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Heather's Really Cool Page (i swear)

howdy peeps! i am workin on building this site so yer gunna have ta be a tad patient with me while it is under construction. thanx a bunch! If you have any pictures or sumthing you want put up email um to me and i will be glad to. I think this is where I am supposed to leave my shout outs.. ready? here we go: Hello and lots of love to everyone: Charlie, Russell, Katrina, Shannon, Dan, Jen, Stina, Tony, Jeremy, Derek, Patrick, Brandon, Denny, Michelle and baby, Jeremy, Micha, Stephie, Donnie, Will, Ashley, Zachary, Jonny, Mike(Gordo).. um.. err.. I know i left someone out.. so as i think of um i will put um up.. hehe love you guys!


More Friends!
Hey look! More Friends!
And More...
And More..
And Another..
Geezz... got enough pics?
last one i promise
My Family
More of My Family
Heather's Book