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|LAST UPDATED|06/11/04

|Theme| Simple

- -- - --[Who Am I?]-- - ---

++ They call me Janet

++ Been Alive and Adventuring since 10.28.1986

++ Girlie Girl

++ Uniquely produced in Hong Kong

++ UT DT

++ Still Searching for him


Likes: friends, smiles, icecream, camping, nature, beaches, rainbows, MSN, hardcore dance music, KaZaa...(not da freesstyle crap and da stuff ginos play in their cars)

Major Dislikes: Getting sick, liars, people who don`t keep their promises, fakers, ppl who spread crap around to everyone, ppl who gets others invovled in things that don`t concern them, GINOS...ummm...let`see...more coming on the way

OCTOBER: Loves to chat. Loves those who loves me. Loves to takes things at the center. Attractive and suave. Inner and physical beauty. Does not lie orpretend. Sympathetic. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel,the arts and literature. Soft-spoken, loving and caring, Romantic??!! Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children. (Most of that is true about me!!!)

What am I feeling? Stressed.. :S

Listening to: Aven - All I Wanna Do (Plant Nord Rmx)

Current Downloads: The O.C.!!!

- -- - -[THOUGHTS]-- - -- -


Wow!!! I haven`t updated this page forever! Well, that`s what happens when u`re in Uni right? Ur life is just consists of books and more books. But then again, i`m luving it so much...i`ve met many new ppl...made new friends...lots of them and met some good-looking ppl too *wink* lol. Okay, so maybe uni isn`t all about the guys...but they`re a nice addition to my life. I can`t wait till Christmas break...which is about like four weeks away...Darn! that means exams are coming in like three weeks :S. I`ve noticed i`ve become a swearing machine...i swear it`s all PHYSICS fault...that course depresses everyone and is definitely not an ego booster! But hey, what`s life w/o failure right? We`ll never learn if we`re always successful. Well, that`s it for now since no one ever reads this stuff anymore or cares about it. l8s

- -- - -[FAV QUOTES]-- - -- -

LOVE is patient, LOVE is kind, and is not jealous; LOVE does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecoming; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrigtheousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, endures allthings.LOVE NEVER FAILS.
(1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

Jus a lil sumthing from myself - ur friends are da BEST things in da world...respect them, and luv`em w/ all ur might...treat them like they r ur family

- -- - -[SHOUT OUTS]-- - -- -

No matter how distant we`ve been, u`ll always be in ma heart and i`ll neva forget da mark u`ve made in ma life...

Thx to all those who`ve stuck by me all these years. U guys are the ones whose made my life better and destressed me when i`m stressed (and yes, i like to make up new vocab, that is if destressed isn`t a word yet) Skool`s gonna be tough and the stress will pile up, but i know i won`t have a breakdown cuz u`ll all be here supporting me...i`ll be here for u too if u ever need me. luvin u and missin u alwayz!





that`s all i can think of now....if i missed you note me...

- -- - --[REALLIE SPECIAL PPL]-- - -- -

+ Mandz + Bern + Magz + Doro + Fi + Tina + Emz + Nathaniel +

Bro - U`ll never read dis...but to everyone else, my brother is someone u have to respect cuz he`s da best! He`s always there for me and he`ll never hang up on me...haha. He`s da one i`ll tell everything to and he`ll laugh if i did bad on something which takes the pressure off everything. Then, of course, he`ll encourage me to do better and offer me help. Thx for putting up such a sis like me for 18 years!! LUV YA!

Dis goes out to Fi, Magz, Gaylaine, Bern, Tina, Mandz, May, Bro, Nathaniel, Jen, Chloe, my new UT friends and all those whose helped me before and will always continue to be my pillar of strength...
For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love I found in you I`ll be forever thankful baby You`re the one who held me up Never let me fall You`re the one who saw me through through it all You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn`t speak You were my eyes when I couldn`t see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn`t reach You gave me faith `coz you believed I`m everything I am Because you loved me You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand I could touch the sky I lost my faith, you gave it back to me You said no star was out of reach You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love I had it all I`m grateful for each day you gave me Maybe I don`t know that much But I know this much is true I wasblessed because I was loved by you You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn`t speak You were my eyes when I couldn`t see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn`t reach You gave me faith `coz you believed I`m everything I am Because you loved me You were always there for me The tender wind that carried me A light in the dark shining your love into my life You`ve been my inspiration Through the lies you were the truth My world is a better place because of you You were my strength when I was weak Youwere myvoice when I couldn`t speak You were my eyes when I couldn`t see You sawthe best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn`t reach You gave me faith `coz you believed I`m everything I am Because you loved me (bis) I`m everything I am Because you loved me