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My journal
Monday, December 13, 2004
Tomorrows my last test!
Mood:  cool
Topic: School, School, School
Well tomorrow is my last day in school till January 10th. I have the dreaded accounting test tomorrow, I think I am going to do ok in it though. I did very well this sememester and recieved all A's..., I'm so proud.

Posted by Jodi at 10:26 PM EST
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Mood:  happy
Well today I joined Natalya and Lisa at school to work on accounting. We are currently waiting for Lois to show up to help us with it. Afterwards I think I am going to go and find the movie Bourne Supremecy and the first one too!

Posted by Jodi at 12:55 PM EST
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Couple of classes down, more to go
Mood:  happy
So today I had a test in Excel, that was easy. I also handed in my last report for English. So that means I have no more Excel and no more English! YIPPY! Tired and going to go have a nap...

Posted by Jodi at 1:31 PM EST
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: On the computer, as always.
Topic: School, School, School
Sitting here in the computer room at school updating this thing and trying to figure out whether I want to make a real website or not. So tonight I have to find my resume and re-write it, finish up my report, study for excel and study for powerpoint.

Leave johnny alone

Posted by Jodi at 12:15 PM EST
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Boring Day, Long Day
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: On the
Topic: School, School, School
Well I have way more homework than I had calculated. I have to write the Report that is due in English like a week and a half from now, I have to read Chapter 8 of Accounting for tomorrow, I have to study for Excel and PowerPoint.

Posted by Jodi at 9:13 AM EST
Updated: Monday, November 29, 2004 8:03 PM EST
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Old friends are the best
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Old times
Today I talked to Erin, an old friend from High School. I love talking to old friends, it makes me happy. I guess all of the gang are getting together sometime and I love that idea. Doing homework and just chilling with Jay and Tyson as always. No visitors...kinda boring. Finished the darn Chapters. Finished my journal. Still have to read accounting.

Posted by Jodi at 5:14 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, November 28, 2004 11:36 PM EST
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Dreary day...damn its cold.
Mood:  caffeinated
Well I am busy working on my journals because they are due tomorrow. I am having fahitas for supper and then finishing off some accounting.

Posted by Jodi at 5:10 PM EST
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