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My FREAKIN awesome web page

MY NAME IS KATE. This is my site. Im freaking awesome. So check me out!

CRAZY MOTHER F'RS!!! It all started out like a normal Saturday....wait, normal? This is shaws we're talking about here. Shaws isnt normal. Istarted like any typical (better) Saturday at shaws, Braintree. All the oldies were crowed around customer service in the morning to buy their scratchies. Then after that, the would shuffle through tthe aisles aimlessly. Picking up an item, staring at it for 10 minutes, then putting it back. They continued this in every aisle, as if it were some sick twisted game that they played.

My Favorite Web Sites

funny website ...created by these kids..
random crap
games, video spoofs,message boards..
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Top Ten Things That Annoy Me
