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Precious Lil Baybe Doll




Katie Marie's Website

Hey Everyone, Check Out My Photo Gallery of All My Awesome Friends!

 Read Stuff Here lol 

Well First Of All, Here's Me! (2002)

Katie Marie, 2004


Baybe DoLLy Katie In Summer Of 2002


On The Left is Amy


Katie And Amy Last Summer

Bianca (left) and Amy at a dance in 8th Grade

Me and Amy Halloween 2003 Sooo Cute lol

Me and Amy Benderfacing on Halloween~ Cutest Playboy Bunny and Kitty You Ever Did See 


To The Left Is Holly 


Me and Holly in the Ghetto

Me and Holly Sportin one of several matching outfits lol

Same As Above, Different Day

 And Now Please Say Hello To Big Julia (aka Hollys Nose)



Here's My Favorite Bubba(known to most as)Bobby



Us, in All of our adorableness, April of 2004 (man does he ever make me look short! :-P)

This Is Us When We Were Little


Consider this next one a privilege cos its my Jake and im letting you look at him, even though

 he is mine and im not good with sharing. :-p



Chillin in My Room, as usual. 

haha couple of nerds huh? 

Me n My Babe in the Ghetto lol

Jake Gettin Into a Purse or somethin.... the cig is bubbas hand

More Ghetto

This bez my best friend Brett




Here is baby Emily, my stupid ex's little sister, i love her to death shes the

 cutest lil thing ever, she says im her "girlfriend" lol


Thats her and her brother PJ



This is Bianca. She moved to florida. :-( Its us at her Quincenera

 (however you wanna spell that one) Spanish for 15th birthday party. 





This is one of my ex's that i can actually mention their name and not wanna throw up, Nick


Me N Nick Back in November

5th grade lmao



Cory, aka Corkster, Me and Melinda ((Minda Bug))






Me And Myra 3 Years ago (Halloween)




This is Bubba, Brett and Matt a LONG time ago lol (so tiny!)






Heres A Baby Chris Nelson (he is way older now lol but this is my only pic of him)



This is a very small pic of Shayla



This is Kay and Ste they live in England



This is Icky Troys Girlfriend Chloe (she is nice tho not troy lol)


This is Me in Some really amusing sweat pants (their bobby raught's)



The ICKS dun dun dunnn

These are people that are icky but i have pics of them on my computer so you can look at them anyways lol

ick #1 Katrina

Ick #2 Levi Adams

Ick #3 Mikey 


Ick #4 Mr. Nauert and Band (nauert is V here)

LMMFAO Mr. Nauert, This Photo: Courtesy of Coday haha


'Ick #5 Troy

Troy's an asshole


My Name Is Katie Marie Thompson, im a freshman at Lakewood, which id assume you know if you could find my site lol. Uhm, my favorite colors are blue, light yellow, pink and black. I am an only child except for my Brother, Bubba/Bobby and my Sissy Holly.  My favorite food is chocolate from See's lol and um I like food from my uncles restaurant in Granger (thats an itty bitty town by Yakima) I love taking pictures, and puttin em all over my wall lol but not really i just like pictures. My nicknames are KatieBabe, KaterGater, Baybe Doll, TInkerbelle, and a lot of other ones. I cant think of a lot else to say about myself, except that i love you, you are the greatest, and thx for checkin my site out~ Kisses&Hugs



          (`'·.¸(`'·.¸  ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´) 
         (¸.·'´(¸.·'´  `'·.¸)`'
                          ( `·.¸
                    `·.¸  )



This is Pretty Cute: 

Love is patient,

 love is kind. It 

is not jealous, it 

does not brag. It 

is not rude, it is 

not self-seeking, 

it is not easily 

angered, it keeps 

no record of 

wrongs. It 

always protects, 

always trusts, 

always hopes, 

always preserves. 

Love never fails.





If You Need a Nickel, I'll Give You A Dime, If You Need a Boyfriend, Bitch, Don't Mess With Mine







Katie N Jake 

The Start Of Something


April 9, 2004








KaTiE 'N' BrEtT


BeStEsT FriEndZ




Everyone Gets A Chance In The Spotlight, You Can Have It When IM Done!




There was this little boy, he was fishing with his grandpa, and his grandpa got out a beer, "Grandpa, can I have a beer?" the little boy asked. "Can your dick touch your ass hole?" asks his grandpa. The little boy stops and ponders this, "No" he finally replies. "Then no you may not" His grandpa says. A little while later his grandpa gets out a smoke. "Grandpa, can i have a smoke?" the little boy asks. "Can your dick touch your ass hole?' he asks again. "No" says the little boy. "Then no, you may not" his grandpa says again. A little while later the little boy was eating some cookies. "Can i have a cookie?" His grandpa asks. "Can your dick touch your ass hole?" the little boy asks. "Well it certainly can" his grandpa says. Smiling, his grandson says "Then go fuck your self grandpa, these cookies are mine!"



