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Van-Anh Nguyen Nguyen, 1 September 13, 2004 Period 2 Mr. Chong “Find out about me” All Candidates: 1. Where and when was your candidate born? Although Muliufi Francis Hannemann’s parents had come from Samoa, he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in Kalihi on July 16th, 1954. He was born to Gustav and Faiaso and received mix Samoan, German, and English ancestry. Coming from noble blood, his grandfather on his mother’s side was a Samoan chief while his father was the nephew of Samoa’s last queen of Manua. Allison, Darrell C. “Last Week‘s Speaker, Mufi Hanneman For Mayor.” 2 September 2004. 19 September 2004. . Bannon, Johnny. “Hannemann offers local roots, wide experience, and ‘passion.’” 8 September 2004. Honolulu Advertiser. 19 September 2004. . 2. What is the educational background of your candidate? The educational background of Mufi Hannemann is one filled with great achievements. Mufi started out going to public elementary schools in Kalihi until the 6th grade. Afterwards, he moved on to Iolani and became student council president and an all-star athlete in basketball and football, also receiving the Headmaster‘s award. He continued to excel at Harvard University, becoming freshmen council president, a varsity basketball letterman, and a cum laude graduate in 1976. After Harvard, he became a Fulbright Scholar at Victoria University in New Zealand. “About Mufi.” Mufi Hanneman. 10 September 2004. . Allison, Darrell C. “Last Week‘s Speaker, Mufi Hannemann For Mayor.” 2 September 2004. 19 September 2004. . 3. What type of family life does your candidate have (i.e. marriage, children, etc.)? Mufi Hannemann has been married to Gail Mukaihata Hannemann, the current head of the Girl Scout Council of Hawaii, since 1992. The couple live in ‘Aiea with no children. Mufi himself had grown up in a big family, being the sixth child born to Gustav and Fiaso Hannemann. Bannon, Johnny. “Hannemann offers local roots, wide experience, and ‘passion.’” 8 September 2004. Honolulu Advertiser. 19 September 2004. . 4. What jobs/political offices has your candidate held? What is his/her experience in politics? On Mufi Hannemann’s resume is a long list of political offices that has only furthered his experience in politics. He has experience in positions regarding the whole of America, such as U.S. Secretary of Labor member to the President’s Council on the 21st Century Workforce, U.S. Representative to the South Pacific Commission, Staff Assistant to Vice President George H.W. Bush, and Special Assistant in the U.S. Department of the Interior. He also has experience in Hawaii’s political offices, such as Honolulu City Councilman representing District 8, Direcotr of the Hawaii Department of Business regarding Economic Development and Tourism and Hawaii Office of International Relations, Chairman of Governor John Waihee’s Task Force on Homeporting and the Hawaii Pro Bowl Host Committee, and Special Assistant to former Governor, George R. Ariyoshi. “About Mufi.” Mufi Hanneman. 10 September 2004. . Self-employed business consultant U.S. Secretary of Labor member to the President's Council on the 21st Century Workforce (President George Bush's administration) Honolulu City Councilman representing District 8 (former Council Chair) U.S. Representative to the South Pacific Commission (President Bill Clinton's administration) Director, Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism Director, Hawaii Office of International Relations Chairman, Governor John Waihee's Task Force on Homeporting Chairman, Hawaii Pro Bowl Host Committee Vice President for Corporate Marketing and Public Affairs, C. Brewer and Company, Ltd. President and General Manager, Punaluu Sweetbread Shop/Visitor Center and C. Brewer Hawaiian Juices Staff Assistant to Vice President George H.W. Bush (President Ronald Reagan's administration) Special Assistant to Governor George R. Ariyoshi Special Assistant in the U.S. Department of the Interior (President Jimmy Carter's administration) History teacher and varsity basketball coach, Iolani School 5. What is his/her leadership style? Mufi Hannemann’s leadership style is very strong and forceful. Although some may label him as confrontational and intimidating, this is only the result of his passion and size. He is very passionate about his work and was not afraid to show it. However as the result of the preference of others, he has restraint some of his passion and is displays it differently. Bannon, Johnny. “Hannemann offers local roots, wide experience, and ‘passion.’” 8 September 2004. Honolulu Advertiser. 19 September 2004. . 6. What is his/her position on jobs/economy? Mufi Hannemann does not believe that Honolulu should just follow what the state does to fix the economy. He stands rigid in his idea that Hawaii should follow the examples of other cities and rebuild the economy through a partnership with the state and federal governments, private sector, labor, academia, and the community. He also believes that there should be a vibrant economy and good jobs for Honolulu’s citizens. “About Mufi.” Mufi Hanneman. 10 September 2004. . 7. What is his/her position on values? Mufi Hanneman believes in the value of education. He believes that Honolulu should take a note of what other cities have done and try to improve the economy through skilled and educated workers. For years he has either volunteered to help or worked at one of Hawaii’s many schools. When he is not on the campus himself, he is getting them money in some way. In the past he has rewarded over 175 scholarships worth $95,000 to public high school seniors and made it possible for non-profit schools and universities to get $`87,000 of Federal funds. “About Mufi.” Mufi Hanneman. 