\ ¸.·¤**¤·.¸,.·¤**¤·.
God Bless America!!!

BoYz R cHeAtS aNd LiArS,
wHaT a BiG dIsGrAcE,
tHeY wOuLd dO nE*tHiNg
2 GeT 2 sEcOnD bAsE-
-bAlL, bAsEbaEl,
He ThInKs He'S gUnA sCoRe...
BuT iF u LeT hIm Go AlL tHe WaY,
tHeN u R a **horse**-
-tO cUlTuRe StUdIeS fLoWeRs,
GeOlOgIsT sTuDiEs RoCkS,
hE wOuLd Do NeThInG,
FoR a PlAcE tO pUt HiS cOcK-
-rOaChEs, BeEtLeS,
bUtTeRfLiEs, AnD bUgS,
hE wOuLd SaY nEtHiNg,
To SeE a PaIr Of JuG-
-gLeRs, AcRoBaTs,
AnD a DaNcInG bEaRs ThAt SuCk,
tHe OnLy ThInG a GuY wAnTs FrOm U iS...
fO*gEt It No SuCh LuCk!

•:*¨°•.¸.• BiTcHeZ•.¸.•°¨*:•.
*B* is for how BeAuTiFuL we are
*I* is for how InCrEdIbLe we are
*T* is for how ToUgH we are
*C* is for how CuTe we are
*H* is for how HaRd we're gonna kick ur ass.. lol

Posted by crazy3/meggie at 8:57 PM EDT
Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

( )
\ (
\_) ** CAUTION ** You Have Just Stepped Onto My Property ;-)
oooO *
* ( )
\ ( *
* \_) *

«(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°
*..·°-:¦:-`v´* Welcome *-:¦:- °·..*
* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *
-:¦:- * °.. ·· ..*.. ·· .
:.° * -:¦:-

/6969696969) /6969696969l
/ 69_______/ / 69(____)69l
! 69L_______ l 6969696969l
! 6969696969 L/______/ 69l
! 69(____)69 Y 69l
! 6969696969 l 69l
L/_________/ L___l

(¨`•. •´¨)wheneva i'm dOwn
`•.¸(¨`•.•´)U always seem 2 make me smile
`•.¸.´wheneva i need sum 1 tO talk 2
(¨`•.•´¨)i knO U'll talk
`•.¸(¨`•.•´)wheneva i'm upset i knO U'll care `•.¸´cuz wheneva i'm lOnely Ur always there

.•:**§omewhere There'§ §omeone
*:•.Who Dream§ Of Your §mile,And Find§
.•:* In Your Pre§ence That Life I§
.•:.Worth While, §o When You Are
*:•* Lonely, Remember It'§ True:
.•:.§omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking
*:•* Of You*

×´¨`·.×£øve Ðøe§nt Häve ä häpPý
énÐing... Çaú§e t®úe £øve ñeVä eñЧ״

\ \
\ \ ••
o ° O ° o O
( ) ) ( ( ) )
| mY |
|MiLkShAkE |
|bRiNgS aLL|
| tHa BoYs |
| tO tHa |
\ yard /

In yOuR liFe yOu`LL meEt OnE guY uNliKe aNy OtHer..yOu caN taLk tO hiM aNd NeVeR eVeR GEt BoReD..
teLL hiM evErytHing aNd NeVeR eveR bE judGed..smiLe anD Get buTTeRfLies EveRytiMe yOu sEe hiS faCe..heaR hiS naMe oR His VoIcE..thiS peRson iS a.. beSt FrienD,*boyFrieNd*,aNd a truE LovE.

