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1. I love chicken 2. I am a procrastinator 3. I am a kid- I love climbing big trees 4. I hate seafood 5. I like to think that im funny 6. Shopping is a great way to waste a Saturday 7. I like Swings 8. I like lip-gloss 9. My favorite soda is Sprite 10. I love being in the sun 11. The zoo is one of my favorite places 12. Love being in convertibles 13. I like camping and being outdoors 14. I want to go sky-diving 15. I like listening to the band Reel Big Fish 16. Enjoy rock climbing 17. I like having some alone time 18. Getting sweet kisses on cheek and forehead 19. Love the great city of Chicago! 20. I’m all about Taco Bell 21. My cousin Krystle is one of my best friends 22. I have been called a “heartbreaker” 23. I hate feet 24. Playing in the warm sand 25. When I am upset, I love ice cream (actually I always love it...) 26. Im all about rocky rococo’s or any pizza 27. Pole-vaulted in HS and miss it terribly now 28. I would love to own a toyota celica 29. I am outgoing 30. My favorite musical is RENT or Westside Story 31. Love the ocean! 32. I do not own a hair brush 33. I love taking pictures 34. I love watchin Real World or Road Rules 35. A&W root beer is the way to go 36. Raspberry jello is my absolute favorite dessert 37. I do not like the word “whatever” at all! 38. Still love coloring with crayons 39. My favorite take-out is chinese 40. I like late-nite telephone conversations with cute boys 41. my best girl friend is lisa (Dangerous) 42. I love football 43. I work at Starbucks Coffee Co. (4bux) 44. I am afraid of dying 45. I love dancing in my underwear when im home alone 46. I am attracted to guys with a great sense of humor 47. I wish I had an IPOD 48. I met my best buddy mark in english 49. I love snow 50. Not a huge fan of sweaters 51. I like sex 52. I am a perfectionist 53. Running in the rain is awesome 54. I like silky Pajamas 55. I love swim suits (I have atleast 10) 56. My mother is one of best friends 57. I love making fun of and giving Chris a hard time 58. I hate scary movies 59. I am very undecisive 60. I would love to take a huge road trip 61. I love sleeping 62. I hate routine ( I live each day a quarter mile at a time haha) 63. I like dressing up and being pretty 64. No beer is better then Miller Lite 65. I like gettin snail mail 66. I want to learn to surf 67. Do not like japanese anime 68. I love being under a ton of blankets 69. I miss courtney marie mckinney so much! RIP 11/10/03 70. I am terrified of whipping towels! 71. I am boy crazy at times 72. I love cuddling 73. I like candles 74. Love the smell of apple cinnamon 75. I hate the word, “tight” (oppose to it being loose? Stupid....) 76. I am fun 77. I LOVE Jamaica and would love to have a house there someday 78. I like comfy pants 79. Lived in Tennessee and miss it a lot 80. I am happy with my life 81. I am scared of pain caused by rubber bands 82. My favorite city is Madison! 83. I like swimming, not laps so much, but just splashing around 84. I am outgoing 85. I spend a lot of time laughing and smiling 86. I like sledding 87. I have never been to California but I will sometime 88. Love drinking OJ with champagne in the mornings 89. I could spend hours just laying in my own bed 90. I like to be romanced and seduced 91. Do not like gold jewelry 92. I love roller coasters 93. I like to think im sexy 94. I am sooo guilty of singing in the shower! 95. When craving ice cream, COLDSTONE is my choice 96. Love midnight trips to Dunkin Donuts for a plain bagel 97. I am VERY stubborn! 98. I hate drama 99. Nacho cheese doritos are a great snack 100. I like being treated like a princess

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