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[ some will seek forgiveness, others escape ] — Profile

Name:  Robin
Location:  PA
Birthday:  9 June, 1990

Music Codes Central

[-x-] name: Robin [-x-] middle name: Elizabeth (blegh) [-x-] half-birthday: ::thinks:: December 9. [-x-] name of first pet: Well, when I was born I had two pets- a cat, Mama, and a dog, Molly. [-x-] hometown: Narberth, PA. Only lived there for 6 months, but oh well. [-x-] dream place of residence: Hmm...that's a hard one. Maybe Virginia? Warm, but not too hot. [-x-] first boyfriend: Lol, Johnny. Peter doesn't even count anymore, I think calling him my boyfriend was just wishful thinking on my part, lol. [-x-] least favorite class: Well, my 2 least favorite classes were Tech. Ed. and Health, but I don't have them anymore [::all rejoice::] it's probably Science or Math, lol. [-x-] most embarrassing moment: Hmm..well, if I had to pick one...actually, I don't really know! I guess I'd have to say "the David incident", when I put that love letter in David Whiteman's locker and he passed it around health class because he didn't know what it was. Argh, I almost died right then and there!! ::head slams on desk:: [-x-] latest crush: I think I have a crush on's mutual flirting, anyway, but I can't help it! ;] [-x-] what are you most nervous about right now?: Um...I guess just that I won't finish eighth grade with good grades. [-x-] which issue would you most like to resolve in your life?: Well, I'm going to choose a broad one- hate. That pretty much somes all problems up, huh? [-x-] what are you excited about?: Graduating, starting camp, the mission trip!! [-x-] what was your worst day so far?: I'd have to say the day Jeff dumped me. I hardly stopped crying all day, I was so miserable, and I kept seeing him everywhere. Everything reminded me of him and I couldn't accept the fact that he had dumped me. Such an awful experience. [-x-] who are you most angry at right now?: Well, no one, really. But Laurel, I guess, because she permanently ticks me off, lol. [-x-] favorite band?: I can't decide!!! I like so many bands- Full Surrender, Dashboard Confessional, and loads of others as well... [-x-] do you eat meat?: No. Well, sort of, I still eat some seafood, but only very rarely... [-x-] favorite movie: Pay It Forward. SUCH a good movie. [-x-] do you cry in a lot of movies?: Yeah, lol, I'm a sentimental foo'! ;] Emolicious. Hehe. [-x-] favorite word: I'd have to say idiotnacle. Eric and I made it up. :D I make up words all the time, 'tis quite funny. But wait! Mangolicious and emolicious are pretty dudacious too... [-x-] are you religious?: Oui. I'm a Jesus freak. ;] [-x-] when you die, do you want to be cremated?: No, that's kind of freaky, lol. I just want to be buried, it seems less brutal. [-x-] what are you listening to?: "The Reason", by Hoobastank. <33 that song!! It's mine and Eric's song, lol!! ::cracks up:: Inside joke, don't ask, lol. [-x-] are you friends with mostly girls or mostly guys?: Mostly girls, although I have my share of guy friends. [-x-] what do you want to name your kids?: Hm...gotta think about that. Guys: Jared, Gabriel, Eric, Elijah; Girls: Remy, Esperanza, Faith, Rain, Harmony, Hope, Lyric, Rhapsody, Carmen, Charisma, Azure. Not that I'm going to have that many kids, hahaha... [-x-] ever have that experience where you can't tell if you dreamed something or if it really happened?: Yeah, a few months ago, actually! I woke up in the middle of the night because it was raining, and then this thought goes through my head that was something like "You are Rachel Scott." and then I corrected myself and said "You are going to be the next Rachel Scott." and so I said "God, if that's true, let it rain harder." and the rain starts pounding on the roof. It was louder than I've ever heard it in my life. And then it gradually faded away. I think it was either something my mind invented or a message from God, but either way...and if it was from God, then it doesn't matter if it was a dream or not, because John had a dream and the entire book of Revelations was based on it because it was a dream sent by God. So yeah. ;] [-x-] favorite holiday: My birthday, I guess. But maybe Christmas. That's fun too. :) And I like National Emo Pride Day, of course! :D [-x-] would you rather be deaf, blind, or dumb?: Hmm. Well, if I was deaf, I couldn't hear music; if I was blind, I couldn't see beauty; if I was dumb, I couldn't sing. Dumb, I guess. [-x-] smart or rich?: Smart, of course. [-x-] how many states have you been to?: Hmm, I'm going to have to list them all, then count them. Pennsylvania, Virginia, California, Idaho, Texas, Arizona, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Maine, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina...I think that's it. So that is 14 states, I believe. [-x-] what's the farthest away you've ever been from home?: California, probably, or maybe Mexico...or Idaho? ;] [-x-] what is your secret ambition?: Well, a lead singer[/guitarist?] in an emo band. ;] [-x-] what is your non-secret ambition (lol)?: A missionary. I'm going to be a missionary someday when I grow up, I just know it. And a youth leader at Wayne Pres. ;] I wanna save the world!! Hehe. [-x-] what are your talents?: Well, the obvious ones like singing, writing, drawing, photography, etc. But also the ones that aren't obvious, that you have to know me to see- seeing the beauty in everything and everyone (that's my photographer's eye, lol)...being able to love everyone and not hate...they're talents that aren't the ones you would normally think of when asked. Everyone's got them. [-x-] if you could have any three wishes granted, what would you wish for?: 1) the elimination of all hate. 2) to not care what people think of me at all. 3) to be the person God wants me to be.
