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::Name:: Angelique (last name unknown)
::Age:: 23
::Sex:: female
::Hair Color:: black
::Eye Color:: Right - Red :: Left - ice blue
::Height:: 5'7
::Weight:: 110lbs

::Personality:: Depressed, Solitary, She is mentaly sick due to the mutation of the
hellhound. This causes her to hear voices, see things that she makes up in her mind,
which only she can see, and withdrawl herself from "reality" going into an almost
coma like state.


Creation of Shadowhound, aka Hellhound - This shadow being is in the form of a black wolf.
It looks no different from a regular member of the species canis lupus. except for its red eyes.
She has complete control over this shadow creation, and its abilites are firebreath and morphing.
(shadowstepping persay. He is only able to do this task when in a place that has shadows. melting
into them, he can re-emerge from another shadow) Since this animal is a projection of herself,
when in contact with the hound, he is able to shadowstep her as he does.
It is belived that her powers have been formed from herself, and placed into this Canid being as
some sort of mental shell. It could be the fact she is uncomfortable with her mutations, and find
it hard to come to grip. This Hellhound is visable to anyone who looks. Creating it in this reality,
it is able to attack objects. and whatnot. So it is not just a spirit wolf.

Projection of her dilusions - Although unaware of this power, most people who come in contact with
her have a sense of uneasyness. To the normal person it is just the fight or flight symptoms: Sweating,
fear, nausia. But to a profesional (telepathic) they might pick up on this little trick of hers, and see
it as a power which could be worked on in a sense where she can so meld it with the hound, and use it as
an advantage, in evil or good.


It is unkown to angelique what took place in her past. She knows not of where she is from, her birth
name, anything. The only thing she can remember from her past was the alley one night. She was about
16, roaming the streets of new york in her ever-so-often dilusional states. An unknown figure pulled
her into a dark alley. Before she knew it the creation known as hellhound formed. Placing itself
between Angel, and this person, its eyes began to glow, and blood began dripping from its mouth. In
an almost howl, the attacker burst into flames. the flames originating from the hell hounds mouth.
Startled, and in a state of confusion and pain, Angel ran. Later being picked up by the local police,
speaking in mumbles, and in a more dilusional state then she had started off at. The officers took her
to the hospital. Woodhill mental institution.

For years angel never spoke. Hardly eating, seeming in a daze like state. The nurses and doctors grew
worried. The more she supressed the hellhound, the more insane she became. Eventually, her ice blue
eyes began to change. The right becoming an intense red, and the left staying the same. This caused her
to snap. She didnt want to release the hound, but she had little choice. He needed to be released from
the shadows. Although the nurses did nothing wrong to Angel, the hound belived her to be in danger.
Locking someone up did not sit will with the hound... Attacking the nurses and doctors in a fire fury,
he enabled angel to escape her sanitized prison.

Learning her lesson about keeping the hound captive in her mind, she allows her delusions of this almost
imaginary animal to roam free. Although she is still in a severe mental state, she is better off than she
started. The voices have stoped, the anger has subcided... she is almost normal.

Roaming the streets of new york with her companion, she takes what she needs, and searches for something.

Images by : Raven