( ¸.·´
(O `·.¸
( `·.¸
( ·.¸
( ¸.·´
(O `·.¸

I see u each and every day
Your voice is never far away
I sit i look, I watch, I stare
I wonder if in your heart u care
We talk, we laugh, and we smile and say hi,
But at the end of the day we both say bye,
When your not here my heart will cry,
As u walk away i want to die,
You bring sunshine to my darkened day,
You lead me places and show me the way,
I think that u may feel the same,
Our flirting has become a game,
So i wish that you would realize,
That when u look into my eyes,
That love is all i have for u,
Just give me an answer and that will do, lots of optimism from a distance

__ /ˆ\ __
`·. .·´
/.· :·.\
( `•.¸
`•.¸ )
( `•.¸
`•.¸ )
(.•»±•.¸sHooTiNg sTaR¸.•±«
~*~*~*~*~*Make a wish*~*~*~*~*~*~

· .·´")) ׺Id gIvE mY LiFe׺
((¸¸.·´..·´ "))׺-FoR u in a MiNuTe-º×*
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*-°B/c i cAnT PiCtUrE°-*
(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)»¦«mY LiFe»¦«
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´ -WiTOuT u iN iT-
(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)

it only took a minute 2
let u in my life only t o o k a
minute 4 m e 2 r e a l i z e
only a minute n i new jus
wat 2 only took
a minute 1 fall
in l o v e
wit u

·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.·:*¨¨*:·.
(¨`·.·´¨)i mAy NoT gEt 2 See U As 0fTeN aS i
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)Like i mAy n0t GeT 2 h0Ld U iN
`·.¸.·´mY aRms aLL ThRu thA NiTe*BuT
(¨`·.·´¨)deEp DoWn i Kn0 iTs TrU
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)*No MaTTa WhAt
`·.¸.·´*iLL aLwAyZ LoVe U*

( * )
) (
(* )
) * (_____
( *)

( * )
(˜ (*) ˜)
(* )

___ ___
(* ) (* )
\ *\ / * /
\ \/* /
\* /

( *)
( (*) )
[ __*_)
( * ] ___
( ˜( *)

EaCh TiMe i [HeAr] YoUr VoIcE
i CaNt [HeLp] It
ItS NoT By ChOiCe
My [HeArT] BeAtS FaStEr,
My KnEeS GeT [WeAk],
My StOmAcH GeTs
[bUtTeRfLiES] ,
i CaN [HaRdLy] SpEaK,
EvErY MiNuTe [fEeLs] LiKe BrAnD NeW
i [CaNt] HeLp iT
[i M F a L L i N g 4 u]

( )_))_Red_))> ()_))_Blue_))>
()_))_Pink_))> ()_Yellow~_))>
()_))_Black~_))> ()_))_Orange_))>
()_))_Green_))> ()_))_Purple_))>
()_))_Grey_))> ()_))_White_))>

_ /\_¸.•¤**¤•.¸,.•¤**¤•.
\ / Guys are like **STARS**.•¤**¤•
/.•*•.\¸.•¤**¤•.Even if there's a million,.•¤**¤•.
,.•¤**¤•. Only one will makes your
**DREAMS**come true.•¤**¤•.

`·.¸ `·.
¸.·´ ¸.
`·.¸ `·.¸
¸.·´ ¸.·´
`·.¸ `·.,
¸.·´ ¸.·´
`·.¸ `·.
¸.·´ ¸.·´
`·.¸ `·.¸
¸.·´ ¸.·´
`·.¸ `·.,
¸.·´ ¸.·´
`·.¸ `·
¸.·´ ¸.
•.¸¸ .•´")) -:¦:-
¸.•´ .•´"))
((¸¸.•´¸.•´ .•´"))
-:¦:- ((¸¸.•´ ¸.•´ .•´"))
-:¦:- ((¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸

*:. .:* .:* *:. *:. .:* .:* *:.
.:* *:. *:. .:* .:* *:. *:. .:*
yOur HuGz n KisSeZ r AlL i NeEd!!

