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My Home Page For Jess

Welcome To My Home Page

Hello, My name is my Mike. I am 18 years old. My birthday was on Septemver 17. My life is boring. Except when I'm with my girlfriend. I love her so much. Her name is Jessica, she is the best person in the world. I want to spend the rest of my life her, I don't know what I would do without her, I could never love someone as much as I love her. I LOVE U JESS.

I like Metallica, I like to play the drums, I'm in a band with my brother. His name is Shane, he turned 20 on September 4th. He's pretty cool. He's pretty good at the guitar.

My Favourite Things About Jess

Links To My Site

For Jess
Why I Made This Site
Shout Outs