10 September 2004. . 8. What are some other important positions he/she has taken for or against an issue? Mufi Hanneman believes that public safety is a major priority. He plans to stop the development of projects that are nice to have and replace them with projects that the public needs. He has made many efforts to volunteer and secure funding for the city’s Police Department. In the past he has supported the increase in funding for 160 new police officers and hoped to get twelve additional ones for Leeward Oahu. “About Mufi.” Mufi Hanneman. 10 September 2004. . Mufi Hanneman supports the idea of a transit system instead of Presidential Candidate: 9. What is his/her position on education? 10. What is his/her position on national defense? 11. What is his/her position on homeland security? 12. What is his/her position on the environment? 13. What is his/her position on energy? Mayoral Candidates: 14. What is his/her position on critical services (fire, water, sewer, police)? Mufi Hannemann’s campaign will emphasize the need to give funds to projects that are critical instead of continuing to give funds to projects that aren’t much of a necessity. He supports giving basic equipment and personal needs to the police, fire, lifeguards, and emergency medical services employees. However, he does not and will not support merging the Fire Department with other agencies. “About Mufi.” Mufi Hanneman. 10 September 2004. . Van-Anh Nguyen Nguyen, 1 October 15, 2004 Period 4 Mr. Chong News Write Up #6 - “Recording studios to movie sets” Who: Singers. What: Singers are now acting, writing, modeling, designing clothing lines, creating signature fragrances, and opening restaurants in addition to actually singing. When: From about a decade ago to now. Where: Hollywood. Why: To capitalize their fame while enjoying it. Summary: In recent days, the trend for singers to pursue other careers in the world of entertainment is normal. However it is rare that the singer is successful, especially in the acting business. But that is not to say that all of them failed, some singers are actually a little more than decent. Reaction: When somebody becomes famous, it is only natural that they would want to throw their fame around by doing new things that they normally wouldn‘t have been able to do if they weren‘t famous. However, being in show business is now becoming a bargain sell. I do not believe that celebrities should blur the lines of their career, but instead should stick to what they became famous for. Nowadays, people consider many products of the entertainment business to be horrible because of all the people that are switching careers. Numerous people in the world did not believe Hillary Duff was even a very good actress, but after she broke into the music industry, Nguyen, 2 they think she is an even worst singer. Some people think she ruins the movies she acts in and the songs she sings. Though this may seem harsh, it is a fact that many people do not like her skills but think she is attractive. Their attraction in her is what makes them see her movies and buy her albums; so that they may see her and support her so that can continue seeing more of her. My friend is an example of this for he watches her show on the Disney channel because he finds her attractive despite the fact that he thinks the show itself is stupid.. The people do think she is very talented are likely to be a minority of mostly children who enjoy anything Disney puts out. Not only does this happen in America, but in other countries such as Japan. In Japan, they are labeled with the term “idol” and most of them appear in commercials, dramas, movies, etc. They are all at least decent looking and many people believe they are talent-less for many cannot even sing or write their own songs. To be an idol doesn’t actually require very good singing abilities. All it requires is for people to find you attractive. An example of Japanese idols are SMAP. SMAP cannot sing very well and constantly go off key and sound horrible during lives. I know this is true because I have seen them perform on the 54th Kouhaku and thought they were horrible even though I had already heard the song sung by boys half their age and liked it than. The singers in SMAP have appeared in many dramas, etc., instead of trained professionals, whether or not they can actually act. As a result of their immense popularity, stations want them to star in their dramas or movies to increase the ratings. Their popularity comes mostly from Takuya Kimura, who is so popular that even after he got married and had a child, his fans still supported him. Mr. Kimura is not even the best singer in this group of mediocre singers but is considered by a majority to be the best looking. He is constantly ranked high in polls under categories such as “best looking,” etc. by females. Nguyen, 3 This also applies to the people who do stick to one career but don’t have much talent in it. Nowadays, people consider those in the entertainment business as being talent-less. It seems that recently, in Hollywood, if you have an attractive face, decent skills, and a lot of luck, you can become a star. This makes it seem as though being an entertainer is a joke or that they’re just “eye candy.” This is not the case at all, being an entertainer is a serious job that requires a lot of skill in order to immense your