.:*´¨`*:·..·:* ´¨ *:.
:: True .·:*´¨`*:·..·:*´¨`*:·.
*: Love :: Never has ::
*·. *: an :*
*·-:|:-·* ·. Ending .· *

¤*¤ True love is when you c a n t ¤*¤
¤*¤ describe what you like about *h i m* ¤*¤

.:* *:.
*:. .:*
.:* *:. .:* *:.
*:. .:* *:. .:*
.:* *:.
*:. .:*

______ /\O O\
/O /\ / \ \
/ O /O\ / O \O__O \ ))
((/___ O/ \\ /O /
\O O\ / \ / O /
\O O\O / V_____O/

×°•.•°×W®i±±ÊÑ wi±h Å pÊn,×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×§eålÊÐ wi±h Å kiss,×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×If yoÚ lØvÊ mÊ,×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×PlÊå§Ê ÅÑswÊr this,×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×DØ yØÚ lØvÊ mÊ?×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×Ø® dØ yØu Ñر?×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×YØu ±Øld me ØncÊ but i fo®gØt.×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×SØ ±Êll mÊ Ñow, ×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×Ånd ±Êll mÊ ±®uÊ,×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×SØ i cån §åy I lØVÊ YØÚ TØØ×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×Øf åll the peØple i êvêr me±,×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×You're the ØÑe i'll Ñêvêr fØ®gê±.×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×Ånd if i diê bêfØ®ê Ú dØ, ×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×I'll gØ tØ hêåvêÑ and wåi± for you×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×But if Ur Ñر ±hê®ê Øn jugÐêmêѱ dåy×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×i'll kno Ú wêѱ ±hê othê® wÁy.×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×I'll givê ±hê åÑgêl§ båck ±hêi®s wiÑgs,×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×Ånd ®isk thê lØss of êvê®y±hiÑg,×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×to p®Øvê ±o Ú my LØvê is ±®ue×°•.•°×
×°•.•°×I'll gØ ±Ø hÊ ll jus± ±o be wi±h *Ú*.......×°•.•°x


·..·:ו•those nitez••×:·..·
•×:·..·when u cant fall asleep.••×:·..
••×:·..·maybe itz bcuz ur••×:·..·
••×:·..·in someone elses••×:·..·

/"~"~"``vv``"~ "~"\..-"''"
/ / / /¯¯`v`¯¯\ / \ \
\ / \/ / / \ / \ /
\/ / / \/
/ / ( Y )
/ / (';' )
__| \ _ ('')('')

.__ .·*·. __. · ::**:: · -:¦:-
*·. .·* ( Y )(`( )_ .·*·. __.
»¦« / .·*·. \ ( ')(, ,*) .·*
. ¸.-·· c( ")('(' (" )o··-.¸·. \ »¦«
(¨`·.·´¨) *¨·.· ×ø× ·:· ×ø× ·.·¨* (¨`·.·´¨)
(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´ There are only three `·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)
×`·.¸.·´× things I want in a relationship ×`·.¸.·´×
!¡ ·:· Eyes that wont cry ·:· !¡
!¡ ·:· Lips that wont lie ·:· !¡
(¨`·.·´¨) and a love that wont die (¨`·.·´¨)
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´
×`·.¸.·´× *¨·.· ×ø× ·:· ×ø× ·.·¨* ×`·.¸.·´×

~!*Im ã crÃz¥ ßäßÿ,
§ëXŸ LäÐÿ,
ßôø†Ÿ §hÃkiÑ,
HéÃr† ßrÉäKiÑ,
MãÐ HÖ†,
ÑëVéR cãÚgH†,
ÂñGéL ßáßÿ,
§pÖiLëÐ MäŸßê,
§HÖr† §kir†,
Lúv§ 2 fLir†,
HigH cL䧧,
§ëXÿ §miLë,
ßãÑgiÑ §†Ý£é,
TËmP†iÑ LiP§,
KiLLã Ki§§,
Im ThÈ Gir£ Ú gUnNa MiSS*!~

(¨`•.•´¨) (¨`•.•´¨)
×`•.¸.•´× SIGN
(¨`•.•´¨) (¨`•.•´¨)
×`•.¸.•´× MY
(¨`•.•´¨) (¨`•.•´¨)
×`•.¸.•´× GUESTBOOK
(¨`•.•´¨) (¨`•.•´¨)

