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~The First Pagey Thingey~

My Favorite Web Sites Spencers webpage I love this site. I mostly just get on it to chat but the actual game is fun too. This is one of my best friend's, Gable, web site and I thought it was pretty cool. It has his bands lyrics on it. Check it out. Be there or be square.(i like being square >_<)

Why I am proud of my father

I dedicate this page to my father. He is in Iraq fighting for this country along side many other soldiers. Him and all of them are risking their lives for our freedom and I wish that atleast one of them can be recognized. My dad has been taken out of my life to go and fight...I miss him soooo much but I am sooo proud of him because he puts his country above himself. He continues to stay in contact with me which is saying a lot because I know that there are people that go on missions and use that as an excuse to stop communicating with their kids. Please, pray for my father and the troops that they will be allowed to one day return home to their waiting families. Just think of all the people that wait and wait for their fathers, mothers, husbands, and wives (which ever it is) and sometimes they never return. That is so heartbreaking and I think we just need to pray for all those waiting people and for the troops protection. Thank you. In Him, ~amber~ P.S. My dad is the guy on the right. Notice he looks a lot like me for those who actually know who I am.
