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Our Policy For Using Our Free Templates :

* All of our layouts are linkware and free of charge otherwise stated *( change this)

STOP! Before you go on any futher, please make sure you read the "Readme First" file that is included, and make sure you understands it fully.(change this)

Title Line ( Whatever you want it to say):

All of our layouts are consist of CSS. This is a layout for intermediate webdesigners due to complex CSS involved. Most of the design replies on the CSS to bring out the best effects. All images, are place in an images directory. To be easily organized.

Terms : (same)

This layout is free for use but is linkware. If you use this layout, you must not edit, cover or remove the watermark and link to GeneratioNext below. The link must be on the actual layout where used on a main page or you can support us by putting on all your pages. That will help us alot. It would be nice to donate a few bucks to us, so it will help pay for our server. [That is not required though it would be nice. It shows that you appreciate our works.]

If this layout inspires you to make a similar one, I'll appreciate if you link back to us. Thank you and enjoy.

Want our links to be REMOVE ??? :

If you would like to get rid of our links, send us 10 US Dollar and our links will be removed. If you wish to remove our links, or want more information about it, please dont hestitate to contact email me at Also the layout will be removed from our database as well, which means no one else will be able to use that layout, but only you!

Installation :

To install this layout, upload the all of the files without tampering with anything [like the names and so on... unless you know what your doing] onto your server and then after that, make sure everything looks right. If not, then you messed up or the zip file does not include everything [which rarely happens]. Go to and you will get help there from us and other members. If you dont wish to do that, you can hire us and we can fix it for you for a low price. Anyway, if everything is okay, you can edit the links, so on. Enjoy!

Posted By: Your Name
Date: Date Issued
Source: Where You Found Your Information

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