{ __ | ¹ ¦PiMp MoBiLe______))

xo*BeFoRe yOu CaMe ALoNg
i WaS dOiN fiNe*xo
xo*BrEaKiN gUyS' HeArTs
AnD NeVa LeTtiN tHeM ToUcH MiNe*ox
xo*BuT SoMeHoW i FeLL iN LoVe*ox
xo*WhiCh WaS iMpOsSiBLe BuT TrUe*ox
xo*AnD NoW My HeArT BeLoNgS
tO OnLii YoU*ox

(¨`·.·´¨)Be Sure Its True When U
`·.¸.·´ Say I Love U(¨`·.·´¨)
MiLlIons Of HeArTs hAve `·.¸.·´
HaVe BeeN (¨`·.·´¨)BrOkeN
JusT beCaUse `·.¸.·´ TheSe Words
WeRe SpOkeN

... :``..':
: ````.' :''::'
..:.. : .'' :
``. `: .' :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : :..''''``::.
: ...:..' .''
.' .' .::::'
' `::::
..:```.:'`. ::'`.
..' `:.: ::
.: .:``:::
.: ..'' :::
: .'' .::
: .'`::



I Love The Way My Fingers (¯`v´¯) Just Fall Into Yours
I Love How Your Taste `v´ Still Lingers On My Lips
After That })i({ Special Goodnight Kiss, })i({ I Love How
Whenever I .·´ Go To Call Someone I `·. Automatically
Dial Your `·. Number, I Love How .·´ You Look At Me
With (¯`v´¯) Those Gorgeous Eyes And Then You Smile
That `v´ Sweet Smile.. And I Know Right There, That
You Will Always Be Mine.. (_.·´¯) I Love How You Hug
Me With The (¯`·._) Intention Of Never Letting Go.. I
Love })i({ You More Than Words Could })i({ Ever Show

coka cola | ||'|"\,___.


~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~
~* :X: :X: *~
~* :X: *~
~* *~
~* *~
~* *~
~* *~
~* *~
~* *~
~* *~

~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~
~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~
~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~
~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~
~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~
~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~
~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~
~*:X:*~ ~*:X:*~

statement of Love: The Kiss
1. Kiss on the hand.... I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek... I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck... I want you
4. Kiss on the lips... I love you
5. Kiss on the ears... I am just playing
6. Kiss anywhere else ... lets not get carried away
7. Look in your eyes ... kiss me
8. Playing with your hair... I can't live without you
9. Hand on your waist... I love you to much to let you go


*(¨`·.·´¨)If I could pick any moment
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)And always keep it new
`·.¸.·´Out of all the moments I lived
(¨`·.·´¨)I'd pick every moment
`·.¸ (¨`·.·´¨).....I met.....
`·.¸.·´ you*


~*u KnO uR iN LuV wEn AlL iT tAkEs Is 1 sOnG 2 mAkE u ThInK oF hIm N u CaNt HeAr AnYtHiNg CePt ThA mUsIc N uR hEaRt BeAt'N..aLl oF a SuDdEn U FiNd iT hArD 2 bReAtHe..BuTtErFliEs R n Ur StOmAcH n TeArS r CoM'n DoWn Ur ChEeKs..BuT u DoNt KnOw WhY...

i*m [CrAzIe] 4 u
you d0nt EvEn kno. i wanna b wit you
more Then [WoRdZ] c0uld ever show
so now [n] 4ever - remember it*s true
day n [nite] - mii heart [iZ] wit *you*

¸-• •-.¸ ¸.- ••-¸
; \ \ ; pLeAzE...
'. / / .' dOnT bReAk my
`• \ \ .•´ hEaRt !
`•.¸/ /¸.•´

I think I know your hurting-
I can see it in your eyes.
aside from simple flirting-
there's a passion in disguise.
---> I LoVe YoU

Posted by crazy3/meggie at 8:51 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 5 April 2004 9:42 PM EDT
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