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R Rated Jokes.

A black man and his wife were going to a Halloween party in
a couple of days so the husband tells his wife to go to the
store and get costumes for them to wear.

When he comes home that night he goes into the bedroom and
there laid out on the bed is a Superman costume. The husband
yells at his wife, "What are you doing? Have you ever heard
of a black Superman? Take this back and get me something else
I can wear."

The next day the wife, not too happy, returns the costume
and gets a replacement. The husband comes home from work goes
to the bedroom and there, laid out on the bed, is a Batman
costume. He again yells at his poor wife, "What are you
doing? Have you ever heard of a black Batman? Take this back
and get me something I can wear to the costume party!"

The next morning his irate wife goes shopping. When the
husband comes home again from work, there laid out on the bed
are three items: one is a set of three white buttons, the
second is a thick white belt, and the third item is a 2x4 The
husband yells at the wife, "What the hell are these for?"

The wife yells back, "Take your clothes off. You can put the
three white buttons on the front of you and go as a domino.
If you don't like that idea, you can put the white belt on
and go as an Oreo. And if you don't like THAT idea, you can
shove the 2 x 4 up your ass and go as a fudgesicle!"

Blonde Jokes

What is the difference between laying bricks and laying blondes?
Answer: Bricks don't follow you home after you lay them!

Irish Jokes

Two Irish fishermen are out fishing when their boat starts to sink. They get into their dory and after a few days of drifting on the sea, one of them sees an old lamp in the bottom of the dory. He thinks to himself, what the heck maybe I will be lucky, so he rubs the old lamp. A genie appears and tells him that he can grant him only one wish then he will disappear. The Irishman thinks for a moment then says make the ocean into the finest beer in the world. Poof, it happens and the genie vanishes. The Irishman tries the beer and it is the best he has ever tasted. Try it he says to his fellow Irishman. Well, it is very good, but look at the mess we're in, now we have to pee in the boat!

Ur Papa and his Girl at Franky Tomatoes.