This is something dumb you shouldnt ask about lol

Holly’s Amusing Quotes

  1. “She especially drives me crazy when she chews gum.”
  2. “ Doesn’t it drive you nuts when your mom chews gum?”
  3. “She doesn’t even chew gum that much but she did today at Wal-Mart”
  4. “When she was talking to the cashier she’s like smakin away at it”
  5. “When she first puts it in her mouth it like drives the crap outta me”
  6. “Or when she eats hot dogs…”
  7. “Ohh daddy hes um playing at um this place tomaro in Seattle”
  8. “Like cos daddy said like cos she’d like drive the gray car and come down just like whatever”
  9. “What was that??”
  10. “Burr! Now im getting cold. What’s up?”
  11. “Pepto Hideous”
  12. “Mom I’m getting uh ba ble ba ba I can’t talk”
13.   “She’s chewing gum right now!”










Now And Forever 

To The Following:


Holly Shanelle Isaacson

 Amy Nicole Ourso

 Jake Percival Young

 Brett Christopher-Michael Mann

 Bobby William Brown

 Bianca Mavis Welch

 Francesca Welch

 Coday William Robert (or is it Robert William?) Slosson, 

Nicholas Ryan Gundry, 

Cory Wayne Jackson, 

Skylar Bray,

 Daniel Scoles, 

Taylor Bubba Scoles,

 Melinda Lee Stewart, 

Cassie Ann Marie Whitley, 

Kalee Ann Moen, 

Myra Marie Block, 

Matt Andrew Dube, 

Pazleee Suzanne Harvey, 

Chris (dammit i forgot your middle name) Nelson, 

Ben Lewis, 

Crista Dineese Dimock,

 Katrina Marie Dimock, 

Matt Andrew Dimock, 

Kaylianna Marie Dimock, 

Jessica Leighann Nielson, Branden Michael Anderson, Mallerie Kristine Anderson, Macaela Anderson,

 Alison Claire Jewell, 

Baby Emily Pollard :-p, 

Jordan Huus,

Jacob Andrew Austin, 

Evan Robert Smith, 

Kyrie Ann Nasi, 

Deanna Marie Storoe, 


And about a million others, thanks for bein there at some time or another, i love you always.



I Love You, Not Just Because Of Who You Are, But Because Of Who I Am When Im With You



Everybody needs somebody,

 i know this is true, 

everybody needs somebody.

 i need somebody too.

 everybody needs somebody,

 but i haven't much to do,

 cos ive already found somebody, and my somebody's you!




KKKKKK                 TTTT     

KKKKKK                 TTTT

KKK   KKK              TTTT

KKK      KKK           TTTT

KKK        KKKK      TTTT


These Are Cute... ^^


Little Jeff

Me and Baby Cousin Brenna at Her Mom, My Cousin Allison's, Wedding in Minnesota


Me And Alli on Her Wedding Day

Me and Amy Modeling During a Fashion Show for Fashion Bug



My Snuggle Bunny!!



Baby Matt Dimock, 1 1/2 months, not the most flattering picture though. Dont have any of Katrina (his mom), Crista or Kaylianna on my Computer tho. :-(

Tigers, I love them.



Cell: 425-232-4148


AIM: KaterGater55



(dont email hotmail or yahoo tho i never check it)


Here it is, guys, bender real quick!

5 minutes


i <3 2Pac

My Favorite song:

*California Love*

California...knows how to party

  California...knows how to party

  In the citaaay of L.A.

  In the citaaay of good ol' Watts

  In the citaaay, the city of Compton

  We keep it rockin!  We keep it rockin!

 Now let me welcome everybody to the wild, wild west 

A state that's untouchable like Elliot Ness

The track hits ya eardrum like a slug to ya chest 

Pack a vest for your Jimmy in the city of sex

We in that sunshine state with a bomb ass hemp beat

the state where ya never find a dance floor empty

And pimps be on a mission for them greens

lean mean money-makin-machines servin fiends

I been in the game for ten years makin rap tunes

ever since honeys was wearin sassoon

Now it's '95  and they clock me and watch me

Diamonds shinin lookin like I robbed Liberace

It's all good, from Diego to tha Bay 

Your city is tha bomb if your city makin pay

Throw up a finger if ya feel the same way 

Dre puttin it down for


(repeat 1)


2-Shake it shake it baby

  Shake it shake it baby

  Shake it shake it mama

  Shake it Cali

  Shake it shake it baby

  Shake it shake it shake it shake it...

Hmmm Thats about it imma have to bounce, thanks for checkin it out, and ill add more stuff later, i think

 Kisses N Hugs