Interests:  . : + : . d i c t i o n a r y . : + : . ...of the most awesomeness words ever. because i made them up. ;] enjoy. Aarblegaarble Pronunciation: ahr-buhl-gahr-buhl Function: interjection Derivation: I was really frustrated and was talking to someone online and it just came out. Definition: an expression of frustration. Usage: "The word aarblegaarble is the epitome of coolness." Argabibble Pronunciation: ahr-gah-bih-buhl Function: interjection Derivation: I said aarblegaarble when I was talking to Eric and he said argabibble back. So now it's a dispute over which is better. I still say my word's better. Hmph. Definition: Eh, ask Eric, I don't know. I think it means the same thing as aarblegaarble, but that's just a guess. Usage: "Argabibble is definitely not as cool a word as aarblegaarble." Awesomeness Pronunciation: aw-sum-ness Function: adjective Derivation: I randomly created this word, who knows how. Maybe it was during the phase that I went through in which I added the suffix '-ness' onto everything... Definition: awesome. Gee, there's a shocker! Usage: "I heard the most awesomeness song on the radio last night!" Blargh Pronunciation: blarg Function: interjection Derivation: I have no idea. It just came out of my mouth one day. Definition: an expression of disgust. I use it when I don't feel well or when I'm not looking forward to something, usually. Usage: "Blargh, I feel awful!" Blenderize Pronunciation: blehn-der-ayze Function: verb Derivation: I made it up to describe what had happened to something when I put it in the blender, and now it has come to mean something different. Definition: to get messed up, changed drastically, Usage: "My life has been totally blenderized." Byeness Pronunciation: by-ness Function: interjection Derivation: (see derivation of entry awesomeness) Definition: goodbye. Usage: "Byeness, I'll talk to you later!" Colk Pronunciation: cohk Function: noun Derivation: a mixture of country and folk. Definition: The kind of music that you can't decide if it's country or folk. Usage: "Ugh, colk music SUCKS." Coolio Pronunciation: koo-lee-oh Function: adjective Derivation: Well, a lot of different people say they made it up- I still say it was me, though. ;] Definition: cool. Duh. Usage: "That is SO coolio!!!!" Coolness Pronunciation: koohl-ness Function: interjection Derivation: see derivation of entry awesomeness. Definition: cool. Duh. Usage: "My new shoes are so coolness!" Daisy Dance Pronunciation: day-zee danse Function: noun Derivation: I thought it up when I was making fun of a Jessica Simpson song with Gabby on the bus, lol. Then I used it to describe Laurel talking about how she loves school. ;] Definition: a pansy dance. One might say 'lalalala' while performing a daisy dance. It often involves spinning and doing 'sparkle-finger' motions. Hehe. Usage: "She!|s like 'Oh, I love school! ::does daisy dance::' " Dudeness Pronunciation: dood-ness Function: interjection Derivation: Who knows. See the derivation of entry awesomeness for more information. Definition: it can be used in place of 'whoa!' or 'dude!'. Usage: "Dudeness, I love your shoelaces!" Emosketeer Pronunciation: ee-moh-skeh-teer Function: noun Derivation: Rachel made it up- it's a combination of 'emo' and 'musketeer'. ;] Pretty cool beans, eh? Definition: one of a group of closely-knit pathetically-emo freaks. Like me! ;D Usage: "The emosketeers are the most awesomeness people EVER." Freakazoid (see entry phreakazoid) Goop Pronunciation: goop- just like it's spelled. Function: noun Derivation: Steph used it in conversation with me when I was posting bits of this very dictionary. The conversation went something like this: hotcurlicandi847: Too much intelligence and dumbness mixed together! hotcurlicandi847: To make GOOP! hotcurlicandi847: GOOP! hotcurlicandi847: YOU HEAR ME?! hotcurlicandi847: GOOOOOOOOOOOP! Gee, I sure hope she wasn't calling my brain goop...hmm. Definition: Well, I think she was using it to describe my brain- according to her, it's 'intelligence and dumbness mixed together'. That makes a lot of sense... Thanks, Steph. Usage: "Robin's brain is most CERTAINLY not goop!" Gopod Pronunciation: goh-pahd Function: adjective Derivation: Eric meant to say 'good' but he said 'gopod' instead. Personally, I like gopod better. Definition: Good. Usage: "I had the most gopod day today!!" Hmph Pronunciation: hmf Function: interjection Derivation: I think I first heard it on a children's TV show...something about Twinkle Toes...::ponders:: Eh, who knows. Definition: Well, it's a sound you make when you're sort of mad at someone, usually in a joking way. Usage: "You have tickets to the concert? And you didn't get any for me?! Hmph." Idiotnacle Pronunciation: ih-dee-aht-nah-kul Function: noun Derivation: I have no idea, actually. Eric made it up at some point and I just picked it up. Now Steph attempts to use it, but sadly she mispronounces it. ::sob:: Definition: An idiot (duh). But you would only call someone an idiotnacle if they were like, your friend. It's not a true insult. Usage: "Don't be an idiotnacle- flowered Chucks are so much better than black ones." Idiotnacle-ish Pronunciation: ih-dee-aht-nah-kul-ish Function: adjective Derivation: I just modified the word 'idiotnacle'. Definition: It's how you describe someone that acts like an idiotnacle. Usage: "He is the most idiotnacle-ish person I've ever met." Iggle Pronunciation: ih-gle Function: verb Derivation: I misspelled 'giggle' once and now my version has become a replacement in some circles. Definition: to giggle. Usage: "I tried my hardest to stop iggling, but I couldn't help it." Mangolicious Pronunciation: mang-go-lish-us Function: adjective Derivation: I originally made it up when I was eating a mango. It was very sweet and juicy so I decided to make it a word. ;] Definition: very good. Usage: "Wow, that pizza was mangolicious!" Phreak Pronunciation: freek Function: noun Derivation: It's a creative spelling of the word 'freak'. Creative spelling ALL THE WAY! Definition: freak. To quote Simon Cowell: "Well, that's the surprise of the century." Usage: "Dudeness, you're such a phreak." Phreakazoid Pronunciation: freek-uh-zoyd Derivation: It's creative spelling of the word 'freakazoid'. I made that up, too. ;] Definition: freakazoid. Usage: "Ahh, he's such a phreakazoid, I don't think I can take it anymore!!!" ::faints:: Phw0a Pronunciation: fwoh. Function: interjection Derivation: I don't know who made it up, but I think it was Shawn from the popularity message board. It's usually used in place of 'whoa!'. Definition: whoa. Usage: "Phw0a, that was the most awesome thing ever!" Puffe Pronunciation: peuf Function: interjection Derivation: I have no idea, haha. Definition: A noise one makes when one is attempting to push one's sister off the couch with one's foot. One count: four. ;] Usage: "Puffe. Puffe. PUFFE!!!" ::Laurel falls off couch:: Rotacious Pronunciation: roh-tay-shuss Function: adjective Derivation: I don't even know. I made it up when I was like, seven or eight- my first made-up word!! ;] Definition: awesome. Dudacious. Usage: "Magenta is totally rotacious!...or maybe not." Shooby Pronunciation: shoo-bee Function: proper noun Derivation: The Sean Paul song 'Like Glue' contains this word. The line of the song is: 'Frontway backway Dutty K man have di shooby shooby'. It was originally made up in Ocean City on the Alive retreat while in a van with a few friends from church. Definition: Robin's nickname. It has no actual meaning as far as I know. Sean Paul was probably just high when he wrote the song. Usage: "Shooby is the most awesomest emo kid ever!" Shooby dance Pronunciation: shoo-bee dance Function: noun Derivation: Well, since I'm Shooby and I dance, it is therefore a shooby dance, right? Definition: A dance that I, Shooby, do when I am happy, lol. Usage: "I'm done my homework!!" ::does shooby dance:: Shooby-Shooby (see entry Shooby) Squee Pronunciation: skwee Function: interjection Derivation: Who knows? Definition: It's a noise someone (or at least, me) makes when they squeal. It's an expression of excitement and it's often combined with a smack on the side of the head by my wonderful friends or, sometimes, me, in an attempt to jog my brain. ;] Usage: "They have floral Chucks?? Squee!" Suckness Pronunciation: suck-ness [a-der] Function: interjection Derivation: (see entry awesomeness) Definition: the quality of suckiness. Usage: "You're not going to the party? Suckness." Superemoglue Pronunciation: soo-per-ee-moh-gloo Function: noun Derivation: It's [very coolness] three words put together. Definition: glue used to mend broken hearts. [In other words, it's a figment of the imagination- we emo folks WISH it existed, but it really doesn't...does it?] ;] Usage: "I could really use some superemoglue right about now." ::cries:: Tookie Pronunciation: too-kee Function: proper noun Derivation: The Sean Paul song 'Like Glue' contains this word. The line of the song is: 'Virgin dem waan gimme and mi have to tooky tooky'. It was modified to 'Tookie'. It was originally made up in Ocean City on the Alive retreat while in a van with a few friends from church. Definition: Eric's nickname. It has no actual meaning as far as I know. Sean Paul was probably just high when he wrote the song. Usage: "Tookie, shut up or I'll poke your sunburn." Tookie-Tookie (see entry Tookie) What= upness? Pronunciation: waht ee-kwuls up-ness? Function: phrase Derivation: I made it up at some point while talking to Rachel. My '-ness' phase again, I suppose... Definition: It means 'What's up?'. It can only be used online, you can't use it in a regular oral conversation because it would sound weird. Usage: 'Emocore027: Hey, what= upness?'
Blog Created:  Saturday, 24 April 2004
Last Updated:  Wednesday, 23 March 2005 - 8:53 PM EST
Blog Entries:  94

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