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src="http://htmlgear.tripod.c HI! Thanks for seeing my site, I'm getting more stuff up soon, please visit our sister site by clicking the link above, Yoda rox!!!! luv ya hAnA!! heres some info.... Yoda is a Jedi Master who is shrouded in mystery. While standing 0.66 meters tall, Yoda proves that bigger isn't better. While 900 years old, Yoda can still force lift a speeder out of a swamp. Yoda's species and home planet are a mystery. He first appears in Episode 1 as a permanent member of the Jedi High Council. Yoda is against training Anakin. While the Jedi High Council votes with Yoda nearly every time, the vote is to train the boy. Yoda started teaching young Jedi when he was in his 700s on the Jedi training ship Chu'unthor. When the ship crashed on the planet Dathomir, none of the Jedi could free it. Two of Yoda's pupils were the king Empatojayos Brand, and Qu Rahn. Once, Yoda stopped a group of evil Jedi from the planet Bpfassh. One Jedi got to Dagoba. The Jedi was killed by Yoda, and his essence was absorbed into a tree, forming a dark side nexus. Yoda might have picked Dagobah to hide on because his good and the trees evil would block Yoda from Palpatines senses. To this day only two people ever found out Yoda's hiding place. Luke Skywalker and Major Arhul Hextrophon The latter was sworn to secracy, and never told a sole. Yoda, aside from his Duties on the Jedi Council, would train Jedi before they paired up their masters. During the Galactic Civil War, Yoda hid on Dagobah. He waited for a new hope to come to him. Finally Luke crashed into his swamp. Yoda tested Luke's patience, and then reluctantly agreed to train him. Luke left with out con pleating his training. Later, Luke returned. Yoda said he was a Jedi as soon as he defeated Darth Vader. Luke learned that Leia was his sister, and that Darth Vader was his father. Then Yoda died. At the end of Episode VI, Yoda is seen as a spirit along side Anakin and Obi Wan.