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Quintino Jaxson
DOB: July 7th
HEIGHT: 6'6''"
WEIGHT: 225lbs
HOMETOWN: Miami, Florida


 005 W | 002 L | 000 D

ALLIES: Nightdyne

ENEMIES: The World

PHW World Champion 1x
PHW U.S. Champion 2x
Won First Ever Anarchy Hellhouse Match

6 Man Tag
vs J.Payne.J Stevenson.Sean Hunter

Winner: None

LAST MATCH: vs Matthew Engel 

Winner: Quintino Jaxson

LAST MATCH: vs Jayce Ari 

Winner: Quintino Jaxson

Winner: None


Winner: None



/ /  'Breathing'  / /

Come on and start right now Where are these places, they hide themselves so well In certain faces, I thought that you could tell Which ones are decent, which ones begin to smell Well you should round 'em up and tell 'em all to go to hell It's so confusing the state of mind I'm in All the abusing, impossible to win In these times, and these ways, in these lines, as the days get shorter Please keep on breathing, I know you're aching It will be leaving, stop the explosion No one is innocent, just think that you can Pick yourself up again, then healing will begin To start right now How did we get here, been on the road so long The same appearance, there is no right from wrong It's all so scary, the storm is moving in Wrapped up in your fear and so confused on where to begin It's overwhelming, the state of mind we're in And so concerning, the kind of mess we're in In these times, and these ways, in these lines, as the days get shorter Please keep on breathing, I know you're aching It will be leaving, stop the explosion No one is innocent, just think that you can Pick yourself up again, then healing will begin To start right now Can't seem to stop this (get this off my chest) Can't seem to stop this (get this off my chest) Please keep on breathing, I know you're aching It will be leaving, stop the explosion No one is innocent, just think that you can Pick yourself up again, then healing will begin To start right now

/ //   Five.Bolt.Main.  / /


My Mind is a Deep Dark Forest in which Life and Death are battling for the top spot while the other dangers slowly creep out into words as they take over into a genocide like none other. I am the Nightmare before the Fantasy

A Dream within The Nightmare A Dream within The Nightmare A Dream within The Nightmare

I made yes its mine.please dont steal.its not very nice.


Jaxson stands in the walkway of a historic building as the cold is making smoke infrantise his breath. He smirks a little as a black hood stands over his head.

Quintino Jaxson: To live in the past is to become history because it only brings up fairy tale like futures. It's a shame though of course when ones live in the past, they take it into their minds and it begins to rule their lives, it makes them believe that the past will always repeat in the future, and for them to think that is simply a case of direspectful misleading. Everyone has their own circles they draw, everyone brags about past accomplishments but to fabricate them into a cover like manner until the point in which you pull that cover over your own eyes is just pathetic. It make's you pathetic to life itself. It gives you no reason to live in the future because your mind is stuck in the past, so one should ask himself, how can my brain evolve if it is stuck in one place and in one memory that just won't seem to wash away because I praise it as if it was my God. But I do understand the likings of ones past, they give you a boost of competitors spirit. It gives you that extra drive of confidence, but when you abuse that feeling and become drunk of your own sucess, it makes you a patient in the house of your own ego. And that gives me a simple edge in your mind and a simple defeat to your body. It's my game, my specialty within the field of all specilizations. See Sean Hunter is a simple re-run within his own mind. He believes that the things he has done will make people fear him, give him praise and hold his dear name high. And that's mistake, if your beliefs are lies how could your future be believable by others. No one cares for the fact that he was Franchise champ, nor who he beat and why he beat him. I don't care who's run through within his past. I dont respect his future because of his past and I will not respect him until he realizes the cloud that he's help build over his eyes is there. He's a laugh after eating a whole bunch of food, he gives you the queasy feeling because you know he's gonna come out and say the same shit, it makes you feel full because he stuffs his past down your throats, and well I forced myself to gag with my index finger and I through it right up. I'm allergic to bullshit...

But when you annhiliate your mind with the assassination of your own good will it leads you down the path that brings you right into a play in which the scene you enter stage right, I am already standing stage center, so you've had your fair share of moments in the ring, your hoorahs and your oh my gods, you have nothing left to prove? Yes you do, since you live in your past, prove your past just like the repetitous pawn you are Hunter, no one cares about your body almost giving out you in the ring, what does that make you an elite wrestler? You almost stopped your own heart in the ring and that makes your a GIANT amongst midgets? It makes you a fool, a fool that got blessed by the one and only TRUE God there is. It makes you a slave unto your own concience because that thought lies within the back of your mind constantly rewinding and replaying making you think that it showed you that you were stronger then the rest, and that you were stupid enough to step in another ring with another superstar when chances you are, you just might suffer the same fate if not worst again. That, that's that beautiful side of the ugly thought. See Sean, you're a challenge to none but your own mind. You claim to be a shiny mercedes benz, but see with due time all shiny things become dirty, all new cars wear and tear and they become old, dirty and broken. You are in the stages of becoming rusty, scratched and broken down. You've given yourself into a chain and have become a link following in order with all the others. You? A challenge? A challenge to nothing but a dance I've been challenged at many a many times and I still havent changed it. It still seems brand new. See Sean you've sewn yourself into the pattern Sean don't you see. Your team is misconfiguration, and your mind is a ticking time bomb. I'm here to set the configuration straight and reset the clock on the bomb.. .