audience in your performance. William Hung, for example, is singer, though the majority of the world believe he can’t sing. I am included in this majority because whenever I hear him sing, I get a headache and feel a slight throbbing in my head. I think that William Hung is a joke and is only in the entertainment business because people enjoy making fun of him. He is probably the luckiest guy in the world to have become a big star, known in several countries, even though he is probably the least talented person in his field. I believe William Hung is a disgrace to all Asian immigrants for he gives Americans the impression that all Asians cannot sing and have horrible Asian accents when they speak English. I also believe that if he is smart enough to be a student at Berkeley, he should have realized a long time ago that he cannot sing or dance. It is without a doubt that unless they were really serious about it, singers should just stick to singing instead of branching out into other industries. Not only do they, most of the time, have very little talent in that industry, but they are taking the jobs away from the people who actually deserve it. Hopefully, one day this trend will end and there will be truly talented stars. Van-Anh Nguyen Nguyen, 1 October 9, 2004 Period 4 Mr. Chong Reaction - Video Battle In war, there are many factions that determine who will win. However, when the power and size of the two armies are almost equal, the factor that decides the outcome is the better strategy. Unfortunately for the Confederates, they had no strategy. What bothered me most about the video was the Confederate’s strategy, or rather their lack of a strategy. Marching straight towards the enemy with no cover is not something that takes any real strategic thinking to conjure up. As soon as they were close enough, the Union would have used their cannons against the defenseless Confederate soldiers who were too far away to use their rifles, thus killing a good number of Confederate troops. Then when they finally got close enough, the Union soldiers who were hiding would have shot them, and killed the remaining troops while the Union would only have been able to kill at the very most, about one-third. I did not understand why the rest of the Confederate army stood all the way at the end of the field and made no use of their cannons. I believe they should have done something with the rest of their army. They should have at least tried to use the rest of their forces to sneak up on the Union forces while they were busy with the attacking troops. The Union army had cannons and a good number of soldiers waiting to attack the rebels when they were close enough as well as a “shield“ to hide behind. Whereas, the rebels’ cannons were far behind and simply stood there, as well as a good number of the Confederates. I thought that even the battle strategy in “Glory” was better. Even though both of them were about marching towards the enemy, the battle at Fort Wagner was planned out so that there were troops to back up fallen ones. In the battle represented in this movie, all the soldiers marched at once, in lines, and were all given as much of a chance to die. I would even go so far as to say my battle strategy when I used to play with water guns with my sister was better than the Confederates’. At least with my sister, I did not walk up to her, hoping she would continuously miss until I was close enough to attack. Even though she was older, better with the gun, and faster, I still managed to win sometimes by my sneak attacks, etc. If this was really the best that General Lee could come up with, then I am not in the least bit surprised that they lost. It is no wonder that Lee had blamed himself for the loss. I think that the only way the Confederate would have won with their strategy was if they had an almost endless number of soldiers and just as much luck. M i n d l e s s G a r b a g e What's the difference between love and hate? Could it be that there is no difference? In both you get mad at them.. In both you may throw things at them... In both you let your pride get in the way sometimes... In both you don't always think before acting... In both you may hurt each others feelings... In both you may wish you never met the other... And in both you may cry... But the difference is... In hate they could never break your heart... Maybe physically... But that doesn't hurt as much as the other kind... ------------------------------------- How can you tell when you love someone? They say that if you need to be told then you don't really love them... But what if you already knew... Somehow... Somewhere in your deepest heart... That you love them... But are too proud to admit it face on... Not even to yourself... Does that count? Or maybe it's because you're so dense... But then again it's easy to see their point... But somehow... I don't believe that... How can anyone? ------------------------------------- When your heart breaks... Does it do it automatically? Or does it take a while for the pain to hit you? Could you smile through it... Or does it take a week?... Or a month?... Or even a year for the pain to stop? Is it like a funeral? When someone dies it may take a while for you to realise your pain... So is heartbreak like the funeral of your heart? It takes a while for the pain to hit... But when it does... It hits you hard... So hard you don't get over it for a while... Is it possible... To experience heartbreak... Over a missed episode of your favorite TV show... Because if it is... I have an awful case of heartbreak...