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My Sanctuary
Saturday, 26 June 2004

GAME BOY - Born to Play
A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of
sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have
your electronics you feel you can cope. Time
goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room
hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your
favourite collection of guitar-driven

Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour,

Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life,
action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.

Your Personality type is the only type that would
like this cool online gothic Game:

What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 6:57 PM PDT
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You should be dating a Gemini
21 May - 20 June
This mate is inquisitive, entertaining and
charming, liberal, broad-minded and youthful.
Though Gemini has a tendency to be impatient,
gossipy and sometimes irritable, this twin has
the ability to expresses his or her pent up
emotions during sex!

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 6:49 PM PDT
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You are a Siren. More adventurous than all with a
voice like no other you sit on warm rocks and
sing to the moon and sea. Yet sometimes
shipwrecks find you and raving men want you.
You are a bottle of talent and power. What the
unknown is you seek to find, and a lover. You
have the moon and stars as freinds. There are a
very few of you, what a rare find. Will you
rate my quiz, I think your voice in just

What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 6:38 PM PDT
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You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what
that can always mean, because it can be defined
in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were
the spirits of passed away people who are
neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the
earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing
when you expect it least. So hence, if you have
a Lost Soul, then you are probably very
insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box,
you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont
know your place. You seemingly dont have a
place in society or an interest. You are a very
capricious person, and are confused and
frustrated about where you belong. You crave
for the sense and feeling of home-but have not
obtained it yet.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 6:36 PM PDT
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Your a Dark Angel...and hey, you probably knew it.
Dark angel are in truth, very malicious, but a
sign of one also is very sad. Dark Angel all
used to be pure angels, but something went very
wrong with their life. Either it was the
sudden, murder of a loved one, betrayl, or pure
torture to them, dark angels have commited
their life to Satan himself. They are silent,
and their wings are dark black feathers, or
blood red. Dark Angels appear when there is
someone dying, or a murder. If you see one, it
means the death of a loved one is expected.
Dark Angels cannot actually harm a human, but
they love to see the suffering of one.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 6:19 PM PDT
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My sign of affection... or so they say
holding hands
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 12:05 AM PDT
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What is your souls Trait? This is mine
Your soul is STEADFAST. You are a fiercely loyal
person who would never cross a loved one.
People always know they can rely on you and
your dependability is well-known. You're
probably a little on the quiet side, but your
faithfulness is never doubted, and you always
back up your kith and kin whether they want or
need it or not. You are a dependable and
trusted soul.

What Is Your Soul's Trait?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 12:00 AM PDT
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Friday, 25 June 2004
What color is your heart? This is mine
Info Black
Your Heart is Black

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 11:54 PM PDT
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Hey!! Some how you stumbled upon this little site, or you linked off my msn membership.... but it doesn't really matter, except the fact that your here. So whats going on?
Anyway... names Eve and I'm 14 going on my Freshmen year. GO FRASH!!! Woah. Trash cans for all of us. I'm crazy and this is my sanctuary so if something I say scares you than good cause thats what I wanted it to do!! MUAHHH

Posted by crazy3/eveo8 at 11:36 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 25 June 2004 11:46 PM PDT
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