Your careers, your lives, your thoughts, your bodily functions. All are about to take a dramatic change in two opposite directions. You three are all going to see the light on the other side of the fence, you are going to hear the knocking in your heart that's telling you its time for a change, your career will take a turn for the better after this loss, your life will seem so much better your breakfast the next morning will seem so much better then last mornings, your thoughts will be so much more clearer then before, your body will commend for your change and be smarter, be more thought out. Enigma, Chris and I? We're going to change your lives, in the midst of real life it'll seem fake as in slow motion we'll defeat you at a normal pace, we'll slowly in black in white within your mind erase all the garbage, all the plastic hype, all the past memories and we'll reward you with new direction. It'll seem so clear the next morning, it'll be so true after all the aligations of false advertisement on our parts. We don't shiver, we don't lie, we don't take prisoners, we give you sense of direction and truth. No one has ever walked away from a match with me and had not had one change. I am the key that turns an ever changing lock inside of my opponents. I am no God, but I was given the gift to make others realize make others understand the most understandable and I accept my fate in that. I don't care for the loud talk and silent actions. Let your actions speak louder then your mouths and well in this case, it's just that, because all of you have said bits and pieces but yet you all stayed silent to me. That made me proud to know that it was a half of my job instead of a whole, you knew what not to say and what to say. But for something to become a masterpiece it has to be finished and complete not undone and pending. I was once a God and a Savior, now I'm a dream within your nightmares. I am a thought that is going to seap into your minds after Saturday Night, I am what you're going to see in the mirror when you wipe it off from all the dirt. I am what you will become thankful for and I won't say your welcome. Why? Because for me to reply is for you to be grateful and no one ever is. Stevenson, this was never your fight to begin with. Payne you never stood a chance, whether you were the past,present, future and forever because in each of those you didnt stand a chance. Hunter, my friend, my brother, my student welcome to your crowning, welcome to your celebration that you wanted in your past for your accomplishments, welcome to the dance in which you are the star.

There comes a time when the lights dem, and the bulbs inside rest, there comes a time when the eyes close and the brain thinks without your movements, there comes a time when you step into a ring and your body break without your allowance, and there comes a time when you have to stop being what you hold yourself as and start being what you are. I am what I am, I am a nightmare in a form of a dream inside all of you alls realities. I accept that. I know my duties and my responcibilities. I don't complain, I don't demand titles. I don't claim stuff thats not mine mine. I only call it how I see it and how it really is. I can say that this match is mine because I'm in it, but to say I've won it, is just simply disrespecting the future and to do that is just fucking Karma straight up the ass and I'm married so I'm ok. I know that theres a slight chance that losing the match is relevant but to me, I don't see but even those with 20 20 vision can look over the most biggest of things. I know that when I walk into that arena, into that lockerroom, out that lockerroom into those curtains and to that ring. I'll stand my ground and go to work as the dance teacher and mind minipulator I am. I know you find this funny, but the to me the joke does not exist. What am I saying? I'm saying for me this is fun, for you this is school. No one likes school, but for the lessons I'm going to enstill are things you'll have a lifetime. Hunter, you're running away from your body with that mind, I'm simply here to bring your mind back. I'm gonna shape your ego back into its original size from the blown porportions you've held. I am here to show Stevenson that his Highlights are the thoughts he has had about being bettet then me because like most highlights most of em seem so unreal and sometimes with anything they usually are. Payne, you are forever, I'm right now. Let me take you down a road where forever seems only for seconds. I'll take you into a paradise of pain and let the thought linger in your mind and form the dream that awaits you in your sleep as I show you my created nightmare in your dreams. History is history, things evolve, I'm evolutionized. But your dreams, will never evolve not so long as the nightmare of the Nightdyne Nightmare known as Quintino Jaxson exists. .

Jaxson walks away.

We had just witnessed Jaxson be told that Cassie was pregnant after his emotional loss with Sapphire back sometime ago, Jaxson was stunned, but what he asked was what made him wonder.

Quintino Jaxson: Baby? You gonna answer me?.

Cassie: It was a surprise cause I wanted you to be happy, like you told Hunter, stop living in your past..

Quintino Jaxson: That's different.

Cassie: BUT HOW?.

Quintino Jaxson: That was my seed, my child! It hurt.

Cassie: Yeah well this one is yours too..

Quintino Jaxson: I know and the fact of remembering the joy I felt back then and knowing now is wonderful.

Cassie: Really?...

Quintino Jaxson:Yes...

Quintino's facial expression has went from a lost look into a smile as they hugged and kissed in joy.

Cassie: Oh I love you Jaxson.

Quintino Jaxson: I know..*laughs* You know I love you too.

Cassie: Of course

Quintino Jaxson: So, thought of any names?

Cassie:No but we can start *laughs*

Quintino Jaxson:I gotta tell my mom