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Jane and Ana

Disclaimer: (first-time visitors, please read) This is a pro-ana website. That means this is a place where anorexia is regarded as a lifestyle and a choice, not an illness or disorder. There are no victims here. If you regard anorexia exclusively as a disease, see yourself as the "victim" of an "eating disorder" in need of "recovery", or are seeking "recovery," it is strongly suggested that you leave this site immediately. IF you choose to ignore this warning, you WILL be triggered by the content of this site. I REFUSE to be held responsible for YOUR decisions since I am not able to make YOUR judgment calls for you. If you are under the age of 18, current laws in your geographical region may require you to obtain parental consent to view the contents of this website. You and you alone -- not me -- are responsible for determining if such laws exist and whether you obey them. By entering this site, you automatically certify that you are either 18+ or have obtained parental consent to do so. In the event anyone under 18 should enter this site without parental consent, I will NOT be held responsible for any federal, state or local law they may violate by doing so, nor for ANY resulting consequences to their physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health.

Jane's Relationship with Ana

Tips and Tricks (I know you're all eager)
About Jane
