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Todays Thought
"Why are "Spaghetti O's" so good?" -Ryan

-The Floor: Rooney

The New Stuff 01/19/05

Ok, there should be some major renovating on this site upcoming with some more content and a video or two...look forward to it...

Some News 10/15/04

Wow, really slow week. Not much content updates, cause no one really has had anytime up late. However, don't you worry we'll be making stuff soon, and I'll be adding more games later today. So there will be some new stuff. Also, our song changes every wedsneday, so if you want to hear your song on here....just request it in the forum! Yeh, this is all for now, just lettin you know I didn't die.

Some More News 10/04/04

Yes, there is something new on the site. I was bored so Brian and I made a cheesy little video of us fighting with fake lightsabers made through the help of "paint" program. Yes check it out, it's cheesy, but quite amusing...if your weird. Yeh also should be making more things more consistantly so check back more often to see/hear the new stuff, Later.
All content copyright © 2004 Kantopolis