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  • 1642- Isaac Newton is born in Woolsthorpe, England on December 25.
  • 1664-1665- He buys his first prism. He begins experimenting with lights nature.
  • 1667- He lays the groundwork for his theories of gravity, composition of light, and calculus.
  • 1669-He is appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics and writes his first paper on calculus.
  • 1671- He makes a reflecting telescope and he presents it to the Royal Society.
  • 1672- He becomes a menber of the Royal Society.
  • 1684-He writes the Principia.
  • 1687-He publishes the Principia which outlined the laws of motion, gravitation, and hyrodynamics.
  • 1689-He becomes a member of the Parliament.
  • 1692- He has a nervous breakdown.
  • 1696-He becomes warden of the mint.
  • 1699-He becomes master of the mint. He completes recoinage of English monetary system.
  • 1700-He is appointed Master of the mint.
  • 1703-He becomes the president of the Royal Society.
  • 1704- He publishes Opticks.
  • 1705- He becomes knighted by Queen Anne.
  • 1727- March 20th Isaac Newton dies.