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The Life I Live

Everyday of my plain life I've lived in a town where everyone new me, and everyone new my life as well! Sure sometimes it got annoying, with everyone knowing bout every kind of thing happening in my life, but atleast you could count on everyone having your back! Then one day your so-called wonderful mother like guardian you could call her, says "Hey Star how bout a change?" As if a change could make my life any better! Jayme was my moms best friends as I grew up, she was the one who babysat me and took care of me when mom had to have her fun. Mom was only 16 when she had me, LisaBeth was also 16, making them a little to young to understand what they had coming for them! Everyday I would come home from school, expecting to see Jayme, never my mom, mainly because by the age of 9 my mom had always done what she could to get out of the house, to get away from her When i turned 13, you could say i hadnt really seen my mom more then 3 hours on the weekend and maybe 4 hours tops during the week. You could reall say that my mom gave up and did what any one in their right mom might have done in the first place, given me up, the only place i could go was with Jayme. So here I am, living in a 2-bedroom apartment, in this city, when really i have no clue why! I guess you could call it one of those moments when life throws a curv ball? Everything was great the first week, i settled in to the big NYC, I had made a great new friend, and by friend i mean whoknows future husband? But lets not get to far ahead of ourselves now! His name was Nick, and he was about the greatest guy i had ever seen. No guy back in New Jersey had ever had that effect on me back home! We met in the laundry room of our new apartment the second day after moving in. How romantic right? Well it kind of was..except minus the part where his evil twin sister came down and gave me the usual stare down that i've always gotten! But this time was different, the one thing that set it apart was when she also tossed in a mutter of words about how she couldnt believe a guy like Nick and a girl like me would even think of looking at each other. That topped off my day. Nick told me of all the things around the block, what room he was in and abunch of other cool things that he knew of and thought i might be interested. Then his sister shot me another look and said "Well Nick mom wants us back now so we'll see you later...whoever you are." Nice kid i thought. For days after i didnt see or really hear from Nick, until the night before everyone would be going back to school. "Hello?" "Hi Star." The voice on the other end said. "Uh whos this?" "Its Nick! What you doing? You excited about.." I was really tired and well Nick tended to go on about nothing so i interupted. "Yeh so Nick im kind of busy can i let you go?" "Wait, tomorrow, Midwood right? I'll introduce you somemore to other people, ok?" Great all i ever wanted was to have to go and meet new people. "Yeh cool, see ya later Nick." At school, I tried my best to avoid the 'gang' that he had introduced me to early that morning. But they ended up finding me, there was atleast one of each of them in my classes so far. After a long lunch hour of sitting in the quad I had to find another class, Chemistry. I found a seat close to the back, and realized after the bell had finally rung, it was begining to look alot like a room full of guys. "Ok, Im Mr. Peterson, Mr. Pete for short, heres the deal," the teacher began to say as he turned from the board around to face us. "dont be late, i wont take fake excuses, so dont bother, and the last we dont need any class clowns right now so hold your jokes. Now lets begin with attendence..." All i could think was boy, this might be fun, the teacher was, well kind of cute. Next thing we all knew there was the principal and behind him trailed this guy with ripped jeans, dark blonde hair and a cute smile. "Mr. Peterson, heres Carter, excuse him from being late, I had him in the office. Now Carter, find a seat and learn something." He said, and then left. The best part was, the only open seat was the one infront of me. I couldnt complain when he sat down and turned around to say "Im not blocking your view am i?" "Uh no not at all." I said that with a smile, truthfully he was. Then he turned back around. (More to